Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5210 ??? You can live!

"This little guy is still very strong, it seems to have to help you again!" The true spirit of the eyes turned, the meat of the mouth was drifting.

"Forget it, you are preparing for you sooner or later, this volvence ring is given to you!" The true spirit lost, a gold ring threw it into the sky.

This makes the Zhu Yipou in the original world, and the heart is dark. "This old guy is getting more and more face, actually will lose the eternal treasure to a little guy who is just a big Damai."

Although the true spirit is the controller of the Polysman, she is also the old master refining, and is also responsible for the peak trial.

I hope that the world's five major domains should correspond to the five major domains of the original universe. These big Damadam's trials are responsible for their Suzaki Temple. Now that is so tossing so that her plan is all chaos.

The peak trial is a fair, and now I have opened the back door now, she has to give other original stars to issue inheritance.

"Zhu Yi, the old man is not too much attention to the big Damadam!" The Wei Meng War of a cyan armor will enter the ancient temple, and the tone is obviously very unhappy.

Although she is also a matter of the practice of the true spirit, the primitive industry is her chassis. These screened Dami will succeed, and will become her belongings, only the strongest few people will continue to inherit. God is inherited, the rest of the thousands of choices are also the Tianjiao, since the Buddha Temple is in so much resources, naturally, it will not waste, will definitely income.

In other words, these big fans are her people.

"Dragon 1, bloodthirsty continent is staring at those emperors, what is it?" Zhu Yixiang face, low voice: "Also, these big Damadam is my person, it is not important, it is not very round Let's comment! Hurry back to your bloodthirsty continent. "

"Haha, I like you this stagger!" Dragon is nor angry, but a buttocks are on the side of the throne, laughing: "I have come to course there is important thing, I heard that Zhu Qi go to other The universe plundered the ultimate Damadi, and the result was a half-death by a six-order emperor. I didn't care about her. "

The original universe of the big Damadi, indeed the strongest trial of the people of the Act, according to the true spirit of the Zhu Ran Temple, in addition to her remaining six Suzaku, the other cosmic plunder, the result is good and uniform There was a sixth order in the universe, and Zhu Qi was hurt, so it was the embarrassment of the refining, and he was so boring to escape.

The horror of the sixth order, she knows himself, because she also has six-order combat power, but now the original star trial of the first phase has been accelerated, she has to plunder enough before the first phase of the trial The Danoma opened the second phase of trial.

This time, I have more than 10,000 universal Dagan, and there are hundreds of big Dami is a half-step emperor who controls the ultimate way. Other either is the top of the second product, or it is Wando, all The arrogance of the days within the universe.

The other universe is not enough, and now I can only say that they are unlucky. If she has to sit in the original world, I have to go to the sixth-order emperor to revenge.

An indigenous six-order episode, even the six-order episode of the universe secrets, she still doesn't put it in their eyes, just now she has no time to revenge.

"Zhu Qi's injury has been fixed, I thank you, you can go!" Zhu Yi said impatiently.

Dragon has a mouth, once again, said: "I have to discuss it this time, the situation of bloodthirsty mainland has changed, these emperors are every honest, my bloodthirsty mainland is not the original star, the mainland Almost the million groups of people, they are all cultivated. Now they are almost the same as those of these emperors, they can't let them stay in the bloodthirsty continent, stay again, the mainland is not collapsed. "

Bloodthirsty mainland is the big camp of the Qinglong Temple. The whole continent has a large size of the universe. It lives in hundreds of millions of ethnic groups. These people have joined the Qinglong Temple. It is a dragon one. .

However, since the emperor of the original universe entered the bloodthirsty continent, the whole continent was not hungry.

After these emperors entered, they didn't ask for inheritance, but they started to voluntarily voluntarily voluntarily, and they played out, and the gods played almost collapsed. Finally, he personally came to stop.

Emperor's trial is not small, every emperor is ready to recruit, but the emperor of the original universe is still not coming, the emperor of other universe is also rushing here.

According to the regulations of the discrimination of the year, the third-order Emperor recruits that the three-order emperor is how much is it, just gives them the first-order Emperor of the rope, the first-order, second-order emperor will sell them.

The third-order emperor is different. Most of them have not finished, staring at the position of the fourth-order five or sixth order, or even some leaders, such as the true Wugyang, Tong Tian Buddha is more than just six-order emperor It's so simple, even if there is no difference in the temple, they all have hope to enter the five-order emperor.

Their goals are the universe, for this emperor, simple treasure or increase some strength, completely meet their appetite.

Only some core inheritors can meet these powerful emperors.

There is too much inheritance in the Sea of ​​the Diva Temple, but these inheritance is a lot, and it is to cultivate those derivatives and large fairy.

It is possible to make the universe secret law of the Emperor, and the Temple will not take out. These emperors are the pets of the world, and each of them is the protagonist between the heavens and the earth. It is not the more than Damai and Dagan. of.

Even if the Temple, the temple cannot be arbitrarily manipulated, both sides can only exchange each other's needs.

Now the dragon helps this, it is obviously can't compress the gap.

"I heard that there is an ultimate emperor!" Zhu Yixi asked, the ultimate emperor is extremely precious in ancient times, the original universe can have an ultimate emperor, which is more precious than those six-order emperor.

"It is indeed an ultimate emperor, but the true spirit has promised each other, will talk about it alone." Long Yi smiled, although the other party is only a five-order epiderm, can be used as the ultimate existence, there are few people, this kind The emperor is too precious for the people temple.

Unfortunately, it is not the cultivation of the Buddhist temple. In the future, it will not be sold for the bodies of the people. This existence can only be intended, and he has not yet growing, giving him some benefits, there is really great achievements in the future, and can help them Pony temple.

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