Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5232 ?? the treasure of the universe

Tilt the trail, a silence.

Zhu Yi's figure is like a ghost, the feet do not touch the three breathing, and they directly finished the Wan Gangshan Road and the top peak.

Other emperors on the mountain road, even if it is slow, I feel the scarlets whose wind.

Wan Gangshan Road, these emperors have been almost half a year, no one goes to the mountainside.

Now I suddenly appear one person, I can go at the top, and they didn't see the opponent's face.


Is it still the messenger in the Temple?

Although the strength of the indigenous strength is strong, can I not say that I can't break?

How did this suddenly emerged a stronger!

Many strong people, noodles, this inheritance is not saying good to help them compete for? How did one suddenly appear, I boarded the top of the mountain.

There is a distance that has just taken two thousand stars, standing in the black face.

He has a bodhi tree, and there is no pressure of this road. He has always been a hidden strength, gradually improved, but now it is first, what is going on here.

Mount Zhu Yishe, looking back.

The emperor of the mountain is low.

"Black Devil!" Zhu Yixiang opened.

The emperor she still doesn't care, can become a five-order, it is not enough to give her a can, but the martyrdom of the magic, she is looking carefully.

The taboo magist of being bound in the top of the mountain, breaking up the iron chain, biting his teeth and eyeking.

"Zhu Yes, you will die!"


, , tear.

A light golden Thunder shouted the chain spread, a dazzling electric light, broke the tough teeth of the black devil.

"I dare to rude, I will come over tortured you every year!" Zhu Yifeng gave his wrist, and his eyes were not good looking at the taboos being bored.

The teeth are broken, the black devil is smashed, "" betrayed, damn! "

As part of the discrimination, these devourd Taoist Magic Lords are all self-employed, and they are very proud.

The one of the Xuanwu Temple is an exception. The "wind" of the five major magic owners is very peaceful, and it is not very violent.

Zhu Yisheng is strange, all of which are atrochemical consciousness, how the gap is so big.

"Less waste, I am not looking for you!"

The top of the magic sound, in addition to the binding of the black magic pillars and the chain, there is a god clock.

The bell is around, and the least resistance to the magic sound in such a close distance is the fifth level of the souvenir.

However, Zhu Yes has seven- , this magic sound can't interfere with her.

Go to the god clock, Zhu Yi put the wind into her spheres into the groove of the top of the clock, and the powerful suction made her hand some unstable, almost inhaled.

Just let go, the round ball enters the groove and the god clock as one, make a burst of humming, and the earth is blown up, the Zhu Yixi is on the top of the head.

One time, three thousand red hair was scattered, floating with the wind, all over the faceless face.

The black devil retreats after Lianlian, he has the memory of this god clock, this bit is a "universe!"

It has been damaged. Now it is actually repaired, the horror of the shares makes him shudder.

A breeze in the top of the mountain, but it was a riot of the mountain. She had to go out of the four thousand peaks, and she had to retreat.

The rest of the emperor is even more, even stabilizes, and retreats.

"what happened?"

"Is the inheritance of the top of the mountain is taken away!"

The strong strong is against the wind, and it is difficult to resist.

Zhu Yixiang can't control so much in the mountain, and there is no death in the mountains.

After the clock was completely restored to day, she received it.

Just a round ball is just a part that the god bell is missing, and this bit is the key.

Today, the original world will open the inheritance trial, which is the second phase.

The first stage is to let all the big deanities to kill each other, eliminate the weak, and now there are few more less than some, so they have to take out some good things to give them some sweets, continue to kill.

Fix this god clock, which is to open the inheritance trial of the original world, which is a very important ring, and the rules will be in ancient times.

This is also the reason why she is dissatisfied with the spirit, and everything has the order of charter.

Although she has a seven-poo exquisite heart, there is no difference with the practitioners, but it is precisely because of this, she is very respectful for my discroll.

It is also the gods giveing ​​her life, but also the owner of the unveiled.

The clock is completely repaired, and Zhu Yes did not stay in this side, just cold and glanced.

As for those black devils, she is not in the meaning, but also lazy to remind those emperors.

It is a black magic once able to summon so many fresses, and each has a five-order force, which makes her surprises.

It seems that his own source is still constantly stronger than being caught by the Magic Mountain.

Devouring the way, it is really a disaster!

But now I don't think about this, after I got the god, she flashed, so I disappeared in the top of the mountain, and when I appeared again, I went to the outside world.

Torn the void and enter a huge treasure house in the original world.

This time, 180 original stars open inheritance, and at least one hundred and eighty inheritors are required from tens of thousands of inheritance.

In the outside world, it can be used as the inheritance of townhouses, but they are placed in this cave.

One pass inheritance like Tianzhu, Zhu Yixin, flying, she has seven-tone of her, short number of breath, and picking up a hundred and eightty inheritance from countless pass.

One of the sky collimators is shrunk and fly into the hand of Zhu.

After getting the inheritance, go to other cave, start to pick the treasure.

"It's almost, but it is necessary to change much above!" Zhu Yifa blinks and retransmit it to the Temple of Zhuku.

At this time, the Temple of Zhukud, still standing four Suzaki, all of which were the five-order Dijun's war.

The original intention of them is not for the fight, but is responsible for the management of the people temple. At this time, they were forced to go to other universe collections.

Good luck, go to some universal universe, even five-level emperor can't touch, naturally come to come, there is also unlucky, encounter six-order emperor, do not use the big move to the logs, it is almost.

"The Hall of the Temple, the horrible Tianjiao plunder is almost the same, all of which are all sent to the original secret."

Zhu Yi walked to the throne, slowly sat down and nodded.

"How much quantity!"

"Around us."

Zhu Yi took the temple, opening: "Then give them a heritage! This is the old four to do it, and her people go to open the inheritance trial of the original star, those who are too unreliable, this What can't make them do anymore. "


" !

A full of one hundred and eighty passed through the crystal column flying out, fell to a few people.

After all the people are allocated, they leave.

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