Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5235 5231???

That is, the power of the emperors cultivated!

"Soon, you have to do it!" Many people were exclaimed and couldn't help but retreat.

At this moment, everyone is staring at Wanxing Road, and only see him slightly, and the mouth is slightly.

Congratulations! "

Wan Xingdao Jun, the serious face leaked a smile, hands holding the box.

" !!!"

A rushing breath, can be heard by thousands of miles away.


The color of many strong people is red, and the last Wanxing Dao Jun actually said these two words.

Even cold cream and tear Tiandao will also grow a breath, really fight, I really don't know who to help.

Help Wording, she is not good, leaving is even more good, this hierarchy battle, the water is in danger.

It is best to be a spread.

Several other Daojun, even if you are reluctant, now Wanxing has been actively trying to take the initiative to take the initiative.

I have been watching the "seasonal chair" that I have seen it in the distance, I actually flew over, but I was not afraid.

"Haha, it is late!"

Seeing people, everyone looks together.

Wanxing and others are still good, they all know this person, but Hu Qing is the first time, and they also leaked a wonderful curious.

Seeing that no one introduces him, the quarter is thick face, coughing, seriously: "I will introduce me my identity, I am the Dynasty, the first one, the quarter!"

"Hey, still so don't want your face!" Torn the sky, the eyebrows, ridiculous.

This season, Chaoyang strength is weak, although there is no level, it can be almost, and this guy will pick people, always wrapped him, playing big, it seems to take him as a knife stone.

Because of this, Torn Tiandao is extremely disgusting this person.

The sword has no double mobilization, and observe the season, but leaked a smile, the face has a touch of taste, and actively registered "sword is unparalleled!"

"Hui Qing!"

How can Yiyang think of, such a peerless person, actually talking, then the open mouth: "Hui brothers and unparalleled strength is amazing, it is not as good as it is, it is really admired, this is taking Life is dangerous to make two bits. "

"I see you is a dog skin plaster, who caught who sticks!" Torn Trendo kiluteless export ridicule.

The quaternary chain is a change, and it is moving anger. "What do you mean? You can't afford to turn around, but you still have to turn the curse Hui brother and the brother, don't think you are Dao Jun, I am afraid of you, I am talking with Hui brothers, and I am going to deal with you! "

Wan Xingdao Jun frowned, I originally wanted to explore what Huiqing cultivated is what is going to learn, and now it is mixed with this cargo, let him not know how to open.

The tear of Tong Daojun standing on the side, but also the gas, pointed to the season, the sun is red, but also can't say a word.

The sword has no double sweeps a few people. I finally stayed on tearing, cold channel: "Forget it, I will be with Huiqing, I'm not thinking about small people, tearing the next time, speaking."

His eyes did not have any courage to look down the Trendo Jun, and the powerful mental power wrapped directly to the other party.

"It turns out!"

I can't tear the time from time to time, I started thinking that this kid has short-sleeved hobbies, and I didn't expect it to have another reason.

A wild ancient breath, the sword is unparalleled, and the family is familiar with the family.

Torn the sky, also faced gloomy, he didn't know that the sword is unparalleled, or not, it is not right, no matter which kind of possibility, he doesn't want to stay here.

"That thing is placed on where you are, I will take it back in the morning and evening!" Tear Trendy Dark swear.

Even if I am seriously injured, I have to take it!

He is afraid that the sword has always followed Huqing so that he has no chance, and now it can only leave.

"Dear, I will leave forever!" Torn the sky, the sound of the sound, the sound of the sound is good, and the figure is flashed and retreats. Subsequently, it is only the moment of breath, it disappears in the void.

The blood month and cold frost track is also afraid of Wansan and Huiyi to consistently count, when the next one is farewell to leave, then it is estimated that it is life and death.

These people walk, the quarter is a bit panicked.

Look at the right left, and now I can overcome him, especially Huang, and he can feel the strong death.

In the case of this opponent, he will die.

Unless the mutual shift given by the authenticity can escape.

"Hui Qing, I am very curious, why are you suddenly given by the Buddhist Temple!" Wanxing is still open, but he knows that this is not too likely to tell him, the phone is turning, then said: "If it is inconvenient Do not open. "

Hui Qing is gently sigh, Shen Grab: "I don't want to say, I don't know why it will suddenly accept the inheritance of the Polysman."

Wanxing said that he nodded and looked at Hui Qing's eyes. He can feel that the other party is not like lying. Of course, it is not excluded, Hui is a master of lying, lie, out of mouth, two do not leak the slightest flaws.

The sword standing on the side is frown. The problem of Wan Xing is indeed asking too Tang, but also Hui Qinghe is good, if he, a sword has come out, ask the sword!

With his understanding of Hui Qing, the words just Hui Qing did not lie. He was also so curious. Now he knows, it is also a curious heart.

Inherit, striking.

Now the sword is unbounded to see its power.

Even if you have a strong, there is no powerful inheritance of the treasure, and his war will fall a lot.

When Hui Qing received the inheritance, but half a stepped jun, now it is half-step.

He is also nine turns, no cultivation of the school is a Taojun level. If it is cultivating the pain, cooperate with him, it will play a battle of 120%. When he will also be strong, it should be weak. Huiqing.

"Okay, since I will say it first." Wanxingdao Jun always keeps Wen Wenya's gesture, although there is some uncomfortable discomfort, but also makes the sword have no sleep.

Once Jiusu Road, then go to the current Wanxing.

The sword is nothing to see the top strong style of other worlds in the universe.

On the court, there were rumors, and now there is no sword without double Huiqing and the quarter, the sword will turn his eyes to each other, and the words are shocked: "Silhouette, you are really deep enough!"

As soon as this is, Hui Qing looks, and the moment is soaring.

The season, Chaoyang is even more changing, collected the color of the taste, and hurry back.

But where can he return!

The hearts of the hearts have already come quietly, strong heart and swords, so that the quarter is boosting!

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