Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5266 5261 ??? This is to rebel

This is the thing that I haven't thought about it. The four major palays are the core of the discriminates, just like those who have the existence of those characters, most are the core of the four temples.

Now they have recovered, others should also recover, now all of these people have all removed the four temples, all enrollment.

Is this not a core layer that was dismantled?

The true spirit is not pure!

These people are not the core, and now they are enrolled in the veteran house, but they have become the core, which is equivalent to mixing with the controls of the Pakistan.

At the same time, on the bloodthirsty continent, the true core of the four temples, thousands of real veteran, they also drinked in the Qinglong Temple, eating alone in the bloodthirsty continent, suddenly being dragged As soon as this is coming out, I will extends to the void.

The Xuanwu Temple is okay, the character of Xuan Yi has always been calm, the surface is not moving, and the private army has been adjusted, and the third world is firmly controlled in the hands.

Even him feel that this truth is to rebel.

Fortunately, he did not tell the true spirit all things.

In the four temples, he can build a embarrassment on his Xuanwu Temple. This is secret, but it is better to say it.

The Baihu Temple will fight, clean up the four secrets, and the true spirits have helped them clean up once. It is still a lot of veteran, let the people of the White Tiger Temple are very touched.

I feel that the true spirit is very good, and the result is a thing that is not a person.

It is better to have some veterans here, and the strength is too weak to stay.

"Reason!" Zhu Yisheng was impulsive, and the black face glanced over the crowd below his eyes.

This eye makes everyone a burst!

Zhu Yixiang is the first seat of the Zhukud Temple. When the four major first seats were in the beginning, he spent a lot of thought it was above, and her power is not only six-order emperor.

This kind of hierarchy, don't say that they are now, even when they have been peak, they can also random them at will.

The two sides are so confrontation, Qiu Huang is a small eye, with green beans.

Just too suddenly, causing him that he just drinked into his mouth did not swallow, couldn't help but spray it.

"Hey!" Zhu Yi snorted, and his body has gone on the hall.

She wants to ask the true spirit, what is this?

Is the family?

The rights of true spirits is the biggest, now come here, it is to completely disintegrate the core four temples, and re-establish the Polyson Temple.

This news makes the inner vibration of the people of the people!

But there is no impact on the cruelty of the original star!

Thousands of devour the magic monarch, waiting, the formation has been placed, only swords in the city, the city wall is tens of thousands of eyes, watching it all.

Today's style, the dead sky has a haze.

The sword is unparalleled in the air, and the sword in hand.

At this point, he did not use any treasures, but his mental strength has been condense, and there are millions of miles around him.

Everything is like a long sword, and hundreds of millions of times have a long sword.

"My heart is only!" The sword is unparalleled in his heart.

The fifth level of heart, it's not so simple!

Nowadays, I have a heart, my mind, and the swords are in the bottleneck, which makes him become anxious, and the three will be unique.

Nowadays, the only point is still in the sword.

It seems that the sword has across everything, in fact, his current sword is like a human eye hole, it is contraction, it is too difficult to break.

Thousands of swallowing the magic junqi brush, rushing out of the black fog, this big army rushed out, the black fog was light, it seems that the devour the magic monarch has already been half, the remaining estimates are those four-star or five stars. The devour the magic.

Of course there is also six stars, or even the existence of seven stars.

"Jane!" The sword didn't have a double angry.

When the death of the magic monarch has not hit, the side of the eighteen swords!

"go with!"

Eighteen hands, the long sword, turning into the world!

The ultimate swords show the epirality, unparalleled, penetrated everything.

The longjou is the stream of flow, constantly differentiates, from the 18th hand to 36, seventy-two, until the last three thousand six hundred swords.

Now the sword is unparalleled to show the strongest absorbed demon, it is the eighteen phantom sword.

But dealing with these Samsung swallowing magic, the strongest admiralty, there is some big knife to cut the flies, very hard.

It is better to differentiate, and the absolute monarch is maximized, although the overall power weaken, but it is best to deal with these swallowed magic.

Three thousand six hundred phantom swords, covering the sky, forming a huge sword array.

! ! !

The sword array is first inserted, and after millions of swallowed magic, they have erected, from above, it is a six-hunting.

"This array, Jane, Today, Devil!"

The sword has no doubles, gets up!

Sitting three thousand stars busy, open the fairy battle!


Three thousand six hundred swords fell into the devour the army, turned into a huge star sword.

The temptation keeps rotating, the power you have emitted, let the above's devour the magic.

This is a trapped trial in the epicchron!

After the death of the magic, the feet did not consciously fell to the array, and the whole body began to fall.

For a time, the first two rows of the two rows were swallowed, and 400,000 were caught in the big array, they were stranded!

This makes everyone on the city wall can't help but suck a cold.

"There is still a card!" I can't help but get out!

Mo Wei stands above the city wall and leads the people.

There is excited that his eyes are also afraid, he can't forget the phantom sword of swords and unparalleled archives, and once to force him into desperation.

When the strength of the sword, the strength is still quite with him, but now in three years, the strength actually gaps.

If he is in a million swallowed magic, there is no chance to turn over, it will be siege to death, but the sword is unparalleled, but it can block 10 million.

These terrorist warfare, showing the strong heritage, which is no loss.

They can see that the intensity of the sword array threatens the ultimate Damai, but it is necessary to maintain such a huge sword array, but also to strand Samsung swallow magic, they can do it.

The delay required by this big array is an astronomical figure.

A breathing can consume a dramatic force of a Taojun, which is a sword unparalleled.

Although they can't see it, they can feel the way.


The sword is unparalleled, only a few breathing, his own delay declines, his limit is a fragrant, it is really to go to that level, he has to finish it.

"Prepare to meet the enemy!"

The sword is unparalleled, and then the big array contraction, the three thousand six hundred swords are simply fused, and it has become a nine hundred and sixty swords.

Just this time, he broke a lot of fairy array, killing almost more than two million swallowing magic, now shrinking twice, can block four million, the remaining four million is really unable to block.

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