Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5265 5260????

Inside the Temple of the Hall.

A large push cup changed, evaluating the Tianjiao on the original star.

As for the fallen big Damadam, they all have chosen, those big Damadam, in their opinion, the temple is wasting resources.

In terms of the bodies of the people, they don't care.

According to Zhu Yi, they are not afraid of the number, even if it is a half-step monarch, the bodies are earned.

Now it seems that they can earn less.

Before entering the temple, the strength of the sword is unparalleled and Huiqing is only in the power, and the first 100 million will not enter.

Now, properly five hundred.

In addition to their two, there are still some amazing people. When they entered the Different Temple, they were only the nine-way Damadi of the second product. Nowadays, it has broken through the 9th turn, and the enemy is half-step.

This is also a big profit!

Anyway, it is ultimately to enter the four secrets of the four secrets, no more than 10,000 people, the lowest threshold of 10,000 people is Daojun.

This has just begun, the original Daojun has seven or eight hundred, the first phase ends, the increase of thousands, this is very much from the death of life and death, the potential is very large.

The second stage is the real outbreak of trial growth.

It has been doubled.

Maybe they have no feelings, they already have the power of Daojun.

The half-step emperor of the original two hundred people, and most of them are the ultimate way, and now there is doubled, there have been more than 400 half-step emperors.

Among them, there are dozens of big dermndants who match the emperor.

Among them, there is a hundred and Hui Qing.

There is no sword in these people, and it is not surprising, because the second phase of the trial is unparalleled to the sword, and he is in a feathering in the feathering continent.

"Zhu Yixian, you don't sell Guan Zi, talk about it, the true spirit is not a double, now there are many people staring at this kid, be careful to grab you." Qiuhuang is smile Asked by the initiative.

Although he is at the end, he can be better than those people.

However, the existence of him in the past was too strong. In the four major secrets of the past, he had a shock of the temple. When he entered the temple, he didn't know how high it is, thinking The Temple of the Disagree, the people of the disagree, they are not there, and there is nothing to curse the existence, and finally taught.

The status of the Polysman also has a thousand feet.

They have a significant point in that year.

For example, the old man of the sheep is a member of the four secrets, but he is just a member of the handle.

According to reason, as long as there is a five-order force, you can list B3. If you have a big job, you can make the discriminates to be a member of the Armhy.

Although his credit is not small, he has not yet got to the first place, and it can have three identities.

From top to bottom, nine minimal, one biggest.

Sheep 3 megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownloadtebiz.

On the sixth-order emperor can have this treatment, then it is a very powerful and stunned emperor. For example, his font is a one, comparable to those God.

The gods of the gods, the discourse is just the beginning, and then rises.

According to the quasi-pray, the minimum threshold of the talents of the Ding Bright is the emperor. The fourth-order episode of the handle can enter directly. The five-level episode is the five-level emperor. Of course, many of the fourth-order emperors of the big work have entered the line B.

Most of the six-order emperor, there is also a small part of the five-order episode.

The top-level font size is the heaven.

The emperor can't enter the inner, even the peerless sword god, the battle against the sky did not get the sky.

Qiuhuang hysteres!

When I was cut in the Ding Ding, when he climbed to the handle, the disagreement collapsed, and they had to sleep in the four major secrets.

Now recovery, Xionguan Avenue, starting from the beginning.

The font size is also the score of resources.

The relationship is very large, and it can be seen as the order.

Just I don't know the true spirit of the present, I will not read the original emotion, although they summon them, but the strength is rigid, it is very powerful.

If the credit in your identity, you can exchange treasures, and they have hope to re-return the peak.

They also have the identity token, just like those trials, only the identity is different, they are responsible for building a district temple, and those trying to enjoy this big machine in the Temple.

The gap is too big!

The three places before the seat, see Qiu Huang, and also asked, others also appeared.

Zhu Yizhi smiled, and he pointed out.

There is also a ripple in the sky, and the picture is constantly enlarged, and finally fixed in the North Townhouse of the Nine Original Star.

In the picture, it is a clear monk, the eyebrows are thick and obvious, the eyes are clear, the five senses are clear, and the loose robes are floating.

There is also a juvenile with a screaming next to him. From time to time, there is still a handshake, and everyone naturally will open him and stare at the show monk.

This person is Hui Qing!

"It's true that he, I thought it was a sword. There was a boy." Qiuhuang said.

Sheep three eyes are also shocking, staring at the show and monk in the sky, thinking about seeing his scene, browing stretching, leaking a smile, sigh: "Good!"

"This child, fruit is really extraordinary, the realm of nine turns, the fighting power of the emperor!"

"Congratulations to Zhu Yixian, this will be the person you are, now in this day, after breaking through the nine turn, it is estimated that he can fight the emperor."

Zhu Yizhao leaked a smile, but the bottom is dark!

With her understanding of the true spirit, I am afraid I dare to go out of the original star, and the real spirit will take people away.

The true spirit does not recognize the rules that the discriminates are developed. Naturally, they will not leave their people in the Shuque Temple. I am afraid that I will open a world alone, let him pick it up.

There is no way!

Zhu Yi really wants to point to the true spirits!

Why, the owner did not order a dead command, all heard from the true spirit.

I don't think resistance now, I can only do it.


The token is shaking.

All veterans in the scene felt that their identity token was shaking, and they watched it.

"The Elder Palace is established, outside the four temples."

After seeing this sentence, the expression changed, naturally fled Zhu Yi's eyes, she seems to feel uncomfortable, and quickly take her identity token.

"Yuan Hao Palace!"

Zhu Yi is crazy.

Outside an independent temple, this truth is ready to make anti!

The veteran of the scene also looked at each other, I don't know, so they clearly, this Zhu is afraid to take them out.

The veteran palace outside the independent four temples.

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