Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5264 5259? Go to stay

After entering the original circle, I worshiped as a brother.

The first stage of the melee, they have no one fall, and now the second stage, it has fallen three.

After the ninth wave, I really don't know how many people can live.

"Four brother, listen to big brother!" Rank the sixth woman, and the eyes are soft.

I am somewhat unwilling, I don't know how to refute.

In the end, I will take the treasure in the hands of six sisters.

They have passed the vows. Once they retired, they will leave all the treasures on the city wall.

The five people left now have peak power, only the old six power is the weakest.

According to the rules, she has to retire and will contribute treasures.

This scene was staged in many brigions.

"Fast, there is no retirement to continue to fight, come on this place!" A semi-step jun of a general position, standing on the city, loud and glaring.

Top Ten General, each responsible for a location, starting the number of people, ready to welcome the ninth wave.

The sword is unpaired to be all.

This is the weak sorrow!

He is powerful, and those people in the early stage hate him to grabbed the treasure, but now I am grateful that he can block the magical king and give them a chance to breathe.

All of this is accustomed to it. Since the seventh wave began, everyone on the city wall is in order, and the position is really useful.

In addition to the sword where the sword is unparalleled.

Torn the sky became the main bone on the wall, and the other four major striions also listened to him.

"Tell the Jun, ten generals have been completed." A extremely large Damadami said.

Mo Yu's emperor is also in it, and the city wall he or jurisdiction has three thousand top-level Dagani, more than two hundred peaks, and the seven-eighth extreme Dagan, and his strength is almost. But it is the strong man of the new Jinjin.

The number of people there will be similar, and the tear of the sky will soon master the rest of the big Damai, and his body has risen to the sky and starts to mobilize.

High war, also driven everyone.

Even the sword is unparalleled, can't help but look up at the sky.

"Dear, now the ninth attack, I know, this is the last chance of many people, I also understand that your hard work, so since you have chosen, you have to listen to the command."

"Now retirement is not too late, don't blame I have not remind you! Wait until the magical king attack come in, you have to go up, who is awkward, I guarantee that he will throw him into the army of the army, as a feed!"

Torn Trendy Sound echo in the sky.

Many people shaking people have firmly determined.

They have seen the big dean of a few battles, throwing into the big army, instantly changing the blood fog, even the source of the source did not leave a single, so that the whole person did not exist, death can't Will die again.

This is also the reason why they dare to die, and they are also dead, and they can get to treasures.

Mobilization is fast, almost there is a fragrant time to give these people, the ninth wave will come quickly.

Torn the sky falls from the air, this time he took the initiative to find the sword, the gesture is very low.

"Unify the heavens, have seen the master!" Torn the left arm and pursted the chest, slightly.

The sword is unparalleled, he will come to this, and he will know that this person is not safe.

"Tear the brother, say, no need this big gift, I will take my best to block those who swallow the magic."

Since cultivating the absorbed fairy, he has never shown it. This ninth wave, he is ready to take the entire battlefield as the core, take these devour magic.

Although some killing chickens use the cow knife, this time, there is no treasure, he certainly wants to grasp this opportunity.

According to the information learned from Qiuhuang, after the ninth wave, every time it is guarded, it will get treasures, and it is likely to cancel it.

He is of course grasped.

The tear is heavy, no matter what the sword is unparalleled, he still squats again, the voice said respectfully: "Tear the three thousand four thousand seventy-six Taoist friends, thank you without a double brother!"

This sound is not big, just let everyone hear it.

The sword is unparalleled, and he is clear that this person is nothing to have any kindness, how can he still sell him well.

Originally thought of tearing, using these people to give him an eye medicine, I didn't expect it!

I started to kill him.

If you can't stop it, it is not a sinner.

It's still not too full.

The sword is unhappy, the sound is very low, the sound is very low, and it is said: "Tear the brother, I don't care what you usually, I will get it, even if it ran to the end of the world, the thing I will have, if it is now , I can take half of the treasure to change, I really have no chance to be late. "

Torn the sky and laugh, it is unclear.

The heart is a clear sword unparalleled intention, which is threatening him.

He also tried to ask: "I don't know if it is half, or half of it!"

Half of the treasure point, he is really a bit.

The sword is unparalleled to the treasure point, according to his guess, there should be only more than one million.

He only knows that the sword has no double spent 800,000 to exchange candlelong Wings, if there is no other treasure, there should be millions.

Half of now, he is not very calling, the ninth wave he has the ability to get millions.

After the ninth wave, the sword is unparalleled to take half of the treasure point to exchange, he is really a bit.

But it is only limited to the heart of the treasure point.

The sword is unparalleled to see his mind, and the voice is turned: "You can be used as the ninth wave!"

There is not much to the treasure point in his current body, even if you take it out, it is estimated that you will not look at it.

But after the ninth wave, he had a minimum of six or seven million to treasure. At that time, the minimum is 3 million to the treasure.

Although there is no imitation of the eternal tobao in the treasure house, you can exchange those emperor's medicines, or a lot of Tianwei Di Bao for its own source, can also change a lot.

The best congenital to treasure, there are still a few, the price is about 78 million, can be exchanged for a set, these treasures can make the third-order emperor, and even the fourth-order episode is very worry.

If you are afraid of emperor, you can also exchange the territory of the teenagend, strong itself.

The first flesh is satisfactory, and it will not spend three million to the treasure point, but also increase your own body.

This is a means of instant improvement!

Torn Taojun's scorpion turned, but did not have a loose mouth, but there was no refuting sword and unparalleled words, but left a mouthful of mouth, solemn: "Then I wish you have a brother after the ninth wave, take the one Treasure. "

After that, he turned and left.

The sword is unpaired by his back and closes his eyes.

This person is too deceitable. If there is a chance of the ninth wave, he is more willing to kill this person.

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