Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5251 5246 ???? Beasts

His heart is clear, I want to get the top inheritance in the Division, I want to succeed, then it has become more stronger, so that the Polyson Temple sees his potential.

Now there is a place in front of him and has the rest of the beast.

Today he has completely erupts, the top top of the road is still calculated.

However, in the future, there is more than those halfway emperor, and he needs more powerful, and the road is in front of him, he has no reason to give up.

Isn't he given up because the opponent is better than him?

That is a ridiculous, although he didn't want his face, it was not on the top of the same order, but he had a strong seed in his heart after getting the secret treasure.

He wanted to see anyone, the seeds blossoms.

Don't say halfway emperor, even if the sword is unparalleled is the emperor, he also has to fight hard.

Moreover, now the sword is unparalleled, the half-step emperor is suspended, although the field is strong, but he also seen, the sword is unparalleled should be the ultimate way, the delay in the body will be very strong.

The strength should be poor, and it will not be lost later.

As for the treasure of the sword, he is a big laugh.

Even if you can't compete, the candle dragon wings, he will not put your own treasure to make people.

At least the rule is not to kill each other. He is not afraid of swords, and it is necessary to fight in the future. He also wants to live in the sword.

Can't hurt, can't you hide?

The secret treasure is his life, and it has been in today, he is used to being looked up.

Going to others?

It is better to let him die.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is said that it is determined to tear the sky.

Then try, 800,000 to treasure, he has 90% hopes to get in advance, there is a coach's position, and he is taking him.

Others, in addition to Wanxing, no one can compete with him.

Hui Qing's maintenance of the road is also going to the beast gods, and should not be redeemed.

His most powerful opponent, now is not tearing, but Wanxing.

The two people in the blood month and the cold frost track are not up and down, and he can't compare him.

Not much to Wanxing, he is really afraid that this Warrior will change the treasure.


It's so fast a day, four major walls, except for the Dongcheng wall where the sword is unparalleled, there are fewer strengths in other city walls.

"Dongcheng coach sword is unparalleled!"

"Spectrum: Tear Torn, Nantong, Ancient Tong ........"

"General: Mo Long, ........."

Sixteen positions quickly announced.

I thought that there was no record in addition to the sword, but also thought that people who got their positions were ventilated.

It seems that there is no such thing as they think.

Everything is still a strong speech.

This also makes the strong big derivatives pine.

Tearing the sky as the Taoun strong, was blocked, and naturally no one did not convince.

However, the five half-course of this side, the four are the leadership, and there is an unlucky position that is divided into the general, which makes him hate the sword and unparalleled, but I can't show it.

His means, it is very advantageous to deal with the weak, at least than the half-walking Jun, and now he has squeezed the position of the leader.


Some people hate someone.

I feel that this distribution is too fair.

"This is also grateful to the sword, no double adults, or this leader will be accounted for some latency." The people who speaking are burly, saying that the sword is unparalleled, and the sound is intentionally improved.

First, for the disgusting halfway jun, the second is the way, the sword is unparalleled.

Powerful, naturally, it will be respectful.

At the same time, Mo Yu is also very happy.

With the treasure set, he is also the ultimate large Dairy.

Now there is a battle in the wall, in addition to the swords and unparalleled and tear, there are five semi-steps, more than 30 ultimate large Dairy.

In more than 30 people, the strength of Mohu said that the top ten was still rolled.

But his foundation is very powerful, and all strengths are divided according to the foundation.

Mo's flesh is a complete, this is not casual in Daojun, or there is no so many treasures to pile the flesh, or it is not so energetic.

After all, the flesh is alone, and many strong people are more in the body.

There are not many flesh to practice.

Mo, this is a part that is not too small, and he can improve it.

If you increase the flesh to an unstead, then it is another matter.

Just like Mo, it is almost not dead in the same order.

The flesh will never die, and it is also based on the basic strength.

If you count, he used to be treasure, his strength is comparable to half ahead.

After the distribution of the position, the city owner issued a golden arrow and straight.

The darkness is turbulent, countless powerful swallowing magic is can't hold, and the is low in low lips, their eyes are red, and blood is turned.

They were suppressed in the original star, I didn't know how many years. Now I have been put out again, stare with the practice, and the breath makes them crazy, fans.

The sword of the city is unparalleled, the same eyes look at the darkness of the turmoil.

His breath is very similar to those magic, but the color is dark, swallowed!


At this moment, the earth began to tremble, and the horn sounded, and the big array came to the last.


No matter whether there is no position, or the weak power is out of this moment.

The turmoil in the darkness, swallowing the madness of the magic, and the practitioners regard all.

The picture of this scene, it seems like ancient times.

100,000 nine turn to swallow the magic, swaying the head, rushing out of the dark.

This momentum can shake the world, which is far from 10,000 to be comparable.

The nine turn and a complete gap are not 100 times the number.

According to the division in the rules, it is comparable to the devour the magic of the nine-Trendy Deman, and now these are two-star.

The level of division is almost divided into the level of the big Damai.

Nine turn, a star, a full of two stars, top three stars, peaks, four stars, limit five stars, Daojun six-star, half-step, seven stars, comparable to the Eight Star.

Although these swallowed magic monarchs do not have a strong practitioner, but their strength is the real price, the lack of the practitioner uses the treasure, or the pain of cultivation.

This collision is extremely intense.

The former three waves have been played out when they swallowed the magic attack on this time.

Even some of the nine turn of the big Daman is struggling, and the three or five people siege, and the talents hit the sky.

Er Stars swallowed the magic, just comparable to the nine turn, 100,000 Dagan, now as long as the nine turn has a great force, it can be willing to kill those two stars to swallow magic.

The number of two parties is almost, but the quality gap is indispensable, and there is a top large-scale Dairy that is close to 90,000.

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