Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5287 5282?? Removing the flesh

Finally, 100,000 crushing, let his flesh make a blood meat.

Nowadays, only a gods of gods!

The treasure of blood and meat and the treasure that were spindled beside him were slowly coincident.

There are countless treasures refining gold liquid, mixed with the flesh, turns into a golden sphere.

Then follow his vain vain, start to reshape the flesh.

The first refiner has also reached the most critical moment.

Put the past, the first refining is a successful "reshaping the flesh"

I can't prevent it. All spending will have a water ticket. At this time, the sword is unparalleled, but I don't dare to slack off, and I fully cooperate with the cosmic copper furnace and complete the final step.

Start from the bone.

The colorful skeleton, the sword is unparalleled, this is a bone of the ancient beast god that he spends, the ancient beast of the treasure is exchanged.

Today, it is cultivated into liquids, eliminates the impurities, surpassing once, and thoroughly made his bones.

The huge skeleton is more than nine feet.

There is no difference with the previous sword, but there is no difference. After all, it is created according to the vain of the body.

After the part of the skeleton is completed, it began to irrigate the flesh.

From the beginning of the skull, a majestic face appears.

The Jie Yusi, there is a starry sky between the eyebrows, and there is no parallel!

Then it is the upper body, the body of the body appears, each inch muscle is distinguished, wrist and its generous.

The golden texture of the chest and the back is more obvious.

The whole flesh is completely reshaped, and the sword is unparalleled.

The breath is like Changhong. Although I just spit out of the flame, I was evaporated, but the sword is unparalleled, it can be obvious, and his current flesh is much stronger than ever.

A punch, you can explode a star.

If you have completed nine refines, he darenly imagine, when he will be strong.

Although the improvement of the flesh is slightly stupid, the sword is unparalleled or absolute, this is very wise.

The source, the body, the realm, and the soul, he has arrived at the edge of the threshold, and it is not as good as the end of this at the end.

As long as the strength has a qualitative change, everything can be broken!


The cosmic copper furnace is slowly opened.

If the sword is unparalleled, if there is no accident, then after going out of the copper oven, there is a new set of black robes.

"Congratulations, swords are unparalleled!"

"Luck!" He modest.

Now his entire momentum has undergone obvious changes, and now he is understanding, what is the superior flesh represents anything.

No wonder, the seventh refining represents the peak, let alone see it is nine.

Even if there is no seventh refining, the strength of the flesh is far more than those of the whole.

"This is not luck, this is your strength."

The black armor is taught, and then said: "Right, you can call me as a mountain king, no longer call the seniors."

"Mountain Jun?"

The sword is unparalleled!

Isn't this the magic king that is bound to the town of the town?

When he saw the other party for the first time, the other party could not talk so much, a fierce look.

"How, are you very surprised?"

Samper smiled: "It is also right, you are now the second phase of trial, you should be on those magic."

"Seniors, you have some differences with those who swallow magic!" The sword asked unparalleled.

He saw the devourd king, all mad, there is not much awareness.

The mountain monarch is on the body of the town, or now this vain has a consciousness, especially this vain, there is a swallowing magic.

"Haha!" Mountain will not laugh, say: "This is nature, the devour the devil you can see is a long devil."

The sword has no double leaks, why: "Wan Magu!"

"Yes! You haven't become a core inheritor yet, no need to know so much!"

The vain of the mountain is floating above the cosmic copper furnace, and the face is recollected through a light.

At the beginning, the real is falling, and a thousands of people have been cultivated. They are now suppressed in this temple.

In the outside world, the other is the same, the same master is also suppressed.

Devouring a way, I have no hope, but now he has encountered a sword unparalleled, one of the practitioners who make him re-ignite hope.

One of myself cultivated the power of swallowing the power of swallowing, although he did not swallow the breath of the avenue, the evil breath of the power of swallowing, but it was the same as they.

This is a host!

Allah, Magic, Magic Jun.

Allah is the place in the original universe, comparable to the Lord of the universe, and several of their magic owners have six-order top strength.

As for the devil, it is the division of the main division of the magic.

Several people, all the universe of the universe!

What is the brilliant, unfortunately, the end of God is falling, and several of them are also caught in the Buddha.

Two big master, one is suppressed in the original universe, and the other is divided into five major magic.


Great people, deprived their swallowing road.

The technique of such a strong brickle, it is simply shocked the ancientization!

At the beginning, a thousand, but condensed the three distant leaders, and there was still a desperate drop, I didn't know whether it was a birth.

Nowadays, I will see a practitioner to swallow the power, how can I let the mountains are not happy.

The sword is unparalleled in the side, and the trauma in the mountains of the mountain is also transferred, and the topic is transferred.

It turns out that the first layer of the trial tower is constructed in 100,000 days.

Once entering, body pavilization is 100,000.

At the beginning, he was in the body of the canyon, but it was 100,000.

It is so weak.

Benzo is suppressed, and it did not expect to finally differentiated strength.

Even if it is the force of the body, the sword is unparalleled.

One hundred thousand in one, the chemicals, the martial arts, the pass.

Now return!

Also refining, his flesh can be comparable to the general treasure, even if standing is not moving, it is not possible to damage the nine turn to the big fairy.

This is still in the absence of the body and the source.

If you add the origin and your own source, even if it's the trip, you can't hurt him.

Now the flesh is plux, he has done the ultimate in the big demonstration.

This is still not enough, he has to do the strongest.

Even surpass those farms.

Say the end, now the body is 100, or the eyes of the candlelong are all foreign objects.

The basic body is a true heritage with the flesh.

If it is the basic god, he is the real invincible, and the body can compete for the ultimate Damai.

"Well, I should say it, you can enter the trial tower, although you are deep, you can be very special, you can't agree!"

Mountain monarch eyes gentle!


The nine-story trial tower, the sword is unparalleled, never have seen any layer.

Thousands of treasures are still above, how can he dare to be lightweight, every time they do their best.

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