Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5228 ?? Strong Huang

This secret is not only let him increase to 10,000 times, but even his delay will change by the reincarnation of the practice.

This is more than 10,000 breaths than the delay.


Silver long sticks collided with sharp breaks, showing a shock, and more than two struggles will be shocked.

This roar, so that the frost snow is unstable, and the ice crystal phoenix is ​​even Yang Tian!

The sword is unparalleled, and the long film sword appears in the palm of his hand, suddenly taking out, and the ice crystal phoenix.

The cold frostway is a condensed, and the ice crystal phoenix has the skills of the king, but the wisdom is too low. Although she is secretly controlled, she can't do it completely.

If it is possible to completely control the ice crystal phoenix, then it is too metamorphosis. When you participate in the mixed war, a Daojun suddenly turned into two Daojun, which is a double change in quality and quantity.

A long phantom sword, let the cold frost track feel uncomfortable, feel that the breath is too horrible, and even the ice crystal phoenix, but it is too late.

Hui Qing, the more fierce, gradually pressing the broken army to fight, the former owner's fighting army has to go to the defense, slow defense will stop Huqing, until the real kickshable, he suddenly Retreat.

That stick is playing in his waist, and the abdomen suddenly turned into the chest. He tapped a breath and strong complicated to suffer from the chest, but the body was because the stick began to break, and he had to become ordinary size.

It's just a foot stick to break his defense, so that the body loses a lot.

He is a cold, cold sweat is straight.

"How can I be so strong!"

However, he thinks that he thinks, the long stick is coming again, and it is still a fierce attack, he has to defense.

A stick.

Both sticks, hobbars, hundreds of sticks, tens of thousands of sticks, universal sticks, millions of sticks.

One is fierce than one, once a powerful.

The broken army collapsed, he also unhappy again, only to retrace!

The form of swords and unparalleled things have also changed, and the phantom sword came out. The sneak attack ice crystal phoenix, not only let him get a chance to breathe, but it has achieved the upper wind.

Although there is no blessing of the universe, it can now the phantom swords.

It's just a sword, you will leave the ice crystal phoenix, let it get hurt, although there is a dragonfly force, but the defense of ice crystal phoenix is ​​very fragile, and a sword breaks its ice blade, insert it directly into its body.

The cold cream is unfinished, and the ice crystal phoenix is ​​just summoning, even if the sneak attack, it has been injured and there is no hurt.

However, she didn't expect that the ice crystal Phoenix has been lost in the body since after the sword has been subjected to the sword.

This kind of thing she is still encountered, I don't know how to deal with it for a while, I can only attack the sword.

The voyele in the ice crystal phoenix is ​​her way, both of which are one.

"Haha, now I know hurt!" The sword was unbengeed as a ghost, and he was still in the eyes.

I feel that the breath is not right, the sword has no double shape change, knowing that the cold frostway is desperate, but the source, how many years of hard work, who being swallowed by him, anyone else.

The sword is unparalleled in the form, the breath is twisted to exit the entire ice and snow world, not killing the cold frost track.

"The sword is unparalleled!" The cold frostway is reluctant to roar.

In the end, I have to fight against the anti-allerge, forcibly recovering the ice crystal phoenix, but her native is also lost, and the loss of the loss can be comparable to the complete origin of some peak big Damai.

After the sword is unparalleled, stand in the distance, the star is unchanged.

"How, you can continue to fight!"

In the face of swords, there are unparalleled ridicies, the cold frost road is white.

If the front is killing, the sword is unparalleled is not her opponent, but the magical sword is too strange, and the evil breath contains it.

But there is no ice crystal phoenix, one-on-one, she really took the sword. There is no way.

When the audience saw this, the heart was very shocking, and it was also secretly recorded the sword and unparalleled. Although this person did not have a slave level, but the extent of threat is more horrible.

The cold frost track is crazy, but it is even more injured. This kind of person is no longer able to provoke.

"Pay attention to this sword is unparalleled. His real strength should have not arrived at the Taojun level, but this person is too strange, and it is more than the threat!" A half-step dragon eye is jealous and jealous. In this battle, he made him a new understanding.

If he faces the cold frost track and ice crystal phoenix, it is still in the frost, he must fall, don't say to crack, even the resistance is not done.

That's two Dao!

Any one of him is not an opponent, let alone two siege.

"Fast, the army can't hold it!"

Everyone just changed from the sword without double, and once again, he would make a good look at Hui Qing and Broken Army.

The sword is unparalleled in the distance, and it is not a smart person, knowing that she is also a smart person, and the two are not, but they will not mean.

Although he can threaten the cold frost road, it is also a backhand, it is really going to take the initiative, the phantom sword has encountered the cold frost road, she will be careful.

And both of them did not have a matter of death, but there were two roads around the Tiger, the most powerful, Jun Wanxing, and the most hot bloody moon, but also did not work.

It's really a dead to fight.

However, I really have to fight, the sword is unparalleled, once the universe is formed, he is still doubled, and his strength will soar, his combat power will soar to the Taojun level, with the fairy array, it can really The cold cream is left.

Of course, all this is no outsiders, if there is a bottom card, or other Taojun intervene, then he is not to grasp.

Nowadays, I will have the power of the eye of the beast God, and he is breath and start watching the battle here.

The cold frostway is tunes, and it is not possible to restore its own density. As for the loss of the origin, she will really can't make up back, but it is not too much to lose, and it is not much affected by her strength.

This battle, there is no benefits, but let the sword have burst into the mainland, which let her write down this shame, sooner or later to come back from the sword.

However, recalling the power of the chlorocity, she contraction, if she is not in the temple, she must ask for the emperor, this is what means, it is too surprised.

On the other side, there is still a wealth of swords and unparalleled!

The power of the reincarnation, let Wanxing Road move.

The sword is unparalleled with the cold frost track, he is still in the eyes, it is some side of the door. If he is cold, the ice crystal phoenix is ​​not at all, and even he has confidence. Ice crystal phoenix.

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