Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5219? I am from the sky, the opportunity is unlimited

However, there is no chaotic gas flow between the four secrets. The four big worlds are connected. There are also a lot of strong people from other three secrets to the Tomb of the other three secrets. They have a six-order top strength. You can suppress those people at any time.

Now Turin has touched eight Lingling people in order to open the trial, and suddenly the defensive power of the Tomb of the Tomb is minimized.

They are born to guard against the gods, but the owners have also been over, everything must be listening to the true spirit.

This makes them dare not resist.

"Well, hurry! Don't worry about the things of the Tomb, everything is there!" The meat of the true kong pointed corner is fluttering, the whole body shower is in the sea, very comfortable.

The Shou Ling people did not disappear, but the face was dark, and the heart was secretly sighed. The owner's bones were not cold, and the true spirit was a big, even the owner's flesh, only known to enjoy it in the sea of ​​this source.

A universe is allowed to override the emperor, but this is the sea of ​​this source!

Even if a pig is sleeping here as a whole, you can sleep into a big dermndant.

Just picking out a source of this source to make the pig become the sea of ​​the emperor, every time I come to this old man, I am rushing to go, I don't want to stay.

The Lingling people are suffocated, and they have to go well in their mouths!

"Yes! Adults are too tired, they will not be angry." The body of the Lingling people gradually hide in the token, disappearing.

True Spiritually observed the Huqing in the sky, and his mouth evoked a smile.

"It's almost a little bit, the little guy you have to work hard!"

The practice of the entire primitive universe, he can see if there is no more than ten people, what a honor is.

If the sword is unparalleled, this old man is most eye-catching in the original universe, it is estimated that the sweat is standing.

In the sky, Huiqing sweats, slipping down the smooth brain.

He didn't know how long it took, the golden breath has been surrounded by his body, but no matter how he does it, it can't take it.

He is inheriting, he is controlled by one by one, but it is impossible to control the breath.


Hui Qing whispered, this inheritance is a reincarnation, he has not known how many times he is back, but it can't succeed.

What exactly is a real reincarnation, now he has been transformed into a reincarnation body in accordance with the inheritance of the inheritance, the original ordinary 100 times the body, and now it has increased to 10,000 times, but it is still unbearable.

Wan Doubled the body, the peak of special life is only a good fortio, and now there is only a red water in the emperor, and the existence of Wanli's body. The big margin is also a special life of the gains of the body, they A big Damai, which is the ultimate way, has a semi-step strength.

Hui Qing is the ultimate way, now because the reincarnation is heard, the body has reached a hierarchy, the two meet, he will grow up in the future, absolutely more than those of the world's special life, but also far more ultimate The road practitioner will be really comparable to the emperor.

This kind of strength and potential are also the reason why the true spirit is optimistic. It really puts this to others. They may not be able to bear, and they can accept it.

Because he is a reincarnation, the reincarnation is not him.

There are many inheritances in the temple, but it is suitable for these practitioners, not inheriting, but the practitioners can't do.

Even if you give them, you can't accept it.

Nowadays, Hui Qing accepted this inheritance of his own origin, it is very difficult, don't say other people.


A corrugated ripples in the origin makes people all the people.

"Haha, little guy, you can't stop me, you will be my own source of this source, now you should welcome your body."

Huan Qing's bottom move, a group was suppressed in the deep memory of the heart, and it was finally integrated with a red robe man who touched Hu Qing Chang.

His eyebrows have a red mark, and a red robe floating, and the lingering is red.

Hui Qing is suddenly opened, since it can't be suppressed, let the memory of the memory of independence, this is the clearing, now it is in advance.

Then completely relieve the entire scourge!


At this time, Huqing's inner world has two yourself.

One is the red robe of the group memory for independence, one is the body of Hui Qing's own consciousness.

The two are far away!

"Good!" Hui Qing low her eyemare!

The red robe Huqing is a cold, "I am the sky, the opportunity is unlimited!"

That memory Hui Qing knows Xiao, and also understands that he is all kind, but he doesn't want to think, and you don't want to think about those.

I have been born in this world, it is completely cut off the last generation!

"You are not a sky!" Hui Qing shook his head.

A pair of Qingming's scorpion recalled the past, let his face change, and then anger "The sky is dead, he is dead!"

"The sky is divided into the hundreds of millions of people in the same year. You are just a evil mind, but you still die!"

Hui Qing changed the sigh, the domineering of the change was very unparalleled, as a hover, and he was leaked.

"You!" The red robe is surprised, he didn't want the other party to know the sky!

Previously, the memory of Hui Qing's bottom is him, but also because he Huiqing will enter the road, so heavy to the Zen Machine.

In his view, Hui Qing's consciousness and soul should be a little guy who is even Dai Dano, how is it suddenly changed, and he read Huqing, the more it feels that the other party is the body, which makes him very Shock!

Hui Qing said that, he is indeed the main body of the sky, but he is just a source of consciousness.

It's just that his luck is so good, it can be revived, and it is only awakened.

Although this is a big opportunity, with his promotion, this is the air transport of the emperor!

There are so many opportunities for no air transport.

"Little guy, it seems that you know a lot, but you don't forget, you have the current strength because of me, so you will be swallowed!" The red robe is cold, waiting, I don't know how much reincarnation He recovered again.

He won't give up, especially before being suppressed by Huiqing, he clearly, with the strength of Huiqing, the more pressing the pressure, he is hard to turn over, but now Huaqing is inherited Not suppressing him, then this time it will be his last chance.

"I said, I am not a sky, the sky is already dead, since you are as good as the sky, then you will die!"

Hui Qing's eyes are cold, the voice is falling, the two are like the guild, and the body is constantly conscious, but the fierce killing is not better than the outside world.

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