Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5258 5253 ?? Extreme Breeding

Now because of the treasures of the Polyson Temple, the body and the flesh will be upgraded, and it can also achieve the half-step hierarchy.

Just like Wanxing Tian Emperor, the sword is unparalleled, although he does not know the source of his cultivation, it can be sure, it is definitely not the ultimate way.

There is no way to practice the ultimate, and now there is a half-step dragon, because the emperor is in the sake of learning, he will have a half-step force, and his Bund will cultivate it to the extreme, in the road. It is the top of the top.

The total ranking can be ranked at twenty-sixth. It is half-step emperor who is the ultimate way of cultivating the ultimate path.

I think he has more powerful.

Today's exposure, the rankings will definitely improve again.

Especially now redeem the imitation of eternal tobao, his war has probably has touched the emperor level.

Beyond the ultimate existence of not cultivating

After all, you can let the big dean have a qualitative leap. This is the strongest in Daojun, and cultivated the sheds, plus the imitation of eternal tobao.

This combat is definitely the presence of the top 100.

One did not master the ultimate, and did not cultivate Wan Dynasty's native Damadan, his war is enough to be a strong person of all two products.

Wanxing Road has gone to the end, and then a step is a look.

The scholars are also cultivated. For this aspect, the emperors of the outside world are more than.

He can upgrade very little, leaving only slightly flesh, or some other side of the road.

The sword is not the same, he can improve too much.

Do not say that cultivate it, he has no confidence, but it breaks through the sixth floor before the road, or there have been a lot of confidence.

Although the ultimate way, it can be obvious when the seventh floor is, but the speed of the sword is unparalleled now, when waiting until the road, at least the eighth floor can be acceded to the eighth floor, and even Junne can practice to a full level.

Just these two natural roads, you can make his strength reach the hules, swords are unparalleled, they don't dare to imagine.

Also in the body, it is a height of ordinary people.

The sword is also a special life, and it will be a little in the big branch. It is not to open this, and he understands what special life.

The darling of the universe is, which is simply the parents of the original universe.

The weaknesses are three or five thousand times, and the top is more than the body.

A born beyond everyone.

This sword is unparalleled. He has nothing to say, but the treasures given behind the Temple of the Temple of the Temple will not be more confident than this time.

In addition to these, other don't say, just say that.

If it is not suitable for the sheds, the sword is unparalleled, and the self-cultivation is able to go out, let people look like the road to the sky.

When his dermnding limit, he can nine transversely.

When the ultimate large Damai, all of them will be raised to the limit, and maybe it can also be a fight against the emperor.

This is what the original universe has never happened, I don't know if there is such ancient times in the ancient times.

"Seniors, the ancient times against the sky, there are many Damai!" The sword didn't help but ask.

The top of Qiuhuang heard this sentence, the old face is red!

He is in ancient times, not a discrimist of discrimination. At that time, the Damadami Dai Dai is a disciple of the discriminates. He is really sorry to mention it, you can only say that yourself.

"That talks about myself! When I was Dao Jun, I was the big Daman you said. At that time, I almost did to fight the first-order episode, and did not fall." Qiu Huang is very proud Say.

With the sword, there is a lot of these little guys, he did all the sky.

Self-study, it is a genus of a big branch, although it is also stubborn, but the opening of the open, a lot of time, and there are many eagle dogs, let him not know cultivation.

Until the assassination, it began to practice the whole body.

At that assassination changed Qiuhuang's life.

Although I am lucky, it is that he left a time on his life and death.

Since then, inspirational Xiu Xian!

After all, it is a child, the resources are very sufficient.

His mother's family is also huge, and several mays are all emperors, and the mother is also an extremely powerful emperor. I don't know that I gave him a pair of skeleton, let him become a forged natural supreme.

It is only a millennium that makes him become a drama.

Danoma is in ancient times, and there is a small name.

Only by becoming a Dynamic, it is only a touch of the source to be a practitioner.

With the inexhaustful and hard work, Qiuhuang became a big road in 100,000, and since then in the column of strong people.

At that time, several of the family's peers were just a big Dali, much better than him.

The follow-up mother's family is a horrible strong, and the door is killed one night, once again let him inspire become a super power, arrogant and modern.

In this way, millions of years will increase their own limit, breakthrough to become an emperor, but also a strong fourth-order episode.

After the emperor, the family gave him a lot of help.

And their universe has been passed down by a few families, or it is clear.

The kind of silkworm is not comparable to those who are in the original universe.

Now the original universe, it is accurately, even the emperor has not reached the peak, and the power of the major power is also general.

At least there is also a need to develop several rounds back to the era, in order to be as powerful as the universe of the ancient times.

Going to Qiu Huang in the long river is also lucky, just entered the long-distance Changhe, I have encountered a big champion, and then be enrolled in a great force and is treated as Tianjiao.

Breaking through the five-order, only the problem of time, and after another Qiuhuang City, the war has reached the peak.

It is also a comparable presence of a family.

Unfortunately, the power at the time is not very good, and even dare to go to the power of the discrimination.

The strength gap is not too big, the grassroots is ok, but the gap is very large in the top-level power.

The ultimate face is swept.

The master of the power, patted the butt, Qiu Huang people are miserable, so in the time of the boy, the people are being built, they need people, and these people will throw them into the world of the people, build some treasures and Singular secret.

This is to be a countless round of round.

Qiu Huang is only in the sword by the outside world.

"The old man is also a person, but it is not only moving! Otherwise, you can take the sixth step." Qiu Huang said.

The sixth step!

That is the top strength, which is like the original universe now, the fourth-order emperor can walk, if it is placed in ancient times, the fourth-order emperor can calculate the medium force.

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