This plan is close to the perfection, the Hezhong is coming, invincible with me!


The power of swallowing makes the sword are unparalleled, and the strength is constantly climbing.

"Ah, ah, ah !!!!!!!" Lu Luo said with his head and constantly roaring, his origin was swallowed, making him painful.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Huqing's stick wheel, can shake the stick in the world, and squat on the head.


The rumor of the suspension sky was hit into the ground, and it was deeply in the big pit.

The sword is unparalleled and Hui Qing does not agree, and it is directly landed in the big pit that is pulled out by Zhulu.

The wound that has healed, once again being broken by the phantom sword, the constant pilgrimage of the local road, as long as there is a gap, the nine phantom swords are swallowed by the power of the origin of Ron.

A Puttong's second product avenue, still without the avenue before the way, found that he could not swim the sword unparalleled, and even the disabled emperor, he could swallow, let alone his own trail.

"I am fighting with you!" San Luo stood up, the body was somewhat, slightly lowered.

He is still desperate than Mo, since the loss of this source is being swallowed, his war is constantly declining, don't say it is a sword, and now Huqing can kill him casually.

As a strong person, a higher world of a higher world, he is "" must not be kneelted!

Although I don't like other emperors, I even have a battle, but he is still behind the head, watching them, just saying two words "Quick!"

Subsequently he made a dazzling light!

Hui Qing's body is running back, the sword is unparalleled, and the front is rushing, and the roaring "Don't!"

Beautiful source!

It should not be destroyed.

The sword is unparalleled is like a girl. I saw a faded flower, very lost.

Such a delicious food is so destroyed.

The fallen of the Dagan is too much, and the emperor can't form it, but it has a lot of power in the air.

Looking at the origin of the air, the sword is unparalleled, and the hands are handed over, and start to swallow.

The power of these origins is only one tenth, too little, if there is no self-destruction of this source, he can swallow more, the more of the swallowing, the stronger his strength will be.

The sword is unparalleled now, even if he does not use a universe, he has the top strength of the top-level, once it is a universe, he will have the real price of the real price, with a magic sword to fight the limit.

Enjoy the sword with the power of the source, I can't think of it. His movement will notice the highest control of the Temple of Temple.

Discriminate homepartum.

The true spirit is in the sea of ​​this source. This is the origin of the universe level. It is no longer a huge column, more like a Wang Yang.

In the initial stage of the highest trial, he is lazy, even if the emperor's trial, he is too lazy to see a few eyes.

A piece of the sky that can be comparable to a higher world, which is not eye-catching in the sea of ​​this source.

From the top, it is divided into a piece of humanoid size. Through countless days, the true spirit can see anyone in the land of three major trials.

"Hey! Is this?" The true eye hole is shrinking.

Just that scene, pulled him back to ancient times.

he? Or it!

Now the true spirit is unreasonable, when he just born, when he saw the master, he was still it, just a treasure of the true spirit.

But because the owner, he became him from it, with all the qualities of the practitioner, from a true spirit body, it became a life.

He won't forget the explanation of the old owner. He never dares to forget, and it is more comparable to the strength of the universe. He also controls the entire district, he never dares to forget.

"Blocking him!"

Devouring the avenue and is the main road of the discrimination, and I also went to the top level.

After numerous deduction and exploration, he found this way.

Even the ultimate, in the long river of time and space, it is a diloy.

"This child, the road has been broken!" Zhen Ming muttered.

Don't say to the level of the disagreement, it is difficult to become an emperor!

Discrimination is the congenital special life, and it has mastered the ultimate path of birth, all the way to the most dazzling existence of time and space.

Even he can't walk, let alone the sword is unparalleled with a small six-turn big derivative.

Not only don't walk, this road can still go!

The discriminates have a great connection with the death of the Avenue.

The ultimate large Daiyan, the entire primitive universe is very rare. Although he let the Lingling slave go to other universe plunder those ultimate big Damai, the ultimate way is the success of the success.

The original universe has also gone, only a final Emperor, but unfortunately the ultimate emperor is the way to destroy, and the old ancestors have laid a road, and they will not inherit the Temple.

You can only inherit a position of a god.

The mortar of the discriminator, or it is necessary to screen from the Deman and the Dagani, the ultimate path is the best, and it can be a special second avenue, or the existence of Wan Dao.

This also screens, at least 10,000 goals, and many people will continue to break through the trial, and maybe it is the ultimate way.

Those emperors may still feel that they are the main force, but they don't know if they can't see them.

"Well, this little monk is a bit mean!" Zhenling leaked a lot of joke.

"Interesting, this little guy's potential can be ranked in one race, it is a piece of jade, and the ultimate existence of Zen machine, I am afraid that the old owner will like it." The true spirit strokes the beard, the more I like Hui Qing. This little baldness.

However, when I saw the sword, I wandered with a pity and a disgust.

This silk is disgusted, it is the way of disgusting his own swallowing, so the true spirit saw that someone touched the way of swallowing, and the sword was unparalleled.

The true spirit is not known, the sword is unparalleled with the poorer, it is not the way to swallow up.

"Thirteen!" The true spirit calls, and an old man is in the shape of the lamp, and there is a sea of ​​origin.

"Let the people of the four temples take a little garbage from the ancient ruins, throw it into the original star, add difficulty to these little guys." The true spirit took up their hands, and the eyes left the sky and looked at other days.

"Also, give this group of emperors, how do I feel that they are watering!"

"Yes!" Thirteen sounds hoarse, the voice fell to the top of the sea.

The true spirit of a person in the sea of ​​the origin, suddenly felt aware of a consciousness through the landscape of the Buddha, directly invading the sea.

"Bold!" Zhenling instantly violent.

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