"Sure enough, it is simple."

The sword is also smiling. He guess this Jinling's purpose, just never got broken.

"Feng Yong God gives me jade simple, it is to see me, can I resell his jade order to others? Is this a beautiful meaning?" The sword has no bisquecry.

"Can't say this." Jinling said: "Feng Yong Shen Jun gives you the jade, it is a good margin with you, you only have to remember this feeling, as for this jade book, how do you use it? It doesn't matter. "

Donned, this Jinling once again said: "Musou brothers, the jade simple, for you, there is no big use at all, you can say it for me, then the use is big, I hope that you can fulfill it!"

The voice of Jinling has become sincere.

He is also gambling, the gambling sword is unparalleled, and the role of the jade simple.

Before you in Sanburg, he also found that the sword is only just from an ordinary tribe, there is no background.

And the sword is unparalleled, and there is no need to know the possibility of jade briefcase.

As long as the sword is unparalleled, he does not understand the importance of jade simbs, he is completely likely to scate this jade to his hand.

Jin Ling guess, the sword is unparalleled, the ability of this jade order, has not come to ask for a green fire, but it is not thinking.

That is the sword!

He is not the rookie who just came out from the tribe and never seen the world.

He stepped into today, and the crisis encountered, the crisis, the number of hardships, the heart is not compared to this golden.

Light of this Jinling simple sentence with a bloody soft armor, I want to cheat the sword, and it is a joke.

I saw that the sword was unparalleled, and I lost a Qiankun ring to Jinling. The sword didn't have a slightly indifferent voice. "This is the thing of this Qiankun, which is almost 8 million yuan, is used to buy Hemolin soft armor, as for the Yu Jun Jian, you still don't want to think. "

"Wong Double Brothers." Jinling a look like fire.

"Green fire, we will go." The sword is unparalleled, but it is too lazy to pay for the Jinling, and the green fire will go directly to Tian Yu.

Jinling stared at the back of the sword. The eyes were expected from the beginning, nervous, anxious, gradually became cold, and the grievances didn't even rub with a pound of killing.

When the sword is unparalleled, the grievances that Jinling have finally broke out completely.

"Stand it!"


Gold Linghua is out of an instant to a stream.

The sword is unparalleled with the green fire just spans the Tianyu Court door. It appears on the street. Suddenly heard the scream of the broken wind, then a strange figure has passed next to them, appearing in front of them.

Seeing reappearing in front of himself, and the face has become a resentful golden, the sword is not a double brow.

"Is this flinging?" The sword is unparalleled and cold, "Jin Ling, what do you plan?"

"What?" Jin Ling stared at the sword and unparalleled, just like the poisonous snake stared at the prey. "The sword is unparalleled, I advise you to sell the jade to me, so you may have some benefits. ,otherwise……"

"Otherwise? Otherwise?" The sword is cold and cold.

Before Tian Yuge, this Jinling is also very humble and politely called himself a parallel brother, and now ... this is really fast enough.

"Why, soft, do you want to come?" The green fire smiled and looked at Jinling. Although he didn't know what the wind gods gave the sword, there is no double, but just all he looks at the eye. In the case, I also see the means of the use of Golden Ling.

Jin Ling did not speak, but it can be murdered but burst.

"Want to do it? Don't forget, here is Tianyu City." The sword is unparalleled.

"Haha, come, come and see, some people want to do it in the city." The green fire shouted, and his voice was quickly spread. Many pedestrians on the surrounding streets came together, and this Tianyu City's guard army, also arrived on the field in the first time.

"Three gods?"

Tianyu City's guards, also affiliated to the demon alliance, mostly God will be strong, they also pay attention to the gods of the sword unpaid three people.

"Three, Tianyu City rules you all know, here, the consequences ..." The guarded army called the sword where the sword was unparalleled.

"Don't find us, find him." The green fire refers to Jinling, cold channel: "We just bought something from Tianyu Pavilion, and this guy looked at the treasure of my little friend." I want to give him this little friend, we don't change, he stops our way. "

"Oh?" The sergeant of the guards immediately looked at Jinliling.

People around the surroundings also gaze Jinling, and smiled.

"Strong buy strong sale, it is overbearing!"

"Hey, here, Tianyu City, one of the eight big cities, dare to learn here."

"What is something, let this god will, this is a face?"

The golden tanks stared at the crowd, the face is mixed with water, and his eyes are also cold and cold, staring at the sword is unparalleled, but it is open again. "The sword is unparalleled, there is something, you may not know."

"My name is Jinling!"

"My father is a golden snake!"

When I heard Jinling, I didn't have anything, but the green eyes were slaughtered.

Among the people who gathered in the surroundings, they were immediately awkward.

Obviously these people have heard of the name of the golden snake god.

Like those guards of guards, after listening to the name of Jin Sni, their faces have become a bit cloudy.

"The sword is unparalleled, you should understand what I said this." Jinling is smirking.

The people around them are weird.


The light threats are threatened, and they have to pay attention to it.

Many people in the field look at the sword unparalleled eyes.

Golden Snake God, that is one of the one hundred and eight gods, in the entire human group, if there is no background, who dares to go?

"Or compromise."

"Sell that things to him, maybe it will be a little loss, but it is much more than the criminal snake god."

"This god will be unlucky, and I have encountered the son of Jin Snake God, I can hear that the golden snake god can be very navigated."

The people around are talking about, many people advise the sword without a double compromise, sell the jade to Jinling.

"Unparalleled little friends." The green fire also frightened the sword and didn't have a double, but did not express his opinion.

The center of the crowd, the sword is unparalleled with hands, calm standing there, the Golden is a proud of it, and the sword is unparalleled.

When everyone is waiting for the sword, there is no double response, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a little confused: "Sorry, who is the golden snake gods? I have never heard of it!"


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