Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5230 ?? Emperor's breath?

If it is Wanxing Road, he may be taboo, but he is really not in the eyes.

Although he ranked in this original star first position, he was the most transparent, and there was a set of weaknesses. It would not be good to encounter him.

"The sword is unparalleled!" The blood month Daojun is not angry, but a smile looks at the sword unparalleled, then says "your strength is really a bit means, if you think I am the same as the cold frost, then you will lose "

The voice is just falling, the bloody is condensed, and the heavens are out of color.


The sword is unparalleled in the future, and the Wanxing Road is a punch, and the blood is broken directly.

"One-on-one, is one-on-one, no one is going to do, I said, you can't change it!"

Wanxing Road is a breath, hegemony is incomparable, constant pressure!

This domineering, let everyone suck a breath.

The momentum, everyone in the scene is very familiar, all the peaks of Dadi, in the respective world, that is also the peak of the emperor.

Emperor is not strange to them, but the momentum of just Wan Star has made them think of a strong emperor.

"How can it be!" The blood month is also very surprised!

He didn't expect Wanxing to be so strong, and a trick broke his shed.

In the same order, although he is not top, it is not the top of the bottom!

The sword of just wanting to do it is unparalleled, and it was also shocked. This is too strong. The first punch looks at the ordinary pass, but the power is strong to make people tremble.

"Wanxing!" The scorpion of the cold frostway is also panic.

Originally, the strength is almost the same, even if it is strong, it is strong, and now Wanxing suddenly broke out, and a punch was broken.

The peak strong in the periphery, at this time, the heart is a shock, and the overbearing breath is too powerful, and it can clearly feel clearly.

"This breath, is Wanxing is a half-step Emperor?" Some people doubt.

That breath, they are very familiar, impossible to admit mistakes, absolutely have some power of the emperor.

"Hey, you know these townships!" The people who speaking are one of the top ten emperors of the Ronalro.

It is also now in the weapon, the only big Damadam in the Luo.

Wanxing Road Jun, from the Star Roman, a force with the big Luo, and he knows more, and starts to boast.

"Wanxing brother, but cultivation of our big Luotian's unsatisfactory school, strength can be comparable to the ultimate ultimate Dagan, what is the half-step emperor?"


Everyone is taking a breath.

That is, the emperors are qualified to cultivate the school!

This kind of joining, usually will not teach to Dagan, because they can't practice, unless it is very flattened with its own source avenue, or the inheritance of the cross is related.

Just like Hui Qing, the reincarnation inheritance is very fit, and it is finally the complete acceptance.

The average person wants to cultivate in the school, and the difficulty is not as good.

Suitable for the Dagani or some big gods, you can't expect it.

"Admire, admire! Decompose the emperor, do not so strong, can be comparable to half-step, the combat power is in all the ultimate existence, if it is successful, I am afraid that the original universe will have a five-order existence."

A half-step jun slowly said that he is also a pride of a big world, a lot of emperor understands.

In the countless era, it is really able to shine a whole era, which one is not cultivating the emperor in Daman, and finally, it has been successful. Just entering the emperor is a fourth-order force.

After entering the long-term long river, it has broken through the five-order episode.

Everyone is very admired!

After all, it is comparable to the ultimate existence.

The sword is unparalleled is also shocked!

Wanxing's strength, exceeding his cognition, except for the emperor, this is the strongest big Damai he encountered.

A punch can rule the monette of Jun.

Even if he makes it full, he is not confident to fight against Wanxing Road.

It is a proud of being a strong person, and that is talking to arithmetic.

One-on-one is one-on-one!

Now that Huqing immediately defeats the army, if it will be pair of Wanxing ...

The sword is unparalleled.

He didn't know, in the sea of ​​the Buddha, the true spirit of the meat is very pleasant.

"This little bald head is really good!" The true spirit is satisfied with the powerful Huqing in the sky.

Although just say a good sentence, it is true that the spirit is the controller of the entire bodges, and now there are countless powers in the temples.

There is also the emperor, accurately said that it is a hundred thousand emperor.

It will make him evaluate one people.

"Well, this unadorned jade passed this championship, can't be anxious to come, the last time the Dynasty is dead, you have to teach slowly!"

The true spirit is self-logging.

Numerous strong, but in his eyes, there is a stone that needs to be polished.

It is jade to grind, and it is a stone and throws it.

"Well!" I saw the sword unparalleled since the sky.

"This little thing, why isn't you dead!"

According to his layout, swords should be killed by Daojun!

"Damn, he has been hidden by him, this cold cream is really a waste, like the old bacon, waste!" The true spirit of the feet roared.


The hoe of the source is ripple, and the Lingli has just come in, he heard the words of old bacon, the face is sinking, and the black face floats to the true spirit.

The true spirit is a bit awkward, and it is sorted up, holding a fist, coughing, calming: "Old seven came, how to do four major secrets!"

Since I woke up, he found that there is too much in the world in the Diva.

The four major domains of that year have become four secrets.

It also born a lot of strong people, and it is difficult to let the white tiger temple can't suppress.

If there is a thirteen Lingzi people to help the Tiger Temple in the Tiger Temple, I am afraid that the flesh of the disagreement has gone.

"Adults, there is a situation on the secret!" The Lingling people said.

The true spirit, there is a problem to find him, that is that it is exceeding the ability of the sixth order episodes.

This makes him a little surprised!

Aboriginal in the temple is unable to achieve the universe. Although the Sea of ​​this source is powerful than the origin of the universe, these are not congenital.

"How is it!" The face of true spirit is serious.

"Is Wanzang Sen!" The Laulie replied.

The true spirits, this is still his recovery, the first time I seriously.

"Go, go see!"

The Lingling people are not surprised, and the Sen of Wan Tibet is a very concerned place that the old master is very concerned. When the secret is built, the discriminant will have moved into the midst of the districts of the district.

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