Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5267 5262 ?? Fierce

He also wants to earn more to the treasure, but the strength is not allowed!

After the sword is narrowed, the death of the magic will be like the dam decissete, turned into a flood beast, flooding to Qiuhuangcheng!

Standing in the middle of the city wall, tearing Tong Daojun, his eyes were crazy, and the hands were changed, and it was a scarlet.


"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Tens of thousands of people set up a defense and greet millions of people who swallowed the magic.

Tear Torn Jun first rush, one person rushed out, incarnation, did not see the figure, but can see the claw printing of a few tear voids in the sky.

There are countless claws, which will not be disappeared in the sky.

Every claw makes thousands of swallowing the magic monarch falling, converting into a treasure point, is a thousand points.

How can this not let tear?

Soon, the defense line is collided with the devourd king, and there is a peak big Dairy in every ten digges.

In the ten peaks, there will be an ultimate large Damai, so that those generals and half-step princes are the wall where they are responsible, there is a gap, go there to make up.

They are willing to waste them for a moment, even if they don't hesitate to burn the body, let the speed double the power.


A peak big Deman, took the initiative to burn the body and started desperate.

Responsible for the emperor of this side, the big shot: "You are crazy, this is just beginning, just burning the source?"


After a punch, I repeatedly slammed the magic, I rushed to this side, quickly cleaned up the thousands of swallowing magic, and I also had some injuries. I quickly took out two gods. One hand only holds, crazy absorption.

He followed the father to see more, this goddride, very rare in the outside world, but it is cheap in the Diva Temple, one to the treasure point, can restore the delay.

After recovering the good state, Moh looked at the big derivatives of the sodes and sighed.

Just collision, burning the source, I haven't said something, but I see their horrible, he discovered that today's form exceeded their cognition.

Ten top Dagan, falling in seven, the remaining three gods were damaged, the source was also extracted from almost 30%, and I wanted to fix it. I don't know how many years, or many treasures.

The peak strong is OK, just burning some of the natives and is not swallowed.

This time, more than the previous sum, just handed a lot of deaths and injured, and there were millions of troops outside the city, even if the sword was unparalleled, it took a long time, he can live? ?

Compared with others, their squad is still lucky, just one wave of attack, many squads are all falling, no one is spared.

The sword of the battlefield is unparalleled, the whole body is running big, constantly eating these swallowed magic, and it is easy for a while.

Millions of swallowing magic are playing with their groups in the applause.

"My power of swallowing, it is stronger!" The sword was unhappy, and the devour the magic of the stranded devocated by him, obviously felt more than before.

If it is swallowing a complete source of origin, his polar path can get a 30% source.

Unfortunately, there is no original source to swallow him, only to swallow these magic, and it is just the power of swallowing, and the hunger is still filled in his heart.

"It's time!" The sword didn't move.

Universe, Xuanhuang integration.

"One of the universe!"

I want it!

At this moment, the universe is huge, even the black fog is wrapped in it, the sword is unparalleled, and the diameter of the universe is 30 million.

This is now the limit!

In the universe, the Phantom sword has more powerful, and the delative delative consumption has also increased.

The sword has no double turned over and took a pot of turbidity!

This is exchanged from Qiu Huang, worth 10,000 to the treasure point, the ordinary big Dami only needs a drop of death, instantly restores the peak.

The value of this pot can imagine.

If Mozi God's god is derived from the cabbage in the land, the turbid wine in his hand is the dragon meat in the sky.

The tempting and incomparable sweet smell, let the sword have no double appetite open, in the back of the mouth, the whole body exudes light golden light.

The sword is unparalleled, and the whole person will expand it.


The word, the nine hundred and sixty swords, the instantization is three thousand six hundred swords, and the divided into seven thousand two hundred swords.

At this moment, in the universe, it is full of horrible swords.

"This is called, the sword is full of people!" The sword is unhealthy.

I didn't want to waste this, but now the sword is loose, he has not been desperate for a long time, and he is now looking at his limit state, there are many.

Three thousand six hundred swords can stop millions. It is only seven million in the spot. He went to see, this seven hundred two hundred swords, how long can it support, and how much to swallow the magic.

A large number of swallows in the city wall, one by one, squeezing the body, want to rush into the city wall, after feeling the breath of the rest, and rushing straight to the sword.

That breath makes them crazy!

Although she is withdrawn, she is almost two million to swallow the magic, the form of the first city is still not very good. After all, the devour the magical king, just the rear, the battle in front is still tragic.

Especially the most edge of the city wall, there is the weakest line, responsible for one of the generals, has been seriously injured, and the body is broken, one person lives against tens of thousands of swallowing magic.

Originally, this defense has more than 3,000 Dagan, now only hundreds of people, half of the peaks, the most elite big Damadam.

"There is this time, no longer burning your own source, just wait to die!" The general angry.

I have killed this time, I still want to save strength, if there is no provision, I can't help but kill, he really wants to sway these people.

Especially the ultimate big Damani, the strength is the strongest but the most fear, as long as one is hundreds, they will bypass others, change the location.

This city wall is now in jeopardy and can't stay at all.

It is 100,000 to devour the magic of this city wall.

Most of them couldn't stop it, so soon, they were forced to the next side.

This is still for the first time I was forced to this position.


At the murder of the magic, the wall of the city was crowded with the devour magic, and the foot was 780,000.

Torn Tiandao has been swimming in other walls, maintaining balance, and now seeing this situation, couldn't help but roar.

It can only be taken to support the full speed.

A mouth is opened, once these people are falling, swallow the magic king can turn into a bloody mouth, bite the big Damadam on the whole city wall, when people die, the wall is also broken, the ninth wave Haven't passed, their walls were abolished, and they were directly retired.

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