Hui Qing is not the same, that is the powerful power, is the absolute Daojun's war, and in the Taojun or the top existence.

Strong war, with the stocked stick method, Hui Qing's suppression of the battle of the battle is terrible.

Onlookers, only saw the sword unparalleled and cold frost tracks, and the world of swords will be the world of frost, and there is a crystal phoenix.

Although these means are gorgeous, they can truly let Daojun have always been personal, only powerful personal strength will be convincing.

Just like the current Huiqing, one stick, there is no fancy gorgeous move, but his every stick can make the Taojun injured, the stick method is self-contained, and a trial is similar to ordinary, but it contains Weiner, but it is extremely magnificent.

This is the power of the inheritance reincarnation!

Huiqing wipes the robbery, completely falling into the past, to achieve the realm of the water, the strength also flew!

These are all powerful than the reincarnation.

The true spirit is also worthy of the true spirit of the district, the reincarnation of the reincarnation is very suitable for Hui Qing!

This is only nine turn, and the sword is not a double station in the same place, and some shocking Huiqing is strong. If they are full, he has opened it with Hui Qing.

He four, Hui Qing six.

Even with the most powerful means, "Irich" sword is unparalleled, it is difficult to deplete the transformation of the transformation into the Hualing of the Roundback.

As for the source of the origin, Hui Qing has a congenital to treasure, and the confidentiality will also have a congenital to Baotai set "Town Yulou"

This original star will never threaten Huqing!

The sword is unhealthy, although it is inherited, but it is not discouraged. Who is weaker, who is weaker.

Although it can be seen that Hui Qing is at this time, I am afraid that I have been robbed, it seems to have passed.

However, in the eyes of his eyes of his beast, Huishi still has two thick causal lines. He can only look at a clear look at him.

"Is it related to the emperor?" The sword was picked up, then laughed.

Here is the Temple of the Past, when you go out, it is still not necessarily, even if you are related to the emperor, it is also the temple.

Ability to threaten the emperor of Huqing!

The sword is unparalleled, and I can't guess who, I will never have the nation of the martial arts to get the opportunity to get the charm of the temple, go to kill him!

Also don't say, it is very likely, look at the current broken army, I know, some people in the emperor are still in the second order level, can't break through.

They are also very embarrassed, and they can also enter the fourth order and even five orders after the emperor.

They don't dare to show them in front of those strong people, they can only take these big deannels.

Hui Qing is a person in Tongtian Buddhism. It is also the Shami on the mountain. It is an emperor. Although it is not a teacher, it is practiced in the emperor, which is also a person who is a Buddha. Looking for Huiqing!

The sword is unparalleled, not thinking, as for the second cause, he will not look.

These are the side effects of enchanting themselves. No strong people will be flat in their lives, and the strong road is not so good.

The true Wuyang in the large-scale domain, the corpse of the emperor has come to this step, and the Buddha has inherited the broken Tianjie, but it is really because a breaking higher world is so powerful?

Although the sword is unclear, he is not clear that he is clear that the big company is just a medium world, which can control the true Wuyang of the medium world, but it is not weak in the master of the higher world.

This has a gap between the origin and the treasure, but more or because the selected road is different.

"Strong Road!" The sword was unparalleled, and he still didn't know where his power is?

The pressure of the polar road has always made him breathless, and now the fourth layer is too slow, progress is too slow.

Although the ultimate path is connected to the sixth floor.

The heart is also the fourth level, and he has no mouthful of heart, I don't know when it can break through.

In general, in the big Daman, it will improve the end of the ninth layer in the ninth layer. This is also the power of the original universe is the most intention of the original universe.

At least a lot of fourth-order episodes are walking this way.

The cold frost track, and there are still many other roads that are going to walk, and the entire primitive universe can embark on the big Deman of this road, but thousands, but it is really possible to go to the end of the shore. No.

This era can have a district of the district, it is really their greatest luck, maybe I may get out of the seedlings of several dozens of four-level emperor.

As far as it is, they have not seen the shortcuts of Da Dai Xian 's emperor, and the secret of the exaggeration of the ancient times will still have an answer.

The only six crow, did not mention it, and those emperors were too lazy to ask, they were more careless, not swords unparalleled, these big Damai can be comparable.

The ultimate path is the most special, it can't be a strong road, but a dark road.

If the four-level emperor of the other shore is a dazzling sun on the road, then there is only a dim oil on the way.

Give you a shiny, but I can't take the road under the foot, countless times, the silk is still still, but I don't see the people of the year.

Lonely, dark, helpless!

This is the ultimate way.

The sword is not a little breathing, and it is sigh: "What about the road?"


No way!

The more I want yourself, the more fear, I don't want to come to the bodge hall, now he is fortunate.

This is also grateful to Yuyang, do not assign him to the frontier, and will not enter this temple, and he still has a premonition, he thinks this disorder is he opened.

Although some fascinations are confident, there is really this possible.

As the inheritance left by the ancient energy, the Polysman is inheritance, and it is possible to find out the information about the path, so that he doesn't have to touch it forward.

He is now afraid to go to half and find that the fork is, and it will not turn back.

Become a strong target sword unparalleled, no matter who once, he only wants yourself once.

For yourself, for powerful, in order to eternal in the infinite stars.


The bloody road in the distance, the body is moving.

Although a trace of thought has been thinking about other things, but the sword is unparalleled, and the bloody road is just moving. He sees it, and the figure is blocked in front of him.

"Plains, you are best not to do it!" The sword was unparalleled.

He is not a threat, but there is a powerful bottom gas, just fighting with cold frost, let him have aware of his strength, now Dao Jun is alive.

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