The sword is unparalleled is a person who jumped away. He itself did not have a background. The only thing that he directly under the boss was a person.

As a result, he was also wrong with the real Wuyang station. He joined the red water hall, and Zhenwu Yang joined Eternal Tower.

Now, he will have some megara with the Tongtian Buddhist world. After all, the cause of the body needs to go to the Tongtian Buddhism, and it is also available for them.

Since the advanced six turn, the killing of killing has gradually become bigger, although it is not impossible, and can be removed before the crowd.

He can pay a good intention with the hostile monks, this is also a universe for his love, really wants to have evil in the sky, he really doesn't know how to solve the cause of the body.

Hui Qing mastered the ultimate way, now the power is so strong, will become a half-step monarch, will definitely be attached to the Tong Tian Buddhism, the status will be very high, the sword is unparalleled can also rely on this relationship, help no quantity Help him solve the cause of robbery.

However, all this must wait for the end of the discrimination, the first step of the highest trial is now in one tenth, everything is still very early.

I don't know where the emperors are? There is still countless Diqi being plundered there.

Their Damai fairy is just one of the rings, everything is confusing.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has recovered his physical strength as soon as possible. I just gave an universe to instill my mind. I was so much overdraft for him. It was so strong enough to hurt my own.

"Kill!" The sword was unbeded, and the fantasy bonded to the fantasy.

It is comparable to the limit of the killing of the ultimate Damai, and the countless mountain stone is broken.

I originally accounted for the wind, the strength was suppressed, deal with Hui Qing, now I always stare at the sword unparalleled sneak attack, let him wolf for a while.

Although his treasures are very fit, it is far less than the emperor.

As he now adds a whole body, it is better than the part of the bloody temple of Mo.

This threat between life and death, he doesn't have any protective base card, only hard to resist!

"Don't worry, first help me kill this small baldness!" The emperor of Luo Luo couldn't hold it, and the other two emperors helped.

However, there is now an advantage, and the blood shield has been broken. Although they have been hurt, it is better to be relatively light.

At this time, Mo Yu Mili did not have the shelter of the Bloody Temple, some wolf, the two complete strength of the peak Daxi surrounded him, his situation is more bad than the Emperor.

"Mo, today you will die, you will be the two of our brothers!"

Every time they are seriously injured, they are more crazy attacks, and they don't even hurt themselves, with injuries and injuries.

If you can get the treasure of Mo Yu Mo, they will not lose money if they don't enter the first thousand, and the treasures of Mo Hao will be the emperor.

The Temple is strong, the benefits are more, and it is impossible to give them two treasures!

The two are crazy offensive, and they will not pay attention to the shouts of Luo!

Originally, it is the main force. The two of them are only responsible for holding, of course, the last benefits are the least, after all, their strengths have no power.

But now, the strength of them can be comparable to the suppressed rumor and Mo, this is the case, how can it be put.

As for the rumor, they are lazy, once they take the Mo's treasure, they will never be afraid.

"Kill him, don't give him a chance!"

Two pieces of separation of the treasure, could not compress them, Mo Wei wolf fled, I want to escape from the universe, but the emperors of the Lu Luo did not give him this opportunity.

"Damn, you should die!" Moqi's bite cut teeth, roared: "You are all right, once we fall, we are all dead! Let help Zi Luo killed Huiqing, he is the ultimate way, sword is also The ultimate way, no chance, no chance. "


A sweeping flywheel torn the body of Mo, cutting directly into the body and gotting the body.

"Actually, a knife broke me with one percent of the body!" Mo Wei completely crashed.

These two madmen have begun to combustion, are they not afraid of leaving hike?

"Teacher, I burned a cost source to break a percent of the body, his defense is too strong, looking for a chance to seriously injury, he will burn the source, otherwise it is really replacement," The eye is passed on a poison.

"Okay, you should insist on three breaths, I will give him a jealous!" The young emperor laughed.

Is the Dato Dynasty?

The sword is unparalleled, the power of the soul is shaking, and now he is the same, burning his heart and his mind to bother to make a universe, and you can't help.

"Since you are so crazy, I will help you!" The sword has no double mind and takes advantage of the universe to improve the two% of the war.

This is the limit he did, and the two of the two emperors of Huqing and the Daru are also suppressed, but also compared the peak power of the two comparable ultraldales.

"Haha, brother, I feel that the source is strengthened!"

"me too!"

"Fast, take advantage of this source, kill Mo!"

Mo's lavender skin is blurred, and some of them have been hit, starting to speak from the words, muttering "idiots, idiots, all have to die!"

Countless rotary flywheels in the blessing of the origin, constantly harvesting the body of Mo, he has to go to the burn.

Yan Luoqiang once again escaped the sword unparalleled phantom sword, screaming, roaring!

"You are mistaken!"

call out! call out! call out!

Hiding a sword, hid, the left, Luo Luo shouted, and the plurality of phantom swords were filled with his body.

Let him suffer, not only the body is damaged, and the source is also started.

The sword has no double shape, and the mental power is moved. The nine phantom swords are pulled out instantly. It is not only scarlet blood, and there is a large amount of origin.

At the moment of pulling out, the mental force contained in the phantom sword began to swallow the power of the above origin.

The sword is unparalleled, and the mind is moving, "swallowed!"


Running a few wounds, the phantom sword keeps swallowing the source of the origin in the body, the sword is unparalleled is the power to absorb this source of origin, to supplement itself.

He was seriously consumed, he had been injured, almost instantly recovered the peak strength, and he was not in the universe.

The power of swallowing, once again let him be dead.

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