Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5214? I have a little low in my rankings.

The business is to understand this, only from the long-term long river, the original universe has been closed, and the origin of the original universe has created the secret law belonging to him.

"Dragon brothers, these people are all emperors that I have the cumulative emperor of my original universe."

Although not optimistic about these people, it is still the old feelings in the heart. Nowadays, in the country of others, they will play at the same world, even if the dragon is killed, he has nothing to say.

I heard this, I am so cool, "I don't have to be difficult, just have to give them a place to go to the trouble."

These inheritors, the Buddhist Temple is unauthorized privately, especially the Damai and Da Dano, even the true spirit can not go privately.

I am not talking about what I said.

There are many internal worlds in the Diva Temple, which has already gotten it.

"Right, the inheritance of the true spirit, needs to go back to the world, there is still dangerous, if you don't worry, I will first place these emperors first!"

"Dragon brother, busy first, I don't want to be anxious." The business smiled.

Long Ye grinned his mouth, secretly felt emotion, the ultimate emperor is different, then look at the crowds of the blacks below, what is the use of this helper, is not as good as the birth of the Division.

The emperor who was born in the Temple is very much, there are hundreds of bloodthirsty continents, more other worlds, but the border of the rules in the year should be selected from the outside world.

But he really didn't think, where is the outside emperor, is it for the ultimate emperor?

The chance is too small.

The dragon shakes his head, not thinking about it, the bottom is sinking, falling into the vortex of the battle.


Dragon One is just a touch of words, and the battlefield is still stationless!

Even the five-order emperor could not move, and the Eternal Eternal Tower, which was unlimited, was quietly stopped in the void, and the atmosphere was pressed to the extreme.

"What's going on?" The strong in the Eternal Tower did not know what the body was unable to move.

"Fast look, it is the messenger of the Polysman!" The red potent of the eyes shouted.

Everyone is looking for, the purpose is to be reached, and this messenger is forced out, but the strength of this messenger is a bit unbelievable.

The resort of the five-order Di Jun strong, they can also bear, but now I will put them with the five-level emperor, and even put the figures void, so that they can't drive.

"Principal God!" The hard-working and five-level emperors respectfully went down.

In the bloodthirsty continent, the dragon is God, no one can violate him.

The Dragon is cold, and the face is cold, and two people who have previously treat the business.

He didn't move, but he was only a lot of indigenous emperors in Eternal Tower to release.

This is the power of the top six-order top emperor, even if the eternal to Bao can not violate his mind.

"You are all returned first!" Long Yi swept a very eye, and the cold voice said.

Many indigenous emperors did not dare to say anything, and I still want to be in front of the main gods.


Everyone retired, including the five-level emperor.

A dispute ended this, and it is mediated by the dragon.

Dragon is also too lazy to take these emperors of the original universe, directly moved their original circles, and these emperors will be in the future, and they are also entered to him, and now they are not packing them.

"Here, there is a room, enough for you to participate here!"

The dragon took a look, then said: "Right, here is the primitive of your original universe, the world is not like a bloodthirsty continent, you can't let it go here, or false."

Everyone just fell into the shape. When he heard the dragon, he was a glimpse, and then felt the weight of the last sentence, which was not threatening them, but an advice.

As for the trial of the Dagan, although they are somewhat curious, they are not too concerned, since there is a inheritance, but also benefit everyone, it is enough.

"Thank you mesenger!"

The red potent looks respectful, slightly smashed.

The rest of the person reacted, and he weddably together.

After all, it has just been able to have the strength of this messenger. The fourth-order peak emperor is very clear that the strength of this messenger is definitely more than the five-order episode, and it is stronger than that of the original universe.

This kind of person is even less rare in the long-term long river, and now they can see, but also dare to get wild on his chassis. If it is a hundred times in the outside world, it is a Buddhist temple.

"Okay, you will practice here! Special arrangements are waiting for me." Dragon made a hand, then throwing a token, showing all the original star on the original star, this is a original The total ranking of the big derivatives.

The above ranking is divided into two colors, one is a green one is gray.

The green represents alive, gray represents a false.

I haven't worried that everyone has not cared, even if they explore in the secret in the original universe, there is also the risk of falling. The inside of the world will also fight, such as the old era of the big dome in the same year, and the dead big derivative can form. A continent.

Originally, everyone is still not intended. After the rankings on the token are completely unfolded, they are stunned.

The whole ranking gray name is ten times the front green name.

The representative of this representative, the big Daman that entered the Diva Temple has fallen to be 90%, and now there is only one guarantee.

"The messenger, is you determined that the gray name is the big Damai that is already falling?" Some people couldn't believe it.

Dragon nodded slightly, the sound was cold and said: "Yes, it is already falling, so you have to cherish the situation, the battle of Dagan is more than you."

He said yes, Dagan is now killed in less than ten years, and the ten-year biennial temple is not given, so that these big Damadi has dropped 90%.

These emperors did not do anything, and they were in the long run in the long-term long river in the bloodthirsty continent.

"You are taking here!" Dragon's voice just fell into the void, leaving only everyone.

However, after he just disappeared, the outside world was a meal. The two five-level emperor appeared above, looked at the crowd below his eyes, and the figure was gradually hidden in the void.

These two people are the messenger of the Qinglong Temple, responsible for guarding these emperors, which is what the dragon is promised.

When the dragon came back to the bloodthirsty continent, I went to the business waiting for him.

The opportunity of business is bigger, but these other people have nothing to do!


"Oh, how to rank so low!" A fourth-order episode, looked at the leaderboard.

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