Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5250 5245 ?? Space to Bao

Now that his strength has been broken, it can be expanded in the range of the universe, because his spatial origin is stagnant.

He can feel that if it is swalloweding the piece of crystal, his universe can break through.

But 500,000 to treasure, is not a small number.

At least the first nine waves, every time he is full, it can barely make it enough.

After the few waves, he could not do all the killing, but it can increase 50% in his position.

50,000 to treasure, it is not very difficult.

I am afraid that this square crystal is redeemed in advance, this old man said in advance, I know that he will not redeem these things, first let five hundred thousand to say it.

The sword is unparalleled, and the black face came out of the treasure hall.

Although the contact is not long, he can also see this old man, I am afraid that there is no less square crystal, which is big.

At least the other three walls of the city wall may compete with him.

"The Cosmic Rubber Cube!" The sword didn't bite his teeth.

Qiu Huang said to him that this square crystal is cut from a space universe, which is equivalent to a small world size.

The name is also very exaggerated, called the universe.

After the Temple, there are still many times. He doesn't need to use those treasures now. Anyway, it is a treasure of rapid improvement, and finally doesn't worry again.

He went again to the other three main halls.

After all the laps, the sword didn't have a double heart.

The other three treasures are to exchange Dan medicine, to the treasure, inherited the treasure hall.

Inheriting the temple, those who pass through the sword have long been known that there is no intend to exchange, although there are also many people he needed, but the improvement is also limited, he also Not think more.

However, in the treasure hall, there is a good to the treasure that makes him unable to be.

In the identity token, I only see the name, I can't see the power of the treasure.

Now, after seeing it, he found that there is a special secret treasure actually a fitting of the eye of the beast.

The old man who was responsible for the treasure also told him that this is one of the beastists.

That is a boy, there is a pair of silver scarlet wings, lifelike.

The breath exuded above is the same as the eyes of the beast.

This made him think of tearing Tianjun, and this person also has a treasure with his own eyes of his beast.

Think of this, the sword has no double eye harvest.

The other party must also know this wings to treasure.

"Beast God!" The sword was in the heart.

This treasure has a total of nine in the ancient times, six of which are in the hands of the universe.

There are three pieces that are in the hands of the sixth step.

The sixth step emperor?

That is, the sixth-order emperor who said the original universe.

Although it is not the same, it means that the sword is unparalleled. It is thinking that it feels away.

The sixth-order emperor used the treasure, and it is not a general six-order emperor.

That is the pro-disciple of the disciples, the ultimate sixth order.

The strong people in the universe are extremely eager to get "beast God soldiers"

The number of other treasures is a lot, and only "beast God soldiers" is only nine.

Because of the ancient times, I born nine beast gods, I have been killed by my disagreement, and finally refining the nine "beast God soldiers".

According to the old people who went to the Treemia, his eyes of the gods were the eyes of the nine beast gods.

That is the wing of the treasure, and it is also the wings on the candlelon.

Although it is incomplete, the power of the eyes of the beast god makes the third-order Emperor, if it is, it will get the wing, both, I am afraid it will surpass the boundary of the innate to the treasure.

It can be comparable to the imitation of the eternal tobao "Eight side Yunlong"

This animal god soldier named "candlelon"

It is also named with the name of the beast gods. It is a super power that makes the universe.

At the end of the fall, the beast of the candlelon also divided into several pieces, left in the stars.

This is also the sword, there is no double luck, first get the eye of the beast god, now in the heart of the beast, and there is a torn man.

According to his guess, it should be the claws of the candlelong.


He is the strong man with a claw, the claws of the candlelong, and eight dozen in his hand.

Now the sword is unparalleled.

The first goal is to redeem the candlelong wings, the second goal is to take the tear.

There is no way to deal with him, and there are many opportunities.

If you have stared at him with a desired look, he really didn't pay attention.

Candlelon Wings 800,000 to treasure.

It can be its power, just enhance some space origins, and the speed increase is also very large, and the defensive power is also protected.

People who can be eyeing this treasure, it is estimated that there are not a few.

There are so many treasures, it is better to exchange the complete "Bifang Yunlong India", that treasure can be much stronger than the candlelong wings.

All aspects are crushing.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but there is a candle dragon. After the combination, it can be more than the "eight part Yunlong".

When I got a breath, I adjusted my my mind, and the sword walked out of the city owner.

When he returned to the wall again, he saw the tear of Tiandao.

It has been torn with the sword without double opening, but it is a chill.

He also went to the Temple, and the things of the beast gods have long known, and now the sword is unparalleled, and I will go to the Temple.

"After all, I can't hide, but I will not give up!" Torn Trendo Decision.

He is more than a double-sink of the sword. It is not redeemed in the four major halls. It is a treasure that is needed.

Inadvertently feel that the candle dragon wings, let him get big.

But the refactors thought of the breath of the sword, and he was silent.

Rank 4th he only won more than 20,000 to treasure, a lot of 800,000, and the sword is unparalleled, but there are more than 100,000 treasures.

Want to compete for "hard!"

However, the treasure is tempting to him, but it is stronger than the sword.

The sword is not because the power of the ultimate path is today, the eyes of the beast are just the outer object, even if the three treasures are gone, the strength is also limited.

Compared with these, it is still the right way.

Tear Trendo is not the same. If there is no such treasure in your body, he is nothing, just a Puchong's peak big Demai.

It is still very weak, and it is not on the second product.

So his desire to beastists is even greater.

The birth of the Past Temple, so that it is not a dream, it is possible to become a reality.

Now, I will enter the Polyson Temple, and they fight, let him find the short board of their own strength.

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