Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5220 ?? Method

"You are me, I am you, the sky will also be a heaven, how many people will not change!" The red robe Hui Qing, although crazy, his will has gradually swallowed, and it has fallen into the wind.

Hui Qing also does not waste, sitting on the ground, closed his eyes, and showing the body of this world when he is behind.

The red robe is self-proclaimed, his body is the same as the heavens, a Taoist Taoist Taoist, carrying a peach, a majestic national, and the five senses are score.

Huiqing plate is sitting on the ground, don't look, I don't want to see it, but I have to fight at this time. He has to face the past.

"Give me it! I am on the body."

Red Robe Huqing directors Tiancai people, pull out peach wood swords to Huqing!

Hui Qing's body behind the body, taking brown batons, jumping.

The two of the two fartherly smashed together, the world of hitting the hearts of the hearts, and the red robe is clear, and it is desperate to bite the image of the heavens.

"Tian machine, you can remember the promise of the once!" Hui Qing's law loudly.

This sound, letting the law of the sky, but let the black robes will stand up, even if I am, I am a body, I am a body, to swallow him! "


The law of the red robe and the summons called out of his law, which made him completely dumbfounded.

The top world has failed, but he did not grasp it at the time, it was accurate that his death was suicide.

Now, it is successful, and the past memories have recovered. Why don't you devour Hui Qing back to the peak and fight again!

The red robe is very unexpected.


What is it for?

The red robe is roar!

At this time, the next day plane will look back to the red robe Huqing, and the eyes are no longer the strict, but it is very gentle.


What makes the red robe Huqing surprised that the law can speak!

Hui Qing smiled, "Yes, the promise, the promise to the red lady, you can still remember!"

The Tianji method turns back and re-looks to the law of Huqing, and his scorpion has changed again.

"I have never forgotten!" The sky is heavy.

Hui Qing nodded and finally sighed.

When she consciously consciously, he is completely facing the past life. The memory of the sky is completely integrated with this world.

Thirty million practice, people understand my heart, the past life is mixed with this life, but he is also a clear.

The top world is very powerful, but is a strong force of the mortal body, and the most powerful big dermine in the east rigid and even around the world.

At that time, he was shocked, and he was very embarrassed to defeat the first-order episode.

Dagan fairy defeated the emperor, which was simply the legend of the original universe, and the realm of Dagan and the emperor is like the heavens and the earth.

However, the big Damadam of such a surprised, eventually did not have a smooth, which suddenly made it, this is no different from suicide.

All this is a mystery. When he falls, the whole person is more exclusive. The source is directly collapsed and does not want to live.

All this is because of his aesthetic "Red Niang!"

Hui Qing also understood why he would not accept the memory, and he did not want to face the past.

It turns out that he has never changed anything, and he has never forgotten it. He has always been him.

Red lady is the pain of the sky!

Hu Qing and the law of the sky are red at this moment.

Time and space retrospective, numerous borders in front of the era.

Endless continent somewhere.

There is a vulgar dynasty, Vietnam.

Among the mountains in the country, there is a very famous valley called "Go Valley".

There is also such a legend in the local area. In the past, as long as you want to worship the Buddha in the valley, you will evoke the memories of the past.

Because of this legend, the temples in the valley have been constantly incense, in addition to knowing the letter of the past, there is also a lot of letters of security, seeking, seeking money, disaster, disaster, and disasters.

These people don't know if they are on the back of the temple, there is a look, there is a true fairy, but because the legend, no one pays attention to the diverted look, just remember the temple in the valley.

In the fall of the year, there was a flood in the mountains, and the wheat fields who have never been in the past, there are more people who have a small village, and the temples come to the Buddha more, and more often.

The mid-year mid-term mid-year in the top of the mountain does not understand, these people are clearly can't eat, why also spend money to worship Buddha.

The Taoist Lao Dao is shocked by the brain. "The sky is not leaked!"

The tao said, but I can't understand, I plan to go down the mountain to see the temple that makes people 's dreams, I lie to the mountain and ask some rice.

At a glance, I saw the little Taoist lie, but he didn't block, just looked at the small Taoist back and shake his head, sigh, "I can't stay, be gone!"

The little Taoist is going to the mountain, he is an orphan, from the old man who follows the mountain, everything is very familiar with everything on the mountain, but also don't understand the temple. Let so much worship.

He is going down the mountain, the pace is light, and every step can take a long, and the body is very stable. If it is seen, it will be shocked, which is just the martial arts!

However, this road has also passed with the master.

At this time, the temple is calculated on the car tall dragon, and there is a landlord's sedan sedan, and there is also an ordinary Trojan.

They were frowning in front of the temple, but they joined their temples but they smiled. Especially after I went to the Buddha, he came out of the way, and swept the desperateness of the past, replaced a beautiful scene appearance.

After seeing this scene, the taoist is more curious.

However, his guideller dress appeared in the door of the temple, but a lot of people finger a point, even gotting at the ear, talking about the Buddha.

The trails are urgent. If you want to argue, you can think of this time, you will not pay attention to it directly, and you will leave the main entrance of the temple.

He didn't want to be nodded by those people, and he intended to go to the temple to explore.

Go and see this temple, where is it!

Around the main entrance of the car, he came to a remote fence, and four looked at it. At this time, he also sent it in his heart. I was afraid that the master saw him to see him into the temple. He is afraid of the master Due to mad.

The walls of the main entrance have a high-style, but it is very broken, but it is a wall that is very broken, but some walls around you, very shabby is not as good as the road. .

Pilgrim believes that this is the compassion of monks, will be the best to respected the Dear Buddha, and they live with a broken small courtyard.

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