Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5255 5250 ?? Eight Ring Yunlong Yunlong Yunli?

"Seniors, I will redeem to treasure!" The sword is unparalleled and not nonsense, and go straight to the subject.

White beard old, unlike Qiu Huang, a face of a pressure, looked at the sword, a faint reply: "Well, there are a lot on your body, what do you want to redeem!"


Said, the old man waved his hand, and there were countless treasures in the hall.

The treasure distribution is like a triangular pyramid, and the bottom layer is the cheapest peak.

Then it is the innate to treasure, and even the day to the treasure set and the best innate.

From small to the upper, wait for the innate to treasure, medium congenital to treasure, wait for the innate to treasure, congenital to treasure set, the best congenital to treasure.

Then there are a few special ridiculous secret treasures, these secret treasures are completely unique, and the type and power are also different, and the price is more than 500,000 to treasure.

"Seniors, I want to exchange candlelon!" The sword has no double strong opening.

Dreaming candlelon wings!

One of the accessories of the beast gods, he has the eyes of the candlelon, both of which, his strength will rise again.

Many people think that he is half-step, actually not.

Although the body has improved many of the two, it is still a bit distance from half a step.

Don't look at him, a million to swallow magic, really want to kill half-step, he can save, but absolutely do not account for the wind.

With a candlelong, he can truly play the power of half a step.

"Candle Leong Wings!" The old eyes of Yangjiao, then leaked the shock.

"Haha, good! But you have to wait, there is a little guy to exchange to treasure."

The sword has no double leaks the color!


Is there anyone else than him?

Even if you come in, how can it be, he is exchanged for the 800,000 candlelong Wings, how can someone can row him in front of him, so that the old people are so happy.

Although the sword is unpractored, I can't say more. Anyway, he has already said that he has to redeem the candlelon wings, and the body is enough, he will not believe, someone can cross him.

Just a few breathing, the old face is full of joy, and the sword is not paired!

"Haha, okay!" The old man laughed, then looked at the sword and said: "You have to redeem the candlelon Wo!" Take out your identity token! "

After the sword is unparalleled, it will automatically fly to the old people.

Just when he once again looked at the treasure of the pyramid shape again, it was found that the imitation of the tip of the tower has disappeared?

He stunned, then the eyes were only reflected, and the imitation of the eternal to treasure was redeemed!

No wonder the old people, you have to deal with God, let him wait here, it turns out that someone has changed the eight part Yunlong Yun!

The record on Hui Qing should be enough, but his long stick, the power can be almost unlimited, especially after inheriting that inheritance, not playing his own strength, even the brown long stick has become silver, more than ever Be strong.

It doesn't need to exchange the imitation of the eternal tobao, and there is that I don't want to exchange other treasures.

In addition to Huiqing, there will be one of Wanxing Tianmi, and he also has millions of treasures.

This is a half-step, and also cultivated a kind of emperor, and now I get the eternal tobao.

Wanxing's strength will probably will rise again and go straight.

However, as long as the candlelong lobby can be combined with the eyes of the candle dragon, it is so powerful in accordance with the beast of the old people.

After these two, it should be able to compare the imitation of eternal tobao, the sword is unhousnating and darling.


The old man reached out to the treasure of the treasure that floating in the hall.

The candlelong dragon wings that exudes endless power were taken out by him carefully.

The sword is also the first time I saw this pair of candle dragon wings, and I found that the color of the wings is not a scarlet color.

Only the end of the wings, there is a scarlet color, the general part is still black, but that a scarlet color is like a stream, the wings are slightly moved, the scarlet flares will be trembled.

"Well! Your air transport is also very strong, the beast gods' accessories, you have one, and one in another little guy, but I see that your strength is better than the other side, it seems that you have hope Let the fittings of three candlelons. "Yangjiao old people slowly commented.

If the complete beast god soldier, he even watched the qualifications, but he was already smashing an ancient god soldier, he still not in his eyes.

Because he is itself a very powerful cast god, it is also a powerful will, which is not strong, but it is possible to refine the treasure.

Many of the treasures in this treasure house are made by him, especially the imitation of the eternal tobao "Eight-Party Yunlong India" is what he refining.

So when I exchange this treasure, he will be excited.

"Eight-Party Yunlong" is a refining in the ancient times, but unfortunately in the treasure house, the five-order emperor makes it more than enough.

The fourth-order emperor can play all the power.

Although it is redeemed by a big Deman, the Talent of Woods, as long as the coordination is successful, it is sitting four looking five.

The fourth-order emperor is very simple for him, and the five-order episode will be constructed.

Nowadays, there is a larger place in the Holy Hano, which is more likely to make the temple.

As long as Wanxing is successful, the Temple will definitely cultivate, and the five-order emperor is really nothing.

You know, the five-order emperor of the original universe, did not so backwards in the big demon.

When the treasure point was deducted, the sword was unparalleled and one of the people's "candle dragons" accessories.

Candlelong Wings!

When he can't wait, the blood sent a dragon and dragons when he dripped onto the candle dragon.

This is the hegemony, candlelon!

Congenital emperor.

Taking the secret treasure refining in his body, it is conceivable that strong extent exceeds the cognition of swords.

At least this pair of wings, let the Emperor Junqiang attack also unable to damage.

Of course, the sword has no double with it, nor is it invincible. The emperor really wants to kill him. When you can wear his own source and body.

Do not need to break this candlelong lobe at all.

Moreover, the power of the candlelong Wo is not a defense, and the defense is just a passive means.

The truly powerful place is its own space, the candlelon is the space beast, his wings account for a large half of the credits.

The sword is unparalleled with it, but also enhances his room for space.

And his speed can be unpublished, at least the emperor, he has confidence!

He itself is fast, the routine requirements are very high, even if his speed is still ranked before, it is still a few.

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