Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5248 5243 ??

You can also break through the nine turn and become a full stronger of nine turn.

At that time, his strength is estimated to be strong than the general halfway emperor.

"It is a bit mean!" The sword was not a double eye.

It seems that the sword is unparalleled, and the quarter is not in the bud, and the Huqing returns to the North City. The two are divided into a wall, but there is a photo of each other.

Say goodbye to the two swords and unparalleled, stepped on the black blue slate and walked into a treasure hall.

The city owner, divided into four temples.

The Temple is only one of them. There are a lot of treasures here, which are a great treasure for the big derminery.

Enter the temple, a changing.

There are still several big defects that have just been around, but after entering the interior, they can't see one.

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, it should be a spatial interlayer, and this treasure has been opened up with countless interlayers.

I can't encounter others, and everyone enters all unique interlayers.

This kind of means of swords are unparalleled. It is seen that only space of this source has reached a very high level to create such a singularity.

After entering the temple, look around a circle.

In the big temple, empty, unlike a treasure.

At the main location of the main hall, only one green bottle is placed, and there will be no more things.


The sword has just taken a step, and there is a green smoke in the green vial in front.

The bottle of the fist, eventually spread the quaint smoke, finally turned into a scorpion alien, but the face, the sword was very large.

There are several gullies in the face, and the scams on the neck are shed.

"Hey, young people, I can induce a lot of money on your body!"

The sword is unparalleled, holding a box: "Seniors, the late swords are unparalleled, and the Tempse of the Pesticine Temple will come to exchange treasures."

This look doesn't know how many old monsters living, swords are unparalleled, they don't dare to smash.

"Don't worry, come slowly, no one has been talking to the old man, talk about what kind of treasure you want to change, I will give you a good time." The old man said very well, a urchin look, but the sword is unparalleled. Down.

"I don't know the predecessors!" The sword has no double leaks and smirks.

"Well! You can call me Qiu Huang!" When the scaly was old, the sound changed and majestic.

After the sword is unparalleled, it is also one of them!

Qiu Huang?



Is this old guy Is the owner of Qiuhuangcheng?

"Little guy, don't be afraid, you are in Qiuhuang City, once it belongs to my city."

There is no double-sided muscle jitter.

"Come, let me look at your source, this seat lists you for your treasures." Qiu Huang said with floating.

"Can't let him see!" The sword is unparalleled back to you, but you can still let Qiu Jin smell his source of origin.

Qiu Huang just close to the sword is first, then shocked!

The last body trembled, and the figure was blocked behind the throne. Only a head of the throne, the eyes were dead and stared at the sword. The horror said: "Who are you? You will have the feelings of that guy. "

Still being seen, the sword is unparalleled, and it will be dragged out.

When he just knew that the other party was Qiu Huang's identity, he didn't have a dark road. Today, his swords have been in the source of the sword god of Qiuhuang City.

Fortunately, he constantly explained that Qiu Huang trembles behind the throne, but the eyes are still leaking.

I think that he is too afraid that there is.

"Cough, in fact, I have a camp with him, not afraid of him!"

Qiu Huang took the fist and coughed twice, and remembered that it was a discrimpical universe, everything was nothing to be afraid.

"Seniors, I don't know." The sword has no double intentional set, the world of the people temple, there is indeed a lot of secrets, if it is able to know some, it is also ready.

Qiu Huang looks, even busy, "young people, Zhu Yixiao, can't tell you something about the Temple, you are still old and realistic trial! Waiting for the original world, I know you will tell you "

The sword is unparalleled, and the other's mouth is so strict, nothing to say, but I know a person's name from his words.

Zhu Yi!

There is also the original world.

The original star of the original star is originally called the original world, and the sword is unparalleled.

"The seniors feel that the treasures in the hands of the people are exchanged for those treasures worth it!" The sword is unparalleled, and it will be directly the theme.

Qiu Huang figure turned, sitting on the throne, stroking the beard, another hand, there are countless treasures, all over the hall.

"You are the ultimate sword, see your Tao should be around the sixth floor, your realm is only nine to the large Danadian, but the origin in the body is very strong, this is a bit strange." Qiu Huang was confused.

The sword is unparalleled, but it seems that the other party has not strong enough to see his whole body.

I didn't see the other side of the at least.

He doesn't know that it is a unique business avenue. Don't say Qiu Huang, even if you let Trusque you can't see it.

Although I don't know if Qiu Jin's past event, the sword is unparalleled, and the least five-level emperor is also a five-order episode, or it does not create this level of the city.

This is much better than true Tunyang, at least he has never seen such a luxurious city in the big dirty, which is completely made from black.

The fluid is a to treasure, combining it, this is a broken eternal tobao.

Qiu Jin frowned and then said: "Excovered to the flower, it is indeed suitable for you, but the ultimate main source is not only a provenant, but also the tempering of life and death."

I heard this comment, the sword is unparalleled to agree with the head. He is indeed so fast in life and death.

After entering the water, he will go upstream of the pointer, and the Damai is hard to resist nine turn.

After he broke through the three-transposed fairy, he encountered nine turn rounded a big dermndant.

Every time it is the suppression of absolute strength, he can't breathe at all.

After entering the Diva Temple, it is better.

When the six-turn Damai fairy, he kill the ultimate Damani, all the way to sing, and hit the Jiu Tuan to fight the army.

Now he didn't have the tempering of life and death, and it did slow down.

"Your own origin is strong, but there are some places to keep up with your own origin, such as the realm of the body and the soul, and the heart is especially barely able to follow your own source." Qiu Huang said in a unparalleled strength of swords.

It is pointed out that there is no shortage of swords, and these things are unbearable.

Especially the body, a thousand times of basic body is strong enough.

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