Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5261 5256 ??? Tearless

Said that I still crowded!

He said that the breakthrough is estimated that the nine turn is full, the sword is unparalleled.

In the case of the space, the treasure is falling in his hand, and the sword is unparalleled. It was originally thought to be the bloody moon. After all, this bloody road is quite deep, and it is very poor from the source. I can't get too far, if you get this space, you can break through this space.

This is the universe!

If it is not because of the candlelong wings, the first choice for the sword is.

"I didn't redeem any special treasures, it was redeem a ridiculous secret treasure!" The sword said unparalleled.

Hui Qing is always the face, can't help but open the road. "There is no double brother, it is not to exchange the wings of the candle dragon."

"Yes, that is, the treasure!" The sword is unparalleled.

The top treasure is that a few pieces, and the first few people are also hidden, it is better to say.

As soon as this is, the three people present will miss the look of the martyrdom.

Still Huqing, directly said the truth.

"There is no double brother, the elders of the Yangjiao said that this treasure value is not so high, not suitable for the first choice!"

The cold frost track also said: "That old man, I really said, I also feel that the treasure is lifted to us too much, the speed is not what, the bloody is an example, really to kill, his The strength is general, it is not much better than tearing. "

"Don't you say that there is a special thing that is treasure!"

It is still a lot of soul, and it is a key to the problem.

Just as what he thinks, there is indeed special place, but this will not say more, and this topic ends.

Ji Chaoyang also saw the intention of swords, and quickly pulled the topic and said that Wanshen Tiandi.

"That can now be definitely, eight parties Yunlong, is redeemed by Wanxing."

Several people say that I discuss it.

After all, this is the strongest treasure in the treasure house, Wanxing is the first person of this original star, and now I have to be so good.

The strength absolutely changing.

It is thoroughly cleared the boundaries.

"His strength, now I can't see it, I hope I will not encounter him in the future!" The cold frostway is helpless.

As a woman's road, her improvement has reached the limit, I want to have a half-step force, I can only hope that the inheritance of justice is so powerful.

Otherwise, there is no chance.

The season is nothing to do. He breaks through the nine turn, there is a half-step force, plus the school and the treasure, and really Word of Tiandi.

As for Hui Qing, this is an indisputable nature, and it doesn't matter for these.

Only the sword is unparalleled.

Although there is no sharp edge, the sword is unparalleled to feel the way, Hui Qing has strong Wanxing, and can also match the current Wanxing.

This has not been broken through the 9th turn.

They have broken through the 9th turn, except for the season, he and Huqing's strength can exceed Wordian Emperor.

After chatting, shared some experience, and several people were scattered.

The seventh wave attacked the horn, it will be blown immediately.

In today, there are still thousands of nine transverse densities.

They are thoroughly bid to farewell to the people Temple, and they can only wait for 30 years to return to the original universe.

The only benefit that can be obtained now is the comfortable practice environment in this city's main house, but it is not a level than the original universe.

Among these people, they also mixed a few unlucky nine turn rounds. They got the treasure, and they did not make the war to the top level, and only hate retired.

This is also the best home.

There are tens of thousands of nine-turn big dermndants, but fall in the hands of the magic.

There are millions of big Damadam, falling in the first phase of trial, they have not been here.

Now I can retire, they are already a lot of people.

Leave the city owner and return to the city.

Just appeared in the sword, it caused torn attention.

"Candlelong Wings are still taken by him." Here is unwilling.

The breath is strong than before.

Double boxing, tearing is extremely uncomfortable.

It is obviously his opportunity, and it is blamed for this waste.

At the beginning, I would like to have a little more, and all the strengths broke out, and there would be no so many things.

One thought is only, and this situation is now falling.

The sword is unparalleled on the city, and the turn is also looked at the tear. The corner of the mouth is leaked, the greedy color of the eyes is not hidden.

He is to tell tear the sky, I also look at the treasure on your body, I have to take it in the morning and evening.

"Hey!" Torn and shouted and transferred.

The sword is unparalleled in the heart: "You can't rely on the bouquet of the temple. There is no internal fight behind, the treasure will never get it, you have to do something!"

Qiuhuangcheng guards, all Da Di fairy is a comrades, and must not kill without authority.

Even if it is a regular conflict, it may be a big punishment, and the sword is unparalleled.

Only in the last wave, I will drive.

If you tear the sky, it is better to swallow the magic, then it is better.

I just thought of this, the horn of the horn rang.

Samsung's swallowing magic, has already been waiting for a long time.

Comparison of the swallowing magic king of the top-level Dagan, or old, the opening is 100,000.

There are more than 80,000 people on the city, there are top-level combat power, and thousands of peak power.

These several times, the overall strength rose a lot.

This seventh wave should have no problem, the key is the two waves behind.

When these people don't know how much they can live.

The sword is unparalleled, the horn is sound, and the figure has a flash into the battlefield.

At the same time, the seventh wave fight on all original stars also started.

In the deepest place in the original world, the Suzaki Temple is particularly lively.

I can't see the hills of the Suzaku, gathered for hundreds of people.

They are sitting next to the criteria, looking at the battle in the next day, there is a taste.

"Haha, it is really happy, I don't know how many years. When I drink again, I thought I didn't wake up." A old man who was scorpal, drinking alcohol, watching the battle in the sky, so it is .

Other people on the side, but laughing: "Qiu Huang, light drinking, you are cool, don't have the early Mother, give you a serving!"

Everyone smiled.

Zhu, who is sitting in the primary position, is a frowning.

She still can't understand now, what is the old guy that will be returned to the soil?

The true spirit is too much in the sea of ​​this source, or I still think she really needs these old dentists to help.

These people are now renovating, and after being transformed, they have become like this, there is no combat effort.

Don't worry about how strong they have, now the most power of second-order emperors.

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