Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5216 ?? I really can't

Unfortunately, he has been abandoned to swallow the way and transferred the wilderness.

And it also controlled the sky-behind Tiandao. Now it will not be able to go to black, but he believes that since there is a dedicated to cultivating the sacredness of the Temple, then there must be cultivation. Holy Land.

If his thoughts let true spirits know, I am afraid I will vomit.

The magic mountain is more than a hundred million miles. This road to go to the mountain can look at the head, but the distance is just a long gang.

The shrinking is inch, which is very general in the Polyson Temple, but it is a big magistrate in their eyes.

The distance between the mountain is 10,000, and the mountainside is five thousand.

However, now, there have been thousands of first-order emperors to stop the body shape. They only got about the distance from Mo Baizhang and can't walk, and only the knees were taken away from the distance.

Although there is only a distance of hundreds, it can be practiced more than the external world, and there is a top source of the mountains, this holy place, the original universe is not found, even if there is such a place in the long hill, it is not a round They practice here.

Although their road has come to the end, there is a blessing of this place, and it is not easy to break.

On the original road, it is a new realm. It will increase the five-way road to the four-piece level. Although the process is difficult to pay, the original universe in the outside is also raised, it can be here. Not necessarily.

Although the second-order Emperor is far more than they, it is still very difficult to improve.

The first five hundred sings have blocked thousands of emperors, the emperor of the original universe, half is the first-order second-order episode, and half is the third-order to the fourth-order emperor.

As for the fifth-order emperor, he has accumulated hundreds of people since ancient times.

However, most of them are in the distance of time and space outside the domain, and there are many five-order emperor. When they go out, they are just four orders, breaking through the five-order emperor and has not returned.

In the primitive universe, there is also inheritance, but also a five-level emperor, they or established their own forces, or left a pass.

From time to time, will return, the other five-order emperor is not going back, no longer come back.

The Division is born, I am afraid they will return, and the emperor can observe their hometown world through the source.

The original universe has a great relationship with the original home, and they can clearly feel the big things within the original universe.

This time, the Temple is born, even if no one knows them, you can feel the original universe.

But I want to catch back, I am afraid that hundreds of years of or even hundreds of millions of years.

By, the caulous is cold.

Emperor who has stepped into the Magic Mountain is desperately enhanced her strength, and there is still a mood to manage those five-level emperor.


There is a big Buddha, staying for a long time, careful feelings, every step makes strength steadily improvement.

Although every time it takes, it makes a clearer, and it can be achieved after each weight, and it is more difficult to rise.

"It's already thousands of feet!" There is a big Buddha looked up in front. It is the fourth-order episode than him, and he is the fastest power in the third-order episode.

The current third-order episode has all been crossing five hundred, he is the first strong force in the third-order episode, and hundreds of strong people in front of him are the fourth-order episode.

On this road, the fastest walk is a few peaks of the wind and rain. They have already gone out of the distance of the three thousand, and they will step back, every time they are very slow.

More than two thousand is the true Wuyang and Tongtian Buddha, and the father of the emperor Mo, and the Dazu of the Dream World.

The speed of several people walking is almost, and they have reached two thousand five hundred days.

The red water is a special life, and it is extremely slow, but it is extremely slow, just arrived at the distance of two thousand, and most of the fourth-order top emperor.

The eyes of the rich Buddha squatted, smiles, look back to the mountain, directly transferred the knee and started to practice.

This scene made the other third-order emperors, it was still so strong that they were still so strong, they were able to keep up with the fourth-order emperor, and now they have stopped.

They don't know, there is no amount of Buddha to the limit, but not to stop the people under the mountain, don't go to the entertainment, but go to the stabilization of your own mood.

There is no quencher, the biggest benefits of the magic sound, but it is not just that it is so simple, stable mood, and the temper will be second.

Their biggest opportunity is to understand this magistan mountain. Every time they take a step, they feel a powerful pressure. This pressure is naturally from the magic mountain.

The Magic Mountain gives them pressure, but it is not to suppress their pace, but have already pierced their own source.

He has a premonition. If you step on the top of the mountain, it is to take up the entire Magic Mountain.

This is the big one, the big machine.

Being up a mountain, it is difficult to overlook a mountain.

After the income of the Buddha, it will not be anxious. According to his estimate, the third-order Emperor will raise the distance from the three-day battle. Now, according to his mood and the source, it can be He is not enough, he wants to take out this magic.

If this idea knows that it is known that it is not necessary to open a back door, it is incorporated into the Polyson Temple in advance.


"Old bald, why have you been following me!" Zhenwu Yang spit out a turbidity, look back and look at the sky Buddha, angry in his heart.

This guy, since I got on the Magic Mountain, I raised it in his body, and I had a slow distance with him, nor did it exceeded it.


"Zhen Wu Shan, you and me, I am adjacent, naturally have to get close!" Tong Tian Buddhist laughed meat smiled, the voice was soft, and the voice was very emotional.

It can be seen by his means and obviously don't eat this set.

This old baldon is a master who is eating people, I really want to believe in him, and I don't know how to die.

Looking back to see the six crows, this is the next game with Tongtian Buddha. If he said a few words in the wind and rain, the current the sixth rickets are still in the tower!

Originally, the six crows in the wind, Taoism is now only alive.

"Don't forget, you and I have two in different forces, you are not afraid of red water to find you trouble?" Zhen Wuyang brids.

Tongtian Buddha is uncomfortable, followed by the footsteps of Yuyang, once again take a step, very calmly: "I am with the red water, it is not very familiar, you and I have done hundreds of millions of years of neighbors!"

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