Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5193? Taboo Magic and Discrimpion

Originally chaired side disappears, the face changes and its strict.

"Old things, why do you want to hinder the present!" A huge ugly skull is hovering in the sea.

His empty eye hole is dark, and the whole head is uneven, and evil atmosphere is exuded.

The true spirit saw the Qing people, the cold snorted, "This is the owner's explanation, I naturally do, I can't stop who blocked."

"You!" The ugly head nostrils smashed two black fog, roaring ", don't forget, I am part of the disagree, I used to be the avenue of your master!"

The true spirit is smirking "A road that is driven away by the owner, and dares to say a part of the discrimination."

Although this is said to be in the mouth, he clearly caught the power of the Avenue. He just noticed that the sword is unparalleled. .

"Hey, the old man does not know my power, it is his own eyes. If it is not stripping me, how can he fall!" Ugly big brain.

"You give me a mouth, the owner can be insulted, and then I will not leave you this to the rest of the temple, I will torture!"

Other things are good to say, only can't be insulting!

This is his bottom line.

The evil skull saw that this old guy was angry, and he knew it. He didn't know that it would not be self-collapsed.

Before the collapse, he is still unwilling to release the words "Wait! I will break freely a day in the morning and evening, and the original universe is completely swallowed, and the brilliance of the swallowing the road!"

"Hahaha !!!"

The true spirit is extremely disdainful, "You can go to swallow up, the original universe is not mine, you have done yourself."

"Taboo Magic Lord?"

"A bug!"

A bug killed by his owner from the body, the owner's swallowing avenue is so powerful.

Will not wrinkle the whole cosmic brow.

However, this bug has indeed writes to be resistant, and there are several universe. Finally by a strong presence in the original universe, now the seal begins to collapse, it seems that the existence is also fallen.

The spirit sighed.

If it is still in the road to the avenue, it may not be true that the owner is still can't.

However, the difference in the murder is too strong, too arrogant, and the devour the avenue is a scourge, he has to exclaim, one is for itself, twenty for the long river.

The emperor fleeted to form an emperor, producing countless ghosts, can destroy a world without emperors sitting in the town.

As the most peak existence in the long-term long river, his avenue is strong, even if it is peeled out, the swallowing avenue can come to a universe.

When I was falling in my disagreement, I was in the Diva Temple, and my own avenue was completely stored in the Polyson Temple.

If it is falling in the outside world, or the avenue is rich in universe, or it is either to breed powerful taboo magic.

After the anti-avoidance of the Magic Lord was excluded, then the self-consciousness was produced, and he sent a long-term long river, and it often misfortune.

Fortunately, a strong suppression is now swept again, and it has encountered the Polysman, which makes the Magic Lord are very taboo.

After all, it is a thing of the discriminates. He also knows the plan of the nation. Nowadays the Polysman is open in the original universe. He is also afraid of what is the earth-shattering thing, it is broken.

This time I thought about threatening the true spirit, but I was scared.

In the original cosmic, huge cages, there is a huge body in the huge bonnet, which does not have any life in this place, and the evil breath that the huge body is scattered. It is too powerful, and the source is eroded. Even if the five-order episode will affect the mind, damage the source.

Here is the first danger of the original universe!

" ."

The body of the body is the book of the taboo.

Although the seal has started loose, he can't move one step.

According to the estimate, the chaotic era can also be broken, and each era is hundreds of millions of years, the chaotic era, he can't afford it.

Now there is an original universe now, who knows what the original universe will become like this, in case there is a universe.

Not only can't swallow the original universe, but weaken the original universe home source, give others a wedding dress, and finally have to be re-seal.

So he didn't dare to drag!

"Do you really force me to solve?" The taboo magic lady sighed, and the huge scorpion was turned at this moment.

"It takes millions of years, time is enough! I hope that little guy will grow up quickly." The taboo magic label will fall in deposition.

The original universe is also relaxing at this moment.

The temple, the original star.

The sword is unparalleled, it is known that after the origin of the Luo, it will cause attention to the peak of the universe. I don't know how I will think.

The melee in the canyon, there is a reversal after the fashion.

Zi Luo Self-destroyed the source, leaving only a complete inner armor on the ruins, with a dark red bead.

These two pieces are very nice congenital to treasures, swords are unhealthy unfair to attract, and then handed it to Huqing, "You pick one!"

Hu Qing's hands closed, shakes his head.

A brown bow is coming, he is strong to the treasure, do not need any treasure at all.

"Then I will be welcome!" The sword said without a smile.

This time, the original star is seen, he will recognize that he has poor.

At the moment, he was directly dripping the blood, directly put the inner armor with the guard homepad.

The beads float in the top of the source, not only can they calm the source of the source, but also nourish their own origin, the sword is not a double, the whole person is refreshed, the brain is clear.

"There is no double brother, what do they do!" Hui Qing pointed to the three people.

It is true that it is really crazy, and the three peaks are burning. The origin is in a group. You can punch me, and I am missing.

The two emperors who rely on the big Rivie are desperate to fight.

This does not mean that there is much more, although to Baoda, it can be suppressed, and it is not in the two homing.

The reason is not false, because when he is going to be able to stop, the compression of the universe will make a penny, and now it is full of pressing, and even gives Mo Hao to add 30% strength, this will let the three people Hit the present.

The three emperors in the Da Luo have always thought they have the advantage. In fact, they have always been balanced. The three are consumed to now, the strength has consumed, and the sword is unparalleled and Huiqing can solve them.

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