Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5234 5230 ??????

The glare radiance is too long, the cold cream is still good, hiding away, and the bloody moon road that is blocked by Wanxing is behind him.

He just prepared to participate in the war to attack Huiqing. If Wanxing did not stop him, I am afraid that he is not too much in the end of the Broad.

At that time, the broken army was hurt, even if they together, it is definitely not the opponent of Huiqing.

Wan Xingdao Jun face is also full of shocking. He is too familiar with the breath that he has built.

Is this the preference of the Apternary Temple?

Wanxing can't help but suck a cold, just that I have had a half-step dragon.

This is still nothing, everyone present, only sword is unparalleled, Huiqing is just nine turn!

Nine turn has a half-step strength, what is horrible, I am afraid that the five-order episode is not so metamorphosis in the nine-turn big Damadam.

It's just a enchanting!

After the sword is unparalleled, it will be the hierarchy of the Junjun, and Hu Qing is directly halfway.

Originally, I can open all the same order after entering the nine turn, and I really do the same paramount, and now it seems to be more.

Hui Qing is stronger than him, this is a fact.

In the periphery, the big Dai Xian moved everywhere, and the strong light made them unclear.

The light returned, the breath of the broken army was destroyed, and the breath of the demon "Huang" is still there.

"Is it falling?"

Some people can't believe that a row is in the record of the second of the record!

"How is this possible, the demon can be able to kill the king!"

"The sky has changed, you are ready to leave the feathering mainland!"

The feathering mainland is really going to change. Nowadays, there is a crisis that is life-fallen, just don't mention those halfway.

A nine original star, the record ranking.

First: demon Huiqing

Second: Blood Moon Road

Third: Cold Frost Road

Fourth: Tear Taojun

Fifth: Wanxing Road

Huiqing wins!

"Ten billionary record!" Hui Qing's heart secretly sighed.

Originally he intended to give half a record to the sword, but unfortunately, the army did not want to hand over the token.


Hui Qing took the whole body momentum, the temperature changed, and flashed to the sword.

"There is no buddy, thank you this time!"

The sword is unparalleled, but she shrugged, flat: "There is nothing to do with me, even if I don't come, they will not come to you!"

Don't say that the power of just the light, single can put this battle to the army, other Daojun will not come to Huqing.

As for Wanxing Road, even if it is not an opponent, escape or can escape.

The reason why the army arrived like this, or the beginning of the fact that it is absolutely no longer, the result is lost, and you can't escape.

The five major roads are not a group, they are all kinds of hot people who want you to live.

"This record!" Hui Qing is sinking, holding your own identity token is sinking.

The sword is unparalleled to see his scruple, and the heavy patted his shoulders, jokes: "How, you can't get it in a year, you have begun to pity me, don't forget that you used to hold the legs. Little Shami, I Also, in order to rankings, relying on someone else 's results. "

Recalling that the weak little Sandi, who had to hug his thighs when fled, now in powerful to this point, the sword is unparalleled, it is really creating people!

His masters can be embarrassed.

Wanxing Road is looking at the sword unparalleled and Hui Qing brows, the relationship between the two people is not general, otherwise the sword is unparalleled without knowing, and directly shot anti-Dao Jun.

It seems that it is a life and death!

Such a person can be more reliable than those so-called allies, and the life and death, and the life will be handed over to the other party.

Today, this dispute is like this.

I want to fight again, I am afraid I am not reality.

Try now in the past ten years, I haven't come to a big battle.

Cold cream is injured, the torn strength is not enough, the bloody power is general, this original star is really war, and Hui Qing is with him.

As for the sword, there is a unparalleled, although the means is strange, but in front of the absolute strength, everything is left, and it is unbearable.

"The demon!" Wanxing's scorpion turns to see Huqing, the body is fierce!

Hui Qing turned and looked back, and the face was launched, and a look of great enemy.

Wanxing! "

Behind the sword, there is no pair of hands, but he is very powerful. Don't say halfway emperor, it is not as good as him, he can feel the war, but no determination.

This battle, Eighth Estains with the break of the army, and fight back, it is the expectation.

Huiqing gets inheritance, cultivating the school, they will be willing to have a knife stone, Hui Qing does not have a dead word, but if he has passed, he is a squid, and there is no threat of this original star.

The first throne is also very solid, no one can shake.

However, others can have no swords and have a strong mental power, and you can always get someone else.

What they saw is that there will be a battle in the world, and they are now afraid of these Daojun suddenly sweeping them, and they have retired to tens of millions of miles, keep a safe distance.

"Next! You are all dead, my quarter is the first." As the strength of the Ji Yang, the Ji Yang, who is in this battle, is very low, and there is no idea to participate in one foot.

Inheritance, he has, and the treasure is even less short. In addition to strength, he is very similar to Mo Yu.

Mo Hao's strength is the strongest, but he can do half-step jun, even comparable to the level of Daojun.

"No, I really want to play!" Everyone pinched a sweat in his heart, and his voice mentioned his eyes.

If you really want to fight again, but it is a good thing to them, the top-level strong is almost dead, they don't become the top.

It can also be a little scared, that is, no matter who will lose, the life that will become the most powerful person of this original star, no one to control, orchestrate.

That scene, they dare not imagine!

At that time, the Daojun is an antite, there is no level, all of which are prey.


Many people are watching the two people, it seems to catch the first moment of the two people.

In addition to the swords, the sweat of the palm is enough to prove how nervous.

Wanxing Road is like a long dragon to rise, standing in the void, as if the owner of the void.

This is a sign of the sill of the source of the space. The sword is not double-viewed.

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