Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5259 5254 ???

The real top power is still the sixth-order emperor, or a five-level emperor who has special means.

Just like the old man, although there is only five strengths, he can cast a treasure that is only eternal to Bao.

At that time, I sat down in my discrimination and a big person. The status can be comparable to the sixth order emperor, and even the Lord of the universe must be ridden.

"Okay, it's almost, your kid hurryly picks treasures!"

The sword has no double leaks, "the story of the seniors is really exciting, the arrogant is taught, and I understand those treasures!"

"Is it! You are in that." Qiu Huang died, but also a treasure in his hand. I am curious to look at the sword.

"Golden Benyuan!"

Qiu Huang faces a shock, some doubts, but still desperate, no inquiry, just nodded.

"Wooden Original!"

Some of this Qiuhuang can't sit, these days of the world, there is no one to ask, this kid does not buy the treasure he recommend, what to buy?

"The source of the fire, there is also the original source!"

The sword is unparalleled, the four major origins needed will be said.

"Four Tiandi's origin, forty thousand to treasure, do you sure you want to exchange?" Qiu Huang did not believe in asking.

The sword is unparalleled, I nodded, replied: "OK!"

His book is to rush to these four ordered, and chat with Qiu Huang so long, it is for more useful information.

Qiu Huang also responded at this time, and found it to be played by this little child.

However, when he saw the sword without a double breath, he found huge love!

"Do you know the things of the beasts?" Qiu Huang did not believe in it.

"Oh? The seniors are also interested in the beasts?"

"Oh, will not be interest!"

Qiu Huang sinks, the voice is serious, guess: "I ask you, is it the old man who is going to the Baodi to let you come over and exchange these four origins!"

"The seniors know!" The sword is unparalleled as if you smell a bad feeling.

"That's right!"

Qiu Huang gave a breath, and the face was replaced with a smile, and then said: "Kid, I can tell you clearly, you are!"

"You were deceived by the old things of the sheep, let you exchange these four origins, just to let you find him to refine treasures!"

The sword is unparalleled, and there is some meaning of Qiuhuang.

He knew that the old man of Yang's old man was cast, and the big energy of the treasure is specially refined. He didn't dare to spend so many treasures.

Now that he is cheated, what is it?

"You don't understand the expression, the old man tells you, you can't integrate the accessories of these two animal gods. If you can fuse, what do you think is that you are important or beast!"

Qiu Huang's sentence makes the sword have no doubles!


"Beast God soldier" What is the level of the treasure!

First, the sword is unparalleled, it is certain that it is likely to exceed the power of eternal tobao.

It's really a powerful treasure, how could it be exchanged to them these big fairy.

"Is there anything hidden!" The sword is unparalleled, and I will ask a lot of words. "Is there anything that doesn't have a look?" Is this a candlelon? "


Qiuhuang sitting at the top is almost laughing.

"Hahaha, are you going to laugh at the old man?"

"The Temple of the Temple is a treasure of a big Daman, hahaha, this is what I have heard so far, maybe I will not hear it again in this life, but a joke than this."

The sword is unparalleled is a face.

Qiu Huang rushed, explained: "Little guy, first of all, I dare to guarantee that the Diva Temple will never swindle your treasure, this is your peace of mind."

"The most is the goat three eyes will be lie to you. I know that the candlelong Wings I know that the beast will be self-contained, but the beast will be self-contained. Now the candlelon has already broken, the source has already disappeared, no How is the beast god of candlelon? "

Qiu Huang took advantage: "You won't think, with the five major world, you can combine the beast soldiers!"

"Once the beast gods, it contains a complete spatial source."

"And, do you know who is refining this beast?"

The sword is not shocked in addition to shocking!

First, the surprise beast is better than he imagined, and the complete space is in the source!

The emperor can't master the mastery, that is, it is the spatial source of the universe.

A secret treasure exists with a space for the universe?

Let him think of not thinking.

If the beast God is so powerful, the Division is really open to them.

However, he heard Qiuhuang explained that the source has collapsed, even if it is set to five major days, it will not be fused.

These five major world origins are all, they are not complete.

Even if it is complete, it is not integrated with each other as a real space source!

Repeatedly clear all the swords, face, such as death!

The old man is very reliable!

How can I pit him.

The sword is not asked: "Wang Wangdeng answer!"

He wanted to listen, how this "beast God soldier" refines, it is dying this heart, anyway, the source has not been in the hands, and it is not repentible.

Qiu Huang saw the interest of the sword and unparalleled, said: "Say it, let you change to the discriminates, let you understand what is the Star Space."

"Beast God, this is what you refined by the born beast god, you should know, you don't know, the flesh is just what you see the beast, some things can't be seen, the beast god soldier It is not only a complete space source, and there is still a consciousness in the beast god, and the strength is weak. "

The sword is unparalleled!

Beast god awareness!

When he fully applied the candlelon field, the candlelon, is it a consciousness of the candlelon?

Starting him, he still felt that he was completely inspired by the field of candlelon.

The original candlelon is a consciousness.

Know the truth, the back is shocked by cold sweat.

Qiu Huang took the road: "How is the kid, now I know how big it is to integrate!"

"Even if you have five kinds of origins, you don't have to condense a spatial source, you will not be aware of God's awareness."

"Their discriminant, killed the eight beast gods in the long river, destroying the national gods, but also peeled with the cramps, refining into the beasts, this is the masterpiece of the district, you want a five-order The god messenger gives you a fusion of the beast, it is simply in love. "

It is indeed like Qiuhuang said that in the past year is an overlord!

An overlord created secret treasure, can be a small cast god messenger to be re-enhanced.

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