Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5252 5247? Crazy

The individual's ability to devour the magic monarch is the same, and the practitioners have a strong battle, which can be comparable to the six-star devourd.

Even Mo, one person can cover a hundred and two stars to swallow magic.

The torn claw method is more crazy, huge blood claws tear the sky.

Thousands of swallowing the magic slabs were tear, and it was completely destroyed.

Just a breath, 100,000 stars swallow the magic, it is falling 10,000.

The sword is unparalleled just to pull out the long sword.

The sword is fierce, and a sword is a world's fall, and the heart and sword are fused, and there is an unbeatable momentum.


A sword lights through the battlefield.

This sword is light, and the array of madness is rushing into the array of swallowing the magic, stir all, and the sharp sword is destroyed to swallow the magic body.


People have not yet, the swords are full.

Many practitioners saw the sword where they were unparalleled, and they changed more crazy.

They are really afraid that the sword is unparalleled, and all once again, do not leave them.

"Fast! Going back quickly." Some teams of Nine Tong Damai couldn't help but roar.

They have the most anti-fourth wave of attack, the fifth wave is a million two-star swallowed the magic, and when they want to be so easy.

Either the fourth wave is desperate, the fifth wave retired.

If the fourth wave is not fighting, the fifth wave of attacks cannot be resistant, and millions are more than just ten times the pressure.

Feel the sky sword, tear the heavenly face.

100,000 stars swallowed the magic, but three breathing, all fallen.

The devourd magic of the martialillulent magic is falling from the sky, but it has not yet fallen on the ground, and finally make a black smoke, hovering in the sky, and eventually unparalleled by the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, slow closes, open his hands, and enjoy this feast.

These swallowed magic will swallow them, and the sword is unparalleled to swallow each other.


".........." The sword is unhappy, looking into the darkness, staring at the dark dense fog, the evil breath in his eyes is more strong.

Since starting to swallow these magicians, he found that the ability to swallow the capacity has become strong, and the demand has become great, but there is no improvement in other respects.

Especially the way, there is no rise.

"This is the purest swallowing avenue!" The sword didn't double the momentum. He understood this time, both parties are different.

His poorer, and the origin of the devil's body is the purest swallowing.

The two differ very much.

The so-called Tao life, the second, two students, three thousand things!

The path is that there is thousands of things. This is the purest way, and other roads are just the trails that are derived. Everything is the source of the road.


Return to the city, the sword is unparalleled to enlighten the road.

"All things!" The sword was unbrick, and his face leaked the doubts.

If all things are the purest, so many times, what to do in the future!

This is a big problem, the ultimate sword, he can also have a sword, and there is a prototype, but he is a little bit of a touch.

Now there is a little eyebrow to pick up the enlightenment, don't let go of any opportunity.

Especially swallowing, if all things rely on him to refresh, the universe destroyed him to have a successful, only constantly engulfing other practitioners, he can raise it quickly.

This time, this time, his receipt is very large, at least to all things, not just paper.

Because of the cause of these magic monks, he can feel the way. If you go to swallow the big Dali, a complete way, he can engulcize 30%.

More than once, this is also a big harvest.

Unfortunately, there is no big dean to give him experimentation, and now I can't do anyone else.

The fifth waves of the latter, the sword is unparalleled to rush in the forehead, and now he is very big in the demand for the treasure point.

It's so strong in the universe, let his record have been in the first, wait until this stage settlement, ranking rewards have a lot of rewards, naturally can't let go. I ate a big loss last time.

Hui Qing roses first, but it has obtained 100,000 tobau points.

This trial of this second phase has improved several times with the treasure.

In particular, the exchange of exchanges in the city mainfate is, which is more than the fierce battle than the first stage.

Although there is still no major casualties, the more it is, and it will be gradually entered, the more people can't stop.

The fifth wave, the million two stars swallow the devil attack, the original nine turn of the Nine Transfer of the retired, immediately redeem a set of peaks to Baofan, and some to enhance strength, ready to fight.

There are even some people break through the battle, just entering the 9th turn, there is a top-level force, and when you kill, you can't live.

The fifth rolling, the overall strength has once again improved a lot.

The more gorgeous gestures, let the sword have seen the meaning of training.

More than 10,000 nine Tong Dami, now half of the fall, but the remaining half does not have to stop.

"The last wave, the sixth wave ends, if you can get enough blindle flowers to the treasure point, I can break through." A nine transverse Damai, the eyes of the eyes were full.

If there is no breakthrough, you will be retired, breaking through it.

In the war, go to the dead.

It is said that it is retired. Now there is only a few nine-way Damadi who have no breakthrough, and the rest is a bit hope to break through, or the strength of some of the nine transmissions of the top, or have chosen the war.

In the nine-way Damadam, there were indeed some people, with the mood of life and death broke through the final end, become a full of nine turn, and exchange a set of peaks to treasure sets, and there was a top-level Damatifiable battle.

Nowadays, the most weakened are the top-level top-level, and they can just kill the Ethios.

The top six waves fight, there is no threat, and even the middle of the source is broken, becoming an example of the peak power.

At this time, everyone is most concerned with the top-level combat power, and she has begun to stare at the top large-scale derivatives or nine transmissions.

Seeing that they broke through the stronger, more people were boiling.

At least this is true, always looking up, the sword is unparalleled, and it is unrealistic.

The fifth wave of fighting, they spent ten breathing time, today's sixth wave began.

The sword is unparalleled. If this time I can't break through the battle, then I only die.

Thousands of two stars swallow magic.

Once the peak strength, I dare to resist this wave, but the nine-Trendy Damai is not a dead fight.

This can be more powerful than they have to win more than they have to win, but now the number of each other is their hundreds of times.

Accurate calculation, it is 10,000 times.

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