Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5262 5257?? Selected

Sukark Temple.

Hundreds of old cards re-recover, although now do only some of the older things, but the breath of the strong, has not been dissipated.

These people are predecessors in front of Zhu.

I didn't even say that she could only loot in the homework.

"Zhu Yixian, I heard that the original star of the nine, there is a big Daman to be in the true spirit, I don't know the true and false!"

It is a white-haired Yangjiao old man who speaks, and it has an ancient breath.

Everyone heard the words of the true spirit, unconsciously played a cold.

Although I have just recovered, I can listen to those old bacon, this true spirit, temper, and extremely overbearing.

Even the core of the core of the disagreement, the true spirit is not in the eyes.

The highest trial is also an independent.

In the tomb, the thief was disturbed.

Regardless of the four secrets of the true spirit, it is a big confusion.

These things, they also listen, after all, they are not the core of the discriminates. They are all suffering from the disagreement. However, when the disagreement is committed to them, they are also a Pacific Temple. The veteran.

Now these veterans are fostered in the sea from the origin of the Buddha Temple, they have many questions, but they don't dare to ask if they hear the true spirits.

Now, in this case, they only dare to ask the side attack asked the first seat of the Shuque Temple.

Sitting on the top of Zhu Yes, brows picking up.

The seven-poo exquisite is slightly running, and the smile on his face also collapsed, replaced a serious expression, glanced over the foreigners.

"Difficult outstanding, there is indeed such a person, the true spirit, for this person, do not hesitate to open the second phase of the trial, and change the rules of the discrimination."

"Ah! This,, this can also be changed."

Many strong people are only a bit surprised, and they don't dare to guess.

The rules set by the disagreement have dare to change. This true spirit is really not general. At least the day is now changed. Although the discriminates have promised them, it can now be fallen.

The whole of the districts, now is the calculation of true spirit.

This is a confirmation now.

And they have also related to the true spirit!

Zhenling went to the four major secrets, and took advantage of this trial of the second phase and put them out.

"Haha, you can be seen in the big Dai Dano in the true spirit, then I have to watch it."

See some cold scenes, some people took the initiative to file the big derivatives that were elected.

It is also in order to transfer the topic, can be seen in the true spirit, still do not hesitate to change the rules, they really want to see who this person is!

"A nine original star!"

"It is not that Qiu Tian Tian in Qiu Huang."

At this time, Qiuhuang was sitting at the end, and the little eyes were squinted in many veteran, and his figure was not eye-catching.

I heard someone mentioned his name, the body shake, and quickly got up the explanation: "Wanxing's strength is really good, he is not the ultimate way, but it has been repaired a special scholastic, and the power has half a step, but also redeem it. The imitation of the eternal tobao, the strength can be comparable to the emperor. "

I heard it comparable to the emperor, and everyone was cold and smoked.

"It is also the Emperor, or the second product, this is expected to step on the sixth step."

Many people follow their heads.

Nowadays, the original star is comparable to the Dijun's big Dami, but it has not yet allowed these people to pay special attention to the big dermine.

Qiu Huang said this, the second product is comparable to the emperor, they are still some unexpected.

The second product has a half-step dragonfly, it is normal, it is rare to be a powerful one of the two original origins of the Emperor.

The imitation of eternal tobao, not for anyone can improve so much.

It is rare to use the two original origin of the "Eight Party Yunlong".

This should have a lot of contact with the special school.

Just when everyone couldn't help but look at Wanxin Tianmi in the sky, Qiuhuang opened again.

"However, I am not optimistic about this, and he really has strong combat, can be on the original star of Ah, there is still one person to compete with him."

"There is still someone, it is not the kid called the sword, I heard that he has a broken beast!"

Qiuhuang leaked the color, the opening: "It is this child, and he is still nine to the big Danadian, did not reach the nine turn, and now he has a half-step force."

"I think, with the eyes of the true spirit, it should be optimistic about him."

Yang's old man, also said to nod: "I consistent with Qiuhuang's opinion."

Zhu Yida, sitting above the hall, did not open, just quietly changed.

"It was originally thought that Ding Jiu original is strong enough, and suddenly the number of half-step emperor, did not expect 1 nine original star sleeper Hidden Dragon!"

"Yeah! Not only there is a big Daman in the real spirit, there is also a number of peerless Tianjiao. I see that the little monk called Hui Qing is also good. This is extremely low-key, and the heart is tough, it is a good seedllar. "

Because of the reason, many veterans are looking to the original star in the sky.

"Fast, this eighth wave is attacking the city, it is a small threshold, and millions of three stars swallow magic, and those little guys have trouble."

Everyone looked at the sky, it was Qiuhuangcheng, who was the original star of the Jiujiu.


Millions Three stars swallow the magic and sorrow, and the horn just sounded, and he rushed out of the black fog, and he hit Qiuhuangcheng North Gate.

The guard is here that Hui Qing and the Qiyang Chaoyang.

Today's quarter, there is already a power of Daojun, and stand in parallel with Huqing in the forefront.

This time, no one is going to hate two people, millions of three stars swallow magic, the air flame, no one can block.

Semi-step Jun has retired to the city wall, the wave, can flood them, let them funeral themselves.

"Haha, millions of swallow magic, still Samsung, happy!" The season is a little peak, the body is tough, standing on the first line.

The devour the magic jun has just hit, and the two will make a stream of flow, and instantly kill the millions of army.

"This is! Space power."

A whole rhombus is rising, and the quarter chains are messy. In his space, he seems to be the unacceptable devil.

Hui Qing, as always, has taken off the silver-colored baton, chemical work, one person shakes the pace of millions of three stars to swallow the magic monarch, so they can't move forward.


In the Hall of the Temple.

The old people look at the tongue!

Four-range walls, in addition to cold cream and blood months, the performance of other three walls is almost perfect.

Especially the Wanshen Emperor of the "Eight Ring Yunlong".

Dare to get this big Damadam, no general.

On the wall of his city, he became a good god of heaven, a light silver pattern of robe, and there was an emperor.

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