Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5226 ?? Five hits one too bully people

Now he advanced from the nine turn, under the emperor, can kill him, there is not much, at least in this original star, he has enough financial life, even if it is also difficult to kill him.

Now, Hui Qing is warned by the five major roads, and the sword is unparalleled to stand up.

"Dear, five hits, is it too lifted." The sword is unparalleled, one step, standing around Huiqing.

Hold your chest, a powerful breath, and the eyes are full of strength,

This move, not only surprised the crowd, but also caused several Daojun gazing.

When the people dared to touch their numbers of their people, this person saw the strength of the appearance, but also the ultimate Dagan, did not expect actually dared to stand against them.

"There is no double brother!" Hui Qing looks, looks at the sword next to it, he knows that there is a lot of swords without double chassis, and strength is also very powerful.

It is now the five major roads, and many strong people, once the two falls in the wind, I am afraid that these people will be over.

It is said that Huang is worried, the sword is unparalleled and put: "My secret is not less than you, you can do a few times a year, I am not too much!"

He is also the truth, the secret, he can not be weak.

Although Hui Qing has a secret that involves the secret of the emperor, he has traveled with the emperor from the Dynasty, and it is strong enough!

There is also a lot of causality with the real Wuyang, and there is a secret with many emperors of the era of ancient times. In the past, the little bottle on him was installed with the emperor's soul, although it was lost, but no matter how Said that his understanding of the emperor can be less and less.

Nowadays, I have been getting into the nine-way Damadan, and the strength has been doubled. It is already the limit of the ultimate, if they count the eyes of the beast and the universe, Dao Jun is really not afraid.

It is a few Daojun together around him, and the legs are a bit trembled.

As the only female Dao Jun, the only female Daojun, the mood is impermanent, see the sword, no dare, I dare to take help at this moment, leak a smile, say: "You have fun than the demon, I will come!"

When the sword has no double one, she is a cold frost track in the five major roads.

"There is no double brother, you can help me on the side, these will give it to me!" Hui Qing figure out, straight and cold frost.

The sword is unparalleled, and the look is a little sad: "The cold frost track, her name is very similar to me, let me come!"

Cold cream, cold and frost!

The difference between the word, is different from countless worlds.


The sword is unparalleled to let go of your hands, and a god sword appears in the hands.

The sword is full of people, this is the sword!

Since I have enlisted the Qianxian, the sword is unparalleled, there is a new cognition.

Don't get into a fairy.

The breath is twisted, and the eyes of the beast are also exploding at this moment, and the sword is unparalleled.

Huiqing saw this, only to stop other Daojun.

"You don't have to worry, I am only interested in you." The voice of the army is just in the hands, and the sword appears in the hands. The inscription above is in the golden light, and the endless power will, it is obviously the best to the innate

Huiqing bat stick is done long gun, directly stab!

The other three Daojun have retired, and the bloody road Jun is interested in this fight, and he is not anxious.

The inheritance of Huiqing, they all know that it is impossible to rob that it is impossible, but they are not convinced, what should I do, I can only play a game.

They have to see what this Huiqing is in the end, which can make the Diva Temple descended with him.

Wanxing Tianmi and Tear Trendo are also standing on the side. They are two great forces. It is quite good. This time is to see the strength of Huiqing, not embarrassing, but to see how the Pestician .

Both of them are emperors, is a great trendy capital, and they still don't want to go to jealousy.

Powerful fluctuations, the two-person silk flying, but they can't shake their figure.

Although some big Di fairy from the periphery are far away, it is not a star, which is not a star, and is punched by this air wave.

This makes those peaks, I can't help but take a breath, and I sigh: "Is this a battle of Daojun?"

Too horrible, if it is nearly a point, they can't connect to the remaining wave, which is the gap between the origin.

They are all successful, some people can compare the emperor with Da Yanxun.

Top, peak, limit, Daojun, half-step

This is also corresponding to five different local channels, everything is what they choose, and now it is noise.

"The battle of this strongman is too terrible." Someone slammed his breathing, and his eyes stared at the core of the battle.

Two major roads, the two new Jinqiang, one is the power of the demon, there is the strength of the ultimate Dagan, and now there is a battle force.

Another one they still don't know who it is, but I can think of the atmosphere, and I can see the least half-step Jun, otherwise it is impossible to fight with the cold frost.

"This person is the sword is unparalleled. I remember him!" A peak big demonstry was difficult to resist the impact of the air wave.

"The sword is unparalleled?" Everyone doubt.

They have never heard of this name. After all, there are many big Damai can't watch the universe gods, they have entered the Buddha, familiar, but also the top of the original star.

"It's definitely no mistake, he is a sword is unparalleled, and it is the Buddha world with the demon. I have seen him in the red water hall."

Everyone was shocked. The two were Tongtian Buddhism. A world actually appeared two Junsun, and listening to the name Tongtian Buddha industry is not a higher world, just a medium world.

The original world of the original universe is also a hundred, the entire universe is still medium world.

Most of the names of the higher world, they all know that the name of the Tongtian Buddhism is the first time, and naturally determines the secondary world.

I suddenly joined two Taoism, this world couldn't be the next world!


The roaring is constantly being sent out.

The sword is unparalleled by the shock!

It is good to be in his body, you can overlay, or you will be injured in the fighting fluctuations of Huqing and Broken Army.

"The strength is still a bit!" The sword was in the dark.



A sword, the huge sword is full of heart, this sword is the core sword trick of the sixth floor of the ultimate sword. Nowadays, the sword is unparalleled and the swords are strong. It is not comparable to Moron. It is that he has achieved nine turn today, and the strength has been qualified.

In the stars, billions of years of practice is completely transformed, and it will be so easy to break through the future.

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