Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5256 5251 ?? Emperor I am first

In addition to the bloody road, and Wan Shi Tiandi, who is full of outbreak, he is not somewhat, others really don't necessarily have him.

Now there is a candlelong Wing, his speed will absolutely crush the same order, more than half a step, even more than those of the sky.

I really did the emperor, my first level.

The sword is unparalleled, and the whole person is invested in.

When he once again showed the field of the beast, it was a brow.

"It's over!" The sword was unhealthy.

This is the same as he imagined, and it is very suitable for him.

But the most integrated with the eyes of the candle dragon, although he daresters the full of the enemy, you can fuse each other, this ridiculous secret treasure is also comparable to those of the imitation Zi Bao.

It is not compatible now, and that value can be greatly discounted.

Fortunately, when you cooperate with the beast god, his speed has indeed an increase in more than one grade, and he makes up for him a little.

This is to be redeemed by others, isn't it to be mad.

It took so much to treasure, only increased the speed.

The Yangjiao old man seemed the sword unparalleled doubts, slowly said: "Little guy, is it feeling that two can't be integrated with each other!"

I have already seen all my sheep's old man, sitting is dangerous!

The sword has no double open, and the eyes nodded respectfully.

"That's right, the beast will have a lot of power since the damage, although there is still a lot of power, but if you want to recover, the cost of need is very big." Yang's old man grasps the small hammer in his hand, saying faintly .

The sword is unparalleled, but this master is open, it seems that it is really not normal.

"Master, I don't know how to integrate!"

Since I got this ridiculous secret treasure, and the power is so powerful, he can inspire him a big Deman.

Even if you cross the emperor, you can help him.

In particular, there is now the opportunity to integrate each other. As long as the integration can be comparable to the genture to treasure, even if he arrived at the five-order episode.

This is the secret treasure that can increase the body.

Very value!

In the original universe, the most anticipated special life is 10,000 times.

Now, with the eyes of the beast, he can barely break out to eight thousand times. If it is blended, he will then improve the basic gods, and it is not impossible.

God, the source.

This is the two roads of the practitioner, the former affects the war, the latter affects the realm, and it is not possible.

Now he is very strong enough, even if the sword is unable to break through, he can make a half-step king, and his realm is highly improved, and the breakthrough is satisfactory, it is not impossible, and it can be improved.

Now it is a powerful, follow-up to swallow the magic attack, and his own grasp is not big.

The old man, watching the sword, unparalleled face, solemn, for very respect, then mention a few words!

"I want to fuse, it is not very difficult, I will see you will not cost it."

The sword is unreasonable. This opportunity cannot be missed, the fusion of the beast will, I am afraid it can do the energy in this temple. I really have two eyes, and he is black and caught.

"No matter how big the price, I am willing!" The sword was unbolded.

Yang Yao old nodded and said: "If you want to fuse, you must have the top cast god of the universe. This old man can do, the rest is simple, you need five sky. Source, four of them are in the treasure hall, you can redeem. "

"It is Golden Benource, Wood Crystal Source, Sambour, and San Crystal."

In the sword, there is no double one, and the four major heavens and earth origin, he has some memories, and once also watched his eyes.

The price is around 100,000 to the treasure point.

Today, he has 1300,000 to treasure, deducting 800,000 of the eyes of the candle dragon, just 500,000, it is enough.

As for the space of the space, there are several waves from the back. If you are redeemed, even if you are redeemed by others, he has a candle dragon a Wing, and the speed of this source is also very fast, although it cannot be significantly improved, but Expensive.

As for the treasure point, these are things that are in the body, as long as you can improve your own combat, it is worth it.

This sword is unparalleled.

The latter three waves have more than 10 million to the treasure, and he can take the next half. Although it is, the more it is more, you can take the confidence in the next half, and add the candle dragon wings, speed can be more Fast, he can swallow the magic king.

Four major heavens and earth, forty thousand to treasure.

"Thank you for your predecessors!" The sword was unparalleled.

So some doubts: "Seniors, the rest of the source, I don't know where to redeem!"

"Left!" Yang's old man smiled slightly, and he could do it.

The rest of him, although he knew, but could not tell the sword unparalleled, all four in the Baoli, is open, he said, but there is no public, he can't say it. .

"Little guy, the rest, I can't tell you where!" Yang's old shake his head.

The sword is unparalleled!

Can't you tell him?

What does it mean!

Can't tell him, why do you say so?

Teasing him!

Still there is anything hidden!

The sword is not boriorin guess, and he is now like the ants on the hot pot, very anxious.

Every time it is a little bit, it is really uncomfortable!

The sword is unparalleled, and I asked: "Seniors, I don't know this last source, I still have hope?"

This question is very important, even if the Pacific Temple has the jurisdiction of the old man, it will not take this!

The Yangjiao's old man also leaked a smile, a slap cocoa, nodded to the sword without having a double point, smiring: "This is the chance to tell you, especially the eleventh wave, your hope Very big! "

Some happy Yangjiao old head will shrink a lot, which makes the sword unparalleled very happy.

"Right, this last source is similar to the name of this source of the world."

The Yangjiao old man will follow.

The sword is unparalleled, surprised: "Crystal Source?"


"Thank you for the predecessors to answer the doubts of the late generation, the late generations, the sword is unparalleled deeply."

This time is from the heart.

On the road, the people he helped, he all remembered.

Xuan Yi!

The sword is unparalleled, and the mind is thinking that the benefactor who helped him help him, the eyes flashed, and there is some sadness, not only muttered.

"Xuan Yi teacher, will we reunite it again?"

"I have grown a lot since I have a lot!"

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