Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5227 ?? Ice Crystal Phoenix

The accumulation of hundreds of millions of years, the sword is unparalleled. Even if he just stepped into the nine turn, he has exceeded its own realm. It quickly improved it, but he couldn't let him control itself, but let him fight in battle Changed more hearty.

In the face of the cold frost, the woman is strong, the sword is unparalleled.

Heart sword!

Why is the cold frostway, but in the face of this sword, she still let her feel in the heart, and then restore my heart in the moment of Sword Ying.

"Frost Snow City!" She angered, I didn't expect to be in the sword without a double sword forced the hooded skill.

The gray world of the original dead, the temperature suddenly decreased, but it was a more cold in the world.

The positive piece of void has become a light blue, crystal clear!

In the cold, several Daojun couldn't help but hit a cold. The peaks of the far-sighted fans were more retired again, and the chill of invasion was too violent. Even their own channels can Freezing, this is chills cold to the bones.

"This is the sorrow of the cold cream, the frost!" Someone exclaimed!

"It is terrible, it is, it is the danger of falling in the frost, this sword is not double."

A half-sleeved Jun frowned, cold channel: "The gap is too big, if you escape, I can wait for luck, I really want to desperately fall in the hand."

The reason why Daojun is called Dao Jun, and that is, it is a successful way to the road, and achieve the double success of the realm and the road in Da Yanxian.

It can be called Daojun.

They are half a step, because it is because of the lack of the source, even if it is only a bad one, it can't be successful.

"The two products of the cold frost track, is the frost snow, and cultivate it to the ninth floor. It is already a complete realm in Da Daoxian.

"The field of such a horrible, you can freeze it directly."

Everyone faces such a battle, I can't help but take a breath.

If the sword is unbold, if a sword is not enough, his speed is still constant in the frosty world.

Golden Wood Water Fire Soil has a local source, he has mastered, and it is a space source.

This is a special source except the ultimate source, and the sword that has been touched to the space is not double in the frost snow world. It does not affect his speed.

"Frost Snow World?" The sword was unparalleled, and the mouth rose, the sweat on the eyebrow was condensed into ice, and the snow whit.

"I don't know who is weaker than I have a universe."

The sword is unparalleled, and the hands are holding the box, roaring!

It's too much in a ridiculous breath, and this place is too much. Raining is a little improper. It is good in the eyes of the beast. This weakened version of the universe, with the beast god, he can also with the cold frost deal with.



The sword has no doubles trembled, and there is a blood red eyeliner, and the eyes are rotated, and the light gold is completely converted into red.

Sweight around, the power taken by the eyes makes people 's heart.

Cold cream, a lot of hands!

"The sword is unparalleled, you are a little meaning, just don't know if you are frozen, it can still save your full!"

Voice fell!

Ice Phoenix, from the earth, swept the whole ice and snow world.

It is broken, and even Huqing and the Broken Army are stopped in this.

Originally thought that two talents were the protagonist, but they didn't expect cold frost, they came up, and the ice crystal phoenix rolls were filled with the whole frost.

"I didn't expect that she actually touched the threshold of the space source, and the ice and snow space showed, and it was able to condense the ice crystal Phoenix."

It's not a power of the army. He is not a proud of the day. He is still a road before countless era, but he is at that time, but it is a top big Dairy, and it has never broken the end, it is a force. The old age, and later luck, I got a given, cultivating the school, and cumulative countless era has now power.

When he saw the proud of the true day of the original universe, he was very angry.

When they are weak, they can get such a powerful tobao and the jewelery.

Especially Hui Qing, the strength is not weak, and it is gently, and it can be seen in the temple. In so many original stars, give him alone.

"Breaking the army, you can continue to fight!" Hu Qing's face does not change, the breath is calm, and the eyes have always intentionally sweeping the sword.

Ice Crystal Phoenix and Cold Frost Road Jun, two Dao Jun's war, swords are not doubled.

The sword has saved him too many times. In the wild, it was chased by hundreds of millions of bones, and several masters were falling. The sword was unparalleled, and he killed him.

In the end, I was chased by the nine turn rounded, the sword was unbearable, and he didn't give up him.

Today, come to save him, this is a good news, he is not reported.

The strength of the army has also been revealed, and it is not known to him, since he is not entangled, it will speed up!


It is also to show all the best to reach more.

"This trick, call back!"

Hui Qing's silver baton pointed to the army.

The long stick figure out, the space is shock!

The broken army was shocked, and it was a space of a space. When is the space of the space so good.

He has cultivated numerous opportunities to touch the threshold of space.

You know, some weak emperors have just broken through the emperor, began to make their own origin towards the space development.

"Be evil!" Breaking the hard face, he has always recognized that the strength is only under Wanxing, and now the cold cream suddenly shows the strength of his strength, and it doesn't expect Hui Qing's war.

Strong war, he can think that Hui Qing has been inherited and cultivated, and now Huqing has touched the threshold of the space. Strength, realm, and warring power is not weak.

This makes him more unhappy.

"God cone, broken righteous!" The broken army was angry, not reserved, the body shape, the body shape, and his body has been accumulated to two thousand times, which can be comparable to the general special life, directly avatar It is also not afraid that the dispersion of the body will weaken your own defense.

Because Hui Qing's previous stick faction is defense, he has not considered Huqing under his full attack, and he can attack him.

There are countless era, the strength of the army has become strong, and the intelligence in the battle has no breakthrough.

Hui Qingjun sweeps, roaring, making it full.

This is the strongest study in the inheritance, the reincarnation of the reincarnation!

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