Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5215 ?? Evil

He is the father of God, the fourth-order top emperor, and the strength is very strong.

Now I see my son is in the bottom, and he is not a taste, especially if all emperors are present.

The numerous emperors who haven't worried about this rankings will soon start comparing.

"Dish, I heard that you have gave you the baby son, this list, how did I find him!"

"Haha, my disciples ranked okay, in his original star, the top three, total ranking also entered the top 100."

"Hey, still busy!"

Some people are happy, they have people.

The father of God Mo Mo is full of faces of the Dream World.

One is the bottom of his son ranking, one is his disciples and grandchildren to be destroyed.

Everyone is just a little attention to ranking, so soon, it will fall into the feet of the mountain.

Magic Yushan, as the name suggests, surrounded by a magic sound, this magic sound can make the emperor have some resistance, always eating their willpower.

"Is this the so-called big machine?"

"look up!"

Everyone looked up, a magnificent active avenue was vertically in the top of the magic mountain, exuded a powerful breath.

"This, this source is too strong, it can be comparable to our original universe. So powerful native is actually abandoned on this mountain." A top emperor couldn't help.

The origin of the original universe has been arbitrarily engraving, and the remaining this source is not complete, and the source avenue on the magic mountain is incomplete, but it is incomplete is also a universe, and it is in such a small place.

To know that the origin of the original universe is so big to cover the entire universe!

Unconsciously, everyone started to move the pace into the Magic Mountain.

At the moment they stepped into the Magic Mountain, a passion of broken hands and feet suddenly opened their eyes, a pair of scarlet scorpions, exuded evil, if the sword was unparalleled, absolutely shocked!

That breath is very similar to the evil breath of the sword. It is not complete in this existence.

Just like the incomplete source, it is incomplete.

" ..."

"It's a delicious practitioner!" He turned his scorpion, and the evil breath on the moment of smelling the breath was boiling.

"The of the Suzaki hall actually sent the practitioner to the Magic Mountain?"

He is a bit unfolbened!

It's been suppressed in the magic mountain. I didn't know how much reincarnation. At that time, my body collapsed. The last swallowing of the originalization fell in the Diva Temple. He has just formed a conscious mountain.

The feelings of the practitioners have never smelling.

In the entire blessing hall, there are only a group of indigenous practitioners in addition to the few lingering old bacon.

Although it has been suppressed, he is also clear that the indigenous practitioners of the Polyson Temple will rarely cross-borders, let alone the magic mountain.

"Is it?" This is contraction of eye hole, in his depths of memory, there is a piece of debris from the memory of the body.

The secret of the Temple, he also knows one or two, just to screen the inheritor, but the past reincarnation era, he has never seen the inheritor, is he just smelling the practitioners, is the Polyspur temple Inheritor?

But the smell of the breath, the number is very large, at least there are thousands of gods!

Such a group of gods suddenly appeared in the magistan, there is certainly trying to have something to do. Although he is bound to the top of the mountain, the body's evil breath can condense a respect, but his divide the most to the mountainside, then it will collapse.

"Delicious practitioners, I hope you can enter the mountainside!" The evil is closed, but the body has emerged a branch, there is a hundred.

These are five-order dramatics in the top of the mountain, but the more powerful of leaving the body, the weakening, and their combatization is completely engulfed from the stem of the body, although it is a five-order force, but with The five-order emperor is still a little gap, can only be considered the threshold of the five-order episode.

If you are alone, you can compare the five-level emperor, but the five-order emperor can only have the powerful source, their body, the treasure, the secret, and the school can be superimposed, and some ordinary five-level level of emperors have a top eternal The treasure, the war can double, and it will become the five-level emperor of the peak.

However, the top ten emperors under the hill, there is only one in the forever to Bao, and it is still the fourth-order emperor.

When these fare arrived in the mountainside, they can only maintain the fighting power of the fourth-order peak, but it is almost enough to deal with these emperors.

Unfortunately, these emperors have disappointed this evil, and I am afraid that there are no few people who can reach the mountainside.

Under the foot of the lake.

The Eternal Tower has been collapsed, and the wind and rain demon and other peak emperors reveals true, and the pace is tough walking in the foot of the lake.

It is naturally the top of the peak in the most, and it is true of these four-order top of Tong Tian Buddha.

"It's amazing, I feel a hundred millions of years every step!" In the middle of the team, the Buddha is strong in his heart.

Since they stepped into the Magic Mountain, the people in front were not talking. So quiet walking on the road, although the third-order emperor in the middle is very touched, but they can also bite to persist.

The power of swallows, invading their origins, but also in his will, each step, their own source will be compressed, this compression makes them very painful, can return it to them. The emotion of the Qingming, let them improve the feelings of the road.

A Dao Lingguang scored the mind and made them feel deeper on her own.

Tightly follow the sixth rods at the end of the fourth-order emperor. At this time, the heart is broad.

Since the suppression of Eternal Tower, he secretly made a transaction with the wind and rain, followed by the footsteps of Tunyang to the Eternal Tower.

After entering the boy temple, it is naturally released, since the truly stepped into the interior, he will understand how stupid it is in that year.

The exterior of their outer, inclusions, the strongest, the strongest, the third-order episode, but the disabled Avenue wants to cultivate the sixth order episode, which is more difficult than the Lord of the universe.

The real overflow of the temple, that is, cultivating some emperors and Dagani, wants to be the peak strong in the universe, or the treasures of the inner temple.

For example, the magic mountain in front of you.

Other emperors may not feel, but he cultivates the swallowing avenue. He can see that the source of the top of the mountain is a phagoty.

Just this source is much better than the origin of the branch, this magic sound is simply practicing the way of swallowing the way.

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