Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5263 5258 Chapter ????? 's true war

Lift the god print and take the eight parties.

A million-mile-sized mountain peaks are directly dropped, and they are swallowed in the magic king, and a person stands for a million three stars to swallow magic, and they are very casual, even his scholars have not been revealed.

"This, actually concealed the strength, there is no way to use the emperor, there is no, the four secrets, the Taojun isn't so!"

"Well! It is possible to compete with those indigenous roads!" Zhu Yisheng nodded very well.

These big Damadam have been attributed to her tube in the future, until the success is successful, it is only a detached house.

True Spirit has a good person, she naturally has a very optimistic person.

Wan Star is one of them!

In the Temple of the Polysman, it is not difficult, and the temple of the Xuanwu Temple can be used to let the six crows, and these people can become an emperor with a swallowing.

As long as Wanxing has successful, it is absolutely dominated by the four secrets.

Even if I left the Hall of Shu, as long as she remembered her, I will have a good impression on the Trump Hall in the future.

This is the candidate of the sixth order episodes of the next sixth order, Zhu Yifa, and then considering the prophetic allocation, see this Wan Shi Tian, ​​and there is still the lack of lack, she is also the same medicine.

Since the four secrets of Zhenling, they brought these people back, but also let him add the trial, let the second phase of the rush to trial, it is more chaotic.

Especially for treasure allocation, it can be changed at will.

Just Qiu Huang and Yang 3marks also played the first few waves in her face, gave to the sword.

These two are optimistic about swords, and after they have stationed four secrets, they will be reused. The people who don't believe in the core four temples, or they don't recognize these puppets.

Yourself, now they are all given by these old guys, although the heart is unwilling, but the surface is not good, after all, it is a person who has come out.

"The sword is unparalleled, and his way is very suitable for this trial!" The third eye of the sheep martial arts suddenly suddenly deciduous, emitting a faint power.

Outside Dongcheng wall.

The sword is unpacking behind a pair of dark and scarlet double colors, the body is like a lightning shuttle among the Military.

The fierce candle dragon wings will completely cut the battlefield.

The third scorpion of the scarlet has been exudes the color of the scarlet, and the field of the beast is stimulated to the extreme.

In the swallowing magic, the sword is unparalleled. It is a good fortune, which is his compulsory field. Those who swallowed the magic is like the little ghosts in the purgatory.

The sword is unparalleled is the impermanent desime.

Sopyered by the Swords to Dynasty, was also being killed in the city wall. Here, he didn't have the ability to compete with the sword, and the city was afraid that the sword was not double-altered, and the righteousness is standing on the wall, with Tens of thousands of Dami is calm together.


Thousands of heads swallowed the magic and rushed into the city wall. A peak of Damai was seriously injured and lost. He looked at the evil and ugly swallowing magic. This peak strong is desperate.

At this time, the one-clawed a claws of the Trendo Jun, scratched the horizon, and suddenly killed thousands of swallowing magic, and the body was in front of the peak big fairy.

Looking at the mage of the west, the heart of this peak Dawu is greeted.

"More Dao Jun is helpful!"

Torn the sky slightly turned, only leaking half of the half face, leaking a smile, faint: "It's all people, don't thank me, go back to restore the body!"

"Yes!" The peak big Deman is excited.


Leave this place, then go to other mouths of the mortagulance to deviate the magic.

These small stocks of Samsung swallow the magic, at all, the threats do not have him, and they can slaughter, but those peaks are not a bit.

Even if hundreds of swallowing magic, they are hard to block.

The sword is unparalleled, almost six hundred thousand Samsung swallowed magic, only forty thousand devourd Demon Jun attacked the big Damadam on the city wall.

Coupled with dozens of ultimate Dagan and those halfway princes, they have blocked almost ordinary, and the remaining 200,000 can reach the city wall.

Tens of thousands of large-scale Damai, plus more than a thousand people's peaks, even two hundred thousands of devourd can't stop.

The ninth wave can be a thousand three stars to swallow the magic, even if the sword is unparalleled to block six million, who is the remaining four million?

Nowadays, the peak Daman has begun to fall, the next fall is the ultimate Dagan and those halfway.

Thousands of three stars swallow magic, even if it is torn, there is not much confidence hard, and the sword is unparalleled.

With the sword unparalleled slaughter, millions of three stars swallow magic, the more killed, the more than 60,000 were stopped, and the sword was unparalleled. Subsequently helped others to swallow the remaining small stocks Also hit it.


The sword is unparalleled, behind the candlelon, after a long breath, standing above the city wall, looking at the big dean of the big dermatoma that is being devocated to the devil, and some are sorry.

100,000 big margins.

First, I have been eliminated early, there is more than 80,000, then the seventh wave is dead, and the seventh wave is only 100,000 and three stars to swallow the magic, and the sword is unparalleled. It is only three or four. Ten thousand, there is still someone falling.

This time, it is more exaggerated, and it falls directly.

These people have rely on the treasure to the top level to the top level, and even the peak big Damai also fallen.

These people are now rack.


Return, you are not willing!

Just this wave, they got hundreds, and even thousands of tobits.

Especially those extreme big Damai, they have got tens of thousands of treasures, they naturally not refund, even if they have fallen crisis, they will also hard fight.

"Hey! Let's go, this is a general, and now I have a hurt!" A lonely top Dagan, looked back at the broken earth outside the city wall, this is his last time to look at the original star, later No chance.


Through the junction, he has arrived in the city frontier.

At the same time, many top Dagan chose to retire.

The person on the city is half!

There is less than 40,000 people left.

Some people have a strong choice to retire, and some people have a breakthrough to choose to leave.

The last wave of gains to the treasure, the weak big Daman chose all the flowers, leaving it, leaving, no breakthrough will be retired.

On the edge of the city wall, the six-person disk is sitting in one place, there is a male with a woman.

"The old four, let the six sisters go!" The boss of the head is sad, and it is sad.

"Big Brother!"

The old four eyes contain tears.

"Let's go! Sanmei is already falling, I don't want someone to fall, there is no peak force to leave ten deaths without life!"

They originally nine people, they are from a big world, but only different Zongmen.

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