Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 520, Hemin Soft A

The sword is unparalleled in this third floor.

A piece of treasure is reflected in the sword, and the sword is unparalleled. This day, the treasure in this day, nearly half is based on improving the strength of the flesh, and even the sword is unparalleled. Thunder, nine days of god thunder.

These two big gods, the value is also the same.

The sword is unparalleled with a book. Many treasures are unparalleled, although they don't know, but they can show the role of these treasures on these treasures.

After a moment, the sword is unparalleled to be attracted by a treasure.

"Hundreds of hardcore?"

The sword is unparalleled to look at the treasure rack on a bloody soft armor, watching this bloody soft armor.

"Hemologian soft armor, the skin of the eight-stage monsters, plus black steel stone, the defense is amazing, can weaken the impact of the flesh, sell price of 8 million yuan "

For this hardcore, the sword is unparalleled, it is coming.

He is self-cultivating to now, although there are some warfares who have a certain role in defense, can be seen in this kind of movie, soft soft armor, is still the first time, and the blood of the soft armor defense The power is also amazing.

"The fadie of the eight-section monsters, plus black steel stone?" When the green fire next to the fire saw the introduction of bloodlin soft A, but also secretly surprised.

The eight-order monsters are equivalent to the Human Eight Times, such as the monster, it is still standing on the top of the monster, although there is a more terrible nine-order monster in the monster group, even the monster king The existence, but it is still very difficult.

The blood monk monster is still extremely terrible in the eight-section monster, and it is the most good thing to defense, its skin, actually a layer of warfare, hard, want to break it. Defense, usually only the gods level can be done.

As for the black steel stone, it is more hard to know, the most hard meter.

The veterini of the soul of the monsters plus the soft sword of the black steel stone, the defense is not strong.

"My flesh is strong, if there is this hardening soft armor, my own defense will be greatly improved." The sword was unparalleled. "

This hardcore, a soft role, is enough to make him lose again.

"Eight million yuan crystal." The sword is unmarkable.

Like the Lingling Continent, the goods exchange, all of them are ingochong.

However, the ordinary first-class gods in the demon continent will only be about 2 million people, this is not as good as Wang Hou in Shenzhou.

Shenzhou, Wang Hou level has little quantity, and every one in Shenzhou is the top power, which is controlled by the Daji Domain, and the benefits are definitely more.

The princes of Shenzhou, even if it is the weakest prince, the family is more than 10 million yuan.

The sword has killed the Nan Yu Wang Hou before, and got the Qiankun Ring of the Nan Yu Wang Hou. This eight million yuan crystal, he did it.

"Unparalleled little friends, look at this bloodline soft armor?" The green fire came over.

"Well." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

"Remember this name is that the name of this hardcore, etc. will go to the counter downstairs." Qinglu Road.

The sword is unparalleled with the green fire and wanders for a while, and did not find something you want, and then got down.

Before the first floor hall of Tianyu Pavilion.

"I want to have a soft armor." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Please wait."

A purple man in front of the counter should have, and didn't take long long before I have a thin soft armor to get the sword.

"Hundreds of hardcore, worth 8 million yuan." Zifa old man said.

"I don't have that multiple crystals, can I use anything else." The sword has no double.

"Yes." Zifa old people nod, "I also acquired every treasure, the price is 90% of the price."

The sword is unpaired, and it is not intended. It is ready to take enough emoticon treasure to buy this bloody soft armor.

It is at this time ...

"Wait!" The voice suddenly sounded.

The sword is unparalleled, seeing a backpackry knife, the eyebrows with a few red-haired men stepped.

"Is him?" The sword will recognize this red man without a one-glance. This person is before the appointment will be assessing, and in addition to the sword unparalleled, the second level will be golden.

Jinling embedded it, shouted directly to the treasure before the counter: "This soft armor, I want it!"

After finishing, this Jinling waved, and took out a Qiankun ring.

The sword is not double-faced.

The purple haired old man in front of the counter also wrinkled, and said: "This adult, you will come later, this bloody soft armor has been bought by this God."

"I know, I just borrowed the flowers and wanted to give this soft armor to him." Jin Ling took a smile, and the sword was unparalleled.

"Give me?" The sword is unparalleled, but it is a quirky.

He got to participate in God with this Jinling, and the two became a secondary god. In addition to these, he did no communication without any communication.

If you have no reason, Jin Ling gives this bloody soft armor to him?

It is insiscuously, this is the value of 8 million yuan, and the gods in the demon spirit will be among the gods, almost the general second-level god will not be able to get it.

"Jin Ling, what is your meaning?" The sword did not ask.

"Nothing means, just want to pay you this friend." Jinling said.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled, just give him a friend who will give him a friend with him, this is so generous?

Soon that Jinling will follow the blood gods after the trading of the purple man, handed over the sword unparalleled.

"Thank you." The sword has no pair, thank you, and accept this bloodline.

"Green fire, let's go." The sword said unparalleled, when it was going to go to Tianyu, the green fire.

"Please slow." Jinling shouted.

The sword has no double shape, and the Jinlings have seen it, "Jin Ling, what else do you have?"

Golden tip harm.

If you don't have something, he will buy the blood of the godlings like this.

"Indeed, there is something wrong, I know, I will have an assessment in the gods before, and the wind is god, giving you a jade!" Jin Ling smiled, and even the brothers used the brothers.

"There is this." The sword nodded.

"This is the case, the jade jade given by the wind, for me, there is an unatristent role, so I hope that you can sell the jade to me, I will definitely pay your satisfaction. I bought it. "Jinling opened, solemnly said.

"Do you want me to sell Yu Jun Jian's jade ?" The sword watched the golden and glared.

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