"It's time to pay!" The sword was quiet.

The figure flashed, appeared above the three people, overlooking three peaks that were held in a group.


The Emperor of the Da Luo was taken on the head of Mo Yu, and the head cover was directly smashed.

"Hey, the brother, the last thing,,,,."


Mo Yu's blood spurt on the opponent's face, raising his fist is a punch in the chest of the Darie Dynasty, and the depression of his chest.

Their two nets of the three origins consume, even if the strength of the restoration of the flesh is gone, the three peaks are hung on the wounds visible to the naked eye.

"Stupid!" Mo Wei did not say anything else, just repeated idiots.

"You will die!" The Dari Dynasty was using the last trace, mobilizing the ring, took out a peak to the treasure dagger, inserted into the neck of Mo Yu, the bloody blood, wound Spray out.


The emperor of the Da Luo storm, Mo Wei also violently, and once the dagger on the neck, this time is not repeating the idiots.

The throat, Mo Yu, the emperor, has not fallen clear the face of the five senses, squeezing a clean laugh, saying that the sound is hoarse: "You should pierce my head."

The voice fell, Mo Handhered the hand of the dagger, and the only transfusion of a trace of tragent, and the dagger slipped out of a light.

The two emperors in the Da Luo were retreat behind the throat.

The sword is unbearable. So strong, and finally, this looks.


He waved, and the universe was dissipated. The sword was not influenced by their mind, and the way will also leave a breath.

"Mo, you will pay all the best to the treasure, and all your records, I can spare you." The sword is unparalleled.

After the three people were separated, the only way to be scattered, and now I can only fall in the ruins and look up at the sword of the sky, such as the snow.

"What is going on, how can Yulo will fall!" The two now discovered that Yulu was arrested.

"You this thief!" The Darut of the Roman, strong bleeding in the chest, roared.

The sword is not too lazy to see these two people, and a sword killed one.

"Hui Qing, another hand it over." The sword is unparalleled.

Said good five-five open, then five five open, two people rankings he don't know, now kill one, there is one left to Huqing.

Two people are equal to one person to divide a peak big Dairy.

Hui Qing stunned, and finally the meditation, take a palm.

In the end, the Emperor's flesh was dissipated, and the origin and the source were also disappeared.

The two have received corresponding records, but the big head was divided by the main murderer.

The last one, with the record of the record, the most record of Rongro, Mo's treasures.

The big Diki in the entire universe can be more than the big Damadam, which is more than Mo, the emperor's treasure, I am afraid it is not a few.

After all, it is not every fourth-order epidermount just there is a son.

I am afraid that the straight relatives of the five-order emperor can exceed the treasures of Mo.

"How, if you think about it, take all the treasures, you are not worth money, see you for me to drag them for so long, I will let you live."

The sword is not linked to him. He has a lot of more than 100,000 records, and the sword is unparalleled.

The reason why he is a life, it is to control him the innate to treasure, the town seal map record and the town of the town is the innate package, the value is the largest, and once the control is equal to a single card.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and it is the eye of the beast.

The innate sect of a field class is too rare, and there are few people in the emperor, but don't increase the fairy.

Although the sword is unpacking, although the universe can be displayed. Every time I use a universe, I will have my mind. I have the eyes of the beast god. I will give him a lot of pressures. If you start, you will not use it.

And the eyes of the beast god contained a power that made him palpitations, this treasure must be complete.

Since the fourth-order emperor gives the son so many treasures, it will definitely leave some of the backhand, he is afraid of killing Mo, these arrivals are gone.

"How do I believe you!" Mo Yu stalls on a stone, saw the two Daru Dynasty, which was killed, the proud bones in his heart disappeared, replacing the joy of victory.

The value of these two idiots is not used, and it is directly killed.

But it is still alive, but also negotiate with the sword.

He won this battle in life and death.

Unclear Mo Hout, crazy laugh!

The sword is unhappy slowly landed next to him, and the shoulders took his shoulders and laughed together.

"I can swear!" The sword was unparalleled.

"Who will believe?" Mo Wei is a sink.

"That's there is no to talk!"

The sword is unparalleled, floating in the eyebrows of Mo, a shocking breath that a gray sword is scattered, let Mo's breath is unstable and scared.

Mo Hao stunned, and shouted!

"If you can talk, I can give you the treasure of the game, but you have to give me a guarantee!"

The sword is unparalleled to extend the left hand, four points to the sky!

"Discriminant, my sword has no double swearing, get Mohu's arrival, will never hurt Mo Wei, if it is violated, it will die!"

The voice is just falling, and a slap in the sky is condensed in two.

Mo said to the temple and look at Huqing.

Hui Qing instantly understands that he doesn't want to add killing, and he has sent a vow with a sword.

"It's okay now!" The sword was unparalleled, and the eyebrows were staring at Mo.

One, two pieces, three pieces.

100 pieces ...

The peak congenital to treasure is the first day of the Bloody Tower.

Top levels have three congenitals, one of the swords, one to protect the body, and one is the eye of the beast.

There are still seventeen pieces in the rest of the day, and the remaining most common are the peaks, and there are more than a lot of best peaks to the treasure set.

The sword is unparalpired, the swallow, the faint road "Mo Hao brother, you are stolen the treasure house of the emperor!"

The Huqing standing in the distance is watching, and there are several treasures that are very suitable for him.

Mo Yizhen did not dare to make a big, "Sword is unparalleled, you can rest assured, these will definitely do not have any means, you can give a little bit of blood, don't believe it, I can swear!"

The sword is unparalleled, "No! You just need to tell me all the information of this Bao"! "

After the eye of the beast is taken out, like a rhombus gem, the light gold color is very low, and the emoticonity that is distributed is the real price.

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