Bloodthirsty continent.

Fuyuan has a vast ancient continent, living with hundreds of millions of ethnic groups, naturally born a lot of emperors, because the dragon is still weak, and these emperors are not weak, and there is a five-level emperor.

At this time, the emperor of the bloodthirsty continent and the midst of the original universe.

Who is not letting who, all the emperors of the original universe, there are thousands of people, even if the other party is the five-order epiderm, facing so many people, it is also a bile cold. After all, I have never been a bloodthirsty continent, they have never been there. In ancient continent, it is not necessarily an external emperor who may be outside.

"If you are not the primary god, I have long gave you!" The Emperor's five-level emperor revealed the murder, this group of foreign emperors were too much, but the bloodthirsty continent was divided into it. Several forces, disrupted the order of countless years.

The original universe is not the end of the ultimate emperor, but the five top peaks of Eternal Tower lead, and confrontation with the indigenous emperor.

"Oh, I have come in for a long ten years. I have no benefits, transfer us to this ancient continent, this mating Temple is called us as a flower."

"I think, it is better to fight, I will directly destroy this ancient mainland, I don't believe what Dragon is still not coming."

"It's not, the other party is too strong, the strength of the Qinglong messenger!"

"What should we do, come come, you can't wait here! You can't go."

The five top peaks, and all the false shadows of all the fourth-order emperors float in the Eternal Tower, and discuss.

Since entering the Temple, they have been transferred to the bloodthirsty continent. The Qinglong Temple is only waiting for it, no matter what they.

The outside world is a leader of the leader of the emperor, that is, it has been, now ten years, they are like ants on a hot pot, and there is no mood.

In addition to they have seen them, the messenger came out, they did not appear again, throwing them to the bloodthirsty continent.

Starting, after all, it is an ancient continent. They also explored a circle around. I found that the remains of the continent have been discovered. There is no valuable treasure and inheritance.

This makes them very headache. They also know that there are many worlds in the temple, and even the Buddhist Temple is a universe. They still don't care, but they have never been given to them. They are also really can't go. Start tossing on the bloodthirsty continent.

In Eternal Tower, now I gathered the strongest emperor of the entire universe. Now, as long as one sentence, they will explode, let the whole god sink into the dark void.

"Dear, make a decision!" The highest place in Eternal Tower, sitting in the town in the middle of the wind and rain.

Either forced the messenger now, or wait for it!

So waiting, the strong people of other universe are coming, and their competitiveness will be even greater.

"Wind and rain, do you have to make a predecessor?" One is also a little uneasy.

Although the emperor of the original universe, only one of the only five-level emperor of the left-behind, is the ultimate emperor "business"

His legend can be too much, and there is a long-term long river, so that countless strong people bow the ultimate existence, the ultimate emperor "business"

Although the strength is now only five ord, his potential and its origin are the strongest existence of the entire universe, so that the six-order emperor within the other universe cannot be comparable.

Under normal circumstances, the second product source avenue can reach the five-order episode, and the sixth order emperor is higher.

Time and Space Hanoi, there are several six-order emperor, all of which are two-piece Avenue to go to the head, and the self-created cosmic might becomes a six-order episode.

It is also the ultimate existence of the emperor of the Wan Dao, with its own source to enter the six-order emperor.

This kind of person is a real power.

Ordinary six-order emperor, the most peek of the universe, the ultimate existence is different, they can raise their own origin to the local source level, from its own home, to become the universe of the universe, for the future The main is paved.

This is also the reason why the true spirit is so much attention to the "business".

Although the numerous emperors of the original universe don't know the reasons of this, they can ultimately, they can still understand, a final five-level emperor, ..

"Hey! The predecessors are not all the way, I will wait for me to wait for me. You are not kicked by the brain!" The redish face is gloomy and the people ridiculously.

As a red water with the same time, it is not dealttage in the ancient times, and the two in the same stage is the most special life, but also with the prison, but with the ultimate road, the more it is, the more Strong, and special life is in the later stage, so understanding is not enough, it is easy to card in a point, and it will not be comparable to the ultimate path.

However, the red water at that time was also very proud, even if the strength is not as good as the business, I'm doing the big hand because of a secret.

At that time, the business just stepped into the fourth-order, red water or the third-order peak, has been cardd, after the business, but because of not convinced, hard is to fight with the business.

In the end, it will stop with the end of the body.

After this war, Chi Shui is also honest. I know that I am not an opponent. I have been repairing the body in a cosmic secret. After the tens of thousands of chaotic era, the body is completely repaired, and it has also joined the fourth-order episode, and the merchant also travels from the long river from time and space. Return, broke through the five-order episode.

Since then, the red water is really dead!

This secret article is known to know, but also know the leader of the wind and rain, but no one will speak at this time. Don't look at the red horizontal, but commercial has always been his anti-scale.

The emperor also knew that it was wrong, although some dissatisfied with red water, but it is clear that it is not in the fight.

Behind the wind and rain, there are five-order episode, and I didn't want to make the company, and the red water, she naturally did not have any objection.

"In this case, then according to the plan, first take this continent!" The wind and rain gave the people, and sent the words directly.

Many of them have already secretly contracted the countermeasures. Since the people of the people are open, they will take the Ten Dijun to move, it must have a large use, even if they won the continent, the messenger does not daren with them.

"Wind and rain, don't do it! I have seen the indigenous emperors, and I have so many treasures, the strength is still so bad, it is a violent heaven."

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