Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5233 5229 ??? Stop

This is the second stage, there is still the third stage, and the Danan on the side of the Xuanwu Temple has accelerated in the world, cultivating thousands of years, has the correct guidance of the Past Temple, and it will be a large number of big The Dano appeared, and it was still repeated.

The screening of this scale, the treasure of the Polysman Temple is very fast, and the endless treasure is accumulated, and it may eventually appear a few people who entered the eyes.

Billion Dagan, may eventually screen it, can only be less than 10,000 people can get the threshold of the temple!

Derivate, Dagan, Emperor.

Every step is a difficulty, the difficulty of the Deman, the difficulty of the big Damadam, the difficulty of the emperor wants to enter the peak.

These are not treasures to push, and the Diva Temple can help them except for treasures, it is a cruel rule.

A nine original star, feathering the continent.


Hui Qing's anger drunk, the long stick sweeps, and directly shocked the body of the army, and the source is scaled.

"Stop !!" The broken army will not hold any, and the figure is not going to run.

Many strong people look at the breeze!

Originally thought that today Huaqing must fall, the five major roads arrived, and they did not expect to ultimately ended.

First, the sword is unparalleled, and the cold and defeated the cold cream, and then Wanxing Road will reveal the means of half-step monarch, shock everyone.

Nowadays, Huaqing is striving to fight for mercy, this battle will change the division of the mainland.

At least the sword is unparalleled and Hui Qing has been able to be in the list, and it is still ranking forward.

Wanxing Taojun is in the righteousness, and Hui Qing's power has exceeded his expectation, but this is also the best, he wants this opponent.

This original star, the other four Daojun, he did not put it from the beginning, whether it is cold and blood, the only thing I feel that it is still a struggle, and now I'm smashed, it is simply .

As for the tear of Temple, his strength just touched the Daojun, always used a secret treasure fake holiday, the five major roads, the weakest, even the sixth quarter of the row, can hard fight against him.


A stick of holes wear the chest of the army, Hui Qing, proudly, cold channel: "Let the token, you can spare you!"

Although the character has changed, this is still not shaken.

Can you kill you?

The sword is unparalleled, and it is anxious to look at it. If Wanxing Road is next to the tiger, he wants to rush over the hand blade.

The record of this record, the record of the body is probably hundreds of millions. If he is, the two are scored, and the first second place of this original star can be taken.

This opportunity is not much!

If it is usually, there is no power of Wordian, you want to kill the king.

Since things have already arrived this step, Wanxing did not let words, and several other Daojun did not dare to train.

Seeing the miseramidity of the army, there is no some rabbit death fare.

Once tall, now the throne was broken.

Especially the tear of Tong Daojun, his title is very arrogant, but since he saw that Wanxing revealed the real strength, he didn't say anything free.

His strength bullies those halfway rows, on the current situation, and in the same order.

In the body, he has arrived at the Taojun level. He has been low-key in the outside world. He is only a general peak, since it arrived in the Diva Temple. level.

This secret boar is not correct, he does not dare to use outside.

His eyes swept a broken army, and finally left his eyes on the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are eye-catching, the brow is slightly frowned, and the tear of the Trendo.

Such a clear look, it is the confidentiality of the strong, even if it is the same order, in the case of unfamiliar, the sword is unparalleled, and the other is good, and the face is tumbling.

Although I don't know much about these roads, I observe it, the Torn Trendo Jun is the most inconsispicuous in the five major roads, or hidden strength, or the strength of the external strength, strength is general.

He is not afraid of, the emperor present is also able to threaten him in Wanxing Road.

Besides, now Huifici is terrible, he will join hands, even Wansi is not afraid.

The broken army covered a broken chest, and he turned his head and looked at the Daojun who looked at the show.

Smart, confused!

If he is able to seriously hurt Huqing, I am afraid that these people will stand on this side, even surrounded Huqing, even if they are not inherited, the receipt is also a good thing!

But now, injury is him, but these people blocked the way.

God wants him to die!

Ending an identity token, it is a delusion, he is fighting for this strength in his life, and now you can get a bigification in the Division, you can give up.

"You don't want!" Hui Qing's long stick sweeps, and the eye hole is shrinking, and the killing of Anne will not appear.

Although he doesn't want to kill, it is not a Madrin.

The sword is unparalleled to nod, the secret is that this is right, I really don't want to do it, he can also solve this row in the second Dao.

"Haha!" Breaking the army, laughing, slowly straight, cold glance, a few Daojun, ridicule: "The milk is undozyted, do you think I will bow?"


This moment, the army revealed a strong gesture.

The sword is unparalleled, and this momentum is too familiar. There are also many strong people who have seen. Whether it is a deraptary or a big fairy, or the strong people in the Extreme period.

They all have the momentum of breaking the army.

The strong is inseparable.

The strong people in the supreme and the power of the emperor, the proud bones.

They reveal invincible in the same order, and will it be stunned in the same order, even if it is dead?

"Hand! Let the old man see, what else can be resistant." The Broken Army is not desperately defensive, but takes out all the strengths to be a battle.

If you can escape, he has already escaped, and several other Daojun will not be angry.


Hui Qing understood the meaning of each other and never nodded.

This time he didn't use the silver baton, but slowly lifted his finger, very casual refers to the breath of the heavens and the earth.

This breath makes the quarter of the four squares, so that the original star trembled!

The dazzling rays are shot from finger, and a light column destroyed.

The glare radiance makes the army open his eyes, but he is hard to stand, but it finds that it is the ability to compete.


The powerful light passes through the body of the army. His whole flesh is abrasive, and the body is completely broken. The origin is like a withered flower, gradually withered.

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