Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5249 5244? Suitable treasure

With the blessing of the eyes of the beast, you can make a special life.

Qiu Huang seems to have seen his doubts, a pair of educated generations said: "Little guy, you don't accept it. I know that you have a special secret treasure to increase the body, but you don't forget, you are nine turn Waiting for you to come to the nine turn, even the ultimate path is also cultivated to a complete, then the movement of the secret treasure is much smaller. "

"The body is most paying attention to, the foundation, the stronger, the stronger, your body, will become more tough, our era, the requirements of the body can be much higher than you now."

Qiu Huang Shen recalls the ancient times, the tone also changed, and the trembling said: "Your strength is in ancient times, it is waiting, it is not a peerless, only the source road is strong, and the other is still The difference is far, at least in today's era. "

His words are not exaggerated, and the brilliance of ancient times is indeed a big era.

At that time, there was an overlord in the sky, and today the stars are desolate.

There are not a few people in the universe.

In particular, the long-term long river of the original universe, the strong is so lonely.

The sword is unparalleled, but the Tianjiao in today's era, the look is a bit dignified, is the strongest in the big Damadam?

After he broke through the nine turn, the strength still leap, can be comparable to the extent of the emperor, this is not a peerless?

"Seniors, other original stars have more anti-day big Damai?" The sword did not ask.

"Yes, you have three kinds of trials that are not Yama, you will be clear about you, and they are very clear, especially the little monk, see your causality. Should be with him. "Qiu Huang said slowly.

Small monk?

It is Hui Qing!

The sword is not a hyper point, Hui Qing's chair is indeed unreasonable, and it is special to take special attention to the Division, and the entire primitive world is unique.

"His opportunity is very uncommon, at least I can't see where the inheritance of him, maybe a big man is in the middle of his potential, given in advance."

Big person?

The sword is unparalleled, and this is in this temple ........

"Little son, don't think about it, this boy is more powerful than you think."

Qiu Jin said proudly.

"Haha, it is a bit far, or say yourself! That little monk is strong, the road is almost fixed, you are different from him, at least you have not cultivated, now you need Still grinding the roots, preparing for future inherits, and then it is a way. "

Said here, Qiu Huang still couldn't help but mention the season, and let the sword have unparalleled the opponent's strong road, but the most inquiry of the Polyteen Temple on the Martial Mustic Planning.

Wanxin Tian Emin is an emperor, cultivating strong scholarship, has a half-step dragon, and it is not worth mentioning in Qiuhuang.

So, he is in this original star, now only the third.

It is better to come in the season.

Although Qiuhuang said this, he didn't listen to him. He really didn't believe it. With the top of the way, it is much stronger than the ultimate.

Wait, one day in the morning, I will surpass everyone.

Strong seeds, I have already bothered, sword unparalleled is unable to change, no one can block his front, before it is a Dao Jun strong, now he is not in the eyes.

Half-step emperor is also available.

Qiu Huang did not say much, and directly put forward several treasures, let the sword have no double one.

"These treasures, worth 100,000 to treasure, is the most suitable for you."

Qiu Jin said while introducing.

"Universified three categories!"

"Improve the treasure of the soul, this is what you need now, the stronger the realm of the soul, you can get faster, I will be satisfied, this mantle is best for you, the soul of the top is very sufficient, one can let you The soul is strong, you can only absorb one, 50,000 to the treasure, absolutely not lost. "

The sword has no double-listening, indeed entered Qiuhuang, breaking through the help of his help than the improvement of the ultimate sword, which is indeed the most needed today.

However, just broke through the nine turn, he didn't have a little brow, and he didn't have a little bit.

"Yes, this mantiron I am redeem." The sword is unparalleled to take the token, hand it to Qiuhuang.

Qiu Huang took a token, seeing the top to the treasure, smiling and nodded, "I am really a lot!"

"The second class is the body, there is a treasure worth 30,000 to the treasure, which is to improve the body, which will make your body break through a thousand eight hundred times."

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, the improvement of the realm of the soul will not be able to honor the war at all, and the promotion of the body is jumping.

One thousand eight hundred times of the basic body, with the eyes of the beast, almost eight thousand times.

The stronger the body, and the multiple of the increase will be reduced.

I want to break through 100 times, I am afraid that the base gods need to be five thousand times.

The more difficult it is, the more difficult it is, the more it takes to the treasure, the sword is not a double, and it has taken 800,000 to the treasure, and the strength is so powerful.

"The third category is your own way. Since you insist on upgrading, I recommend you to exchange, source, it is much better than Wu Kao, and it is more natural, you can make your business path instantly improve, price is also three Wan to the treasure. "

There are a total of eleven thousand to treasure, with no left, the sword is not a blood, but Qiu Huang said that it is true, these treasures are indeed, and they are all exchanged.

"Hey, all of these are yours, are some treasures for instantly, you don't need to spend the treasure to go to the time room."

The sword has no double speechless. When the time is spent to spend a baby, now he is a big hand, and he consulates eleven million to treasure in Qiuhuang.

I am afraid the entire primitive industry, there are not a few people who have such a big hand.

"Right, I see you very interested in space, I have a unique space treasure, it takes 500,000 to treasure, if you want to double your efforts." Qiu Huang suddenly appeared in his hands A light blue crystal, the vent is exudes the breath of endless space.

After the sword is unparalleled, after the strength of the heart, the heart is moved, and immediately feels that the treasures on the hand are useless, and all the squares added is not as good as the square.

His biggest reliance is that the source of "One Cosmic" Space This source is too big to him.

In the big Damai, there is no way to touch the spatial threshold. He wanted to swallow up.

Only the emperor is once in the emperor, and he will swallow a lot of space origins, but also let him think that the universe can do millions of miles.

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