Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5211? Cosmic Secrets

After listening to the true spirit, Zhu Yisheng, his face was slightly changed, his face was puzzled, and it was surprised: "Talking to it? What is the ghost of this old man, the owner, the emperor can not pass, is he opened?"

"Hey, it seems that you know!" Dragon smiled, followed by low sound: "The ultimate emperor has created a prototype of the cosmic secret, although the strength is fiveth order, he has entered the universe The threshold, do you know what this means? "

"Cosmic source?" Zhu Yixiang hole suddenly contracted, survived numerous rounds, hit a long time and space, from afar to now, she has too much power.

Such as the stars of the stars, or the left right arm of the discriminant, is the existence of the main level of the universe.

However, since the murder of the disagreement, the Temple of the Temple is wandering, there are many long rivers that have passed, but I want to see the Lord of the universe in the ancient times, there are fewer, some weak time and space, even one The owner of the universe is not.

Nowadays, the ultimate existence of the original universe, the universe secret, and it has entered the threshold of the universe, and is still the five-order emperor, etc. When you enter the sixth order, how strong is his strength?

The secret is great, mastering the origin of the universe, it is the Lord of the universe, and it is a master of the universe, which is less in the long river of time and space.

"The true spirit mentioned me, the ultimate future achievement is not a small, the secrets of the Diva Temple are also qualified, and the true spirit will hand over the owner from another inheritance of the existence. The inheritance of the owner attaches great importance to it. It was ready to give a few gods. Unfortunately, he did not wait for it, he ushered in the break. "Dragon said that he sighed here.

The disagreement of the ancient times is very powerful, powerful to the time and space rivers, so that the universe is almost quiet, but the time is still defeated.

Although the two are just a jealous, after the seven-bad heart, their mood is not different from ordinary people, and some people have an angry and mourning.

Zhu Yifeng took a sigh of relief, slowly spit out, lightly "this kind of strong, even if the owner is still alive, it will pay attention, let alone is now."

"You still say, what is it! I have waited for the choice for the group of Dagan, but I don't have time to talk to you."

"Haha, I really have a long, I have forgotten it." Long Yi smiled, then said: "I see you blame this, these little guys tried in the original star, there is nothing in my emperor there. Things, it is better to let you go on this day, wait for someone else, I will plan another time. "

Leave the emperor of the original universe, he can look at most people, the rest of the peak trial, will send them to the sea of ​​this source, just give the benefits to the hair, seeing in the Diva Temple Name, give some treasures and inheritance, in the future, the Temple to other time and space, these people want to follow, do not want to follow them.

This point is nothing about what the Temple is, it is not possible.

As for the third-order emperor, even if they are not willing to follow, they will bring them on them.

In their view, it is still the weakness of the small emperor, at least obeying the words, and lose the garbage can satisfy them, why bother to cultivate those three-order, fourth-order episode, and the strength is quite big.

The Temple of the Temple, the opening of the peak trial is to seek the heirs of the disagreement, and the emperor is not suitable for the inheritor.

Zhu Yige wrinkled, now she is already chaotic, put these emperors come in, she has to stare at these emperors, but also have to prepare for inheritance, and the messenger under the hand plundered the big Dairy.

The four temples have been born since started the highest trial.

The Xuanwu Temple is responsible for the trial of the Deman.

The Temple of Suzaku is responsible for the big Deman.

Qinglong Temple is responsible for the emperor.

The white tiger temple has some special. It takes a long time to take the town of the people. They will never intervene, but the strong people in the future will be sent to the White Tiger Temple. Although there is no inheritors, it can be inherited. They are not idle.

Nowadays, there are no things in the Qinglong Temple, watching a group of emperors, just this, but also push it!

"It's absolutely impossible, I have no extra people here, I haven't stared at these emperors!" Zhu Yifang refused, "You still go to the Xuanwu Temple to see it," The screening of the Damai is more than the big fairy Less, maybe it is over, just sending these emperors to the eye. "

"Oh, don't mention it, I just came over from the turtle snake. The decelerated beast that caught the past on the original star was not enough. I just went to this turtle snake and I want to sharpen the stone, or I If you run, I have to take it to those Deman. "

Dragon is full.

The control of the four temples, the white tiger controls the secret of the inner temple, but the lowest tone, the controller of the Qinglong Temple, the dragon is a bloodthirsty continent, which is the most abundant land world of the Division of the Division. He is in the world. Countless groups, claiming to be the main god.

He is the most short, Zhu Yi's nature is more cold, and a sentence gives all the deceased in the original field to the Xuanwu Hall, and destroyed countless planets to create an eighty-eight original stars.

"This, I have to look at these people, by the way, let the old six husbands go to other universe to help you plunder the big Deman, the guards are stupid, the efficiency is too low!" Dragon is very fast.

Zhu Yi is a bit moving. She is too lacking here. The source of this source is those who have a lingering slave, but their efficiency is too low. She has to let the whole messenger go to the other universe to plunder the big Deman.

Now, Long Yi promised to help, she only took a place to let those emperors stay here for a few years, this sale can be done.

"Okay, one words are customary!" Zhu Yisiso, directly agree.

"Haha, I like you this happily, don't worry as the turtle snake." Dragon is very happy.

"I will let them come in!"

"People are outside." Dragon said: "Yes, let them enter the Temple of Zhuzu, or go to it!"

Zhu Yifang waved, the whole original circle, in addition to the trial of trial, there are some planets that contain treasures and inheritance, and now there is still no number of places in the empty, can accommodate the Emperor's monarch, and can not let them all The place where you run, there is only one place.

"Let them go to the Magical Mountain! Just where there is a universe home source, temporarily able to stabilize them!" Zhu Yi took the eyebrows.

The internal world of the district is very large, comparable to a universe, but the treasures stored and inheritors are also very much, and they will suffocate.

The four temples control is only a small part, and the true core inheritance and treasures are in the sea of ​​this source, they have been mastered by the true spirit.

"You!" Dragon took a token, the voice low Shen Dao "sent them to the original world of magic, remember to polite to them, not slow."

Most of these people will be in his hand, and now they will drive them out, and they can't do it too much.

"Okay, there is nothing, you can go, I am very busy here!" Zhu Yi took a look and started how to allocate inheritance. After all, one hundred and eighty original stars will open the trial inheritance, need to follow the original The power on the star to calculate the type of inheritance.

A primitive star.

Have three half-step emperor, seventeen Daojun, half-step Jun is more hundreds of people, and this original star is also the most, there are thousands of big Damai, than other original stars More than double.

The original star of this strong person, he gives arrangements a better inheritance trial, otherwise it will not play fair roles.

It has seven-like exquisite heart, even with hundreds of millions of trials, she can clearly remember every big Deman.

Especially those that are secretly optimistic.

The true spirit can be optimistic about Huqing, hate the sword, and she also has a great Damai.

A nine original star, she is more than the Wanxing Road Jun. As for Hui Qing and swords, she is just slightly paying, and she has never placed her heart, she has never put it in my heart. Ling to these two people have always been memorable.

For these two people, it is even more advanced in advance.

According to the original plan, after the original star killed ten years, when the trial person was deposited, she opened the trial, which will arouse those big fairy.

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