Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5288 5283 Chapter?

The gate of the trial is open, the sword is not a double point, step by step, and then enter the trial tower again.

This time, it is indeed like a mountain, it is very different.

The second floor of the trial tower makes him easy for the first floor.

This second layer, very similar to the purgatory in his imagination.

He saw the terrorist creatures in this layer, tumbling in the magma, he didn't want to see it again in this life.

"I hope you will never see you!"

In the second floor, the strength of the sword has no differentiation and suppression, which has the most peak force.

However, in this layer, he is strong even if it is strong.

Three hundred and sixty locks, he needs to walk every chain to the head, and below the chain is the ancient god of the ancient gods in the magma.

Every head has the strength of the emperor, some of which are more surpassing true!

They kill in the magma, howling.

The sword is unparalleled, cautiously walks slowly in the chain, horror temperatures, his congenital to Baofang has steamed hot.

Ordinary to treasure, may be melted at any time in this purgatory.

Three hundred and sixty chains, all over, he only felt that his feet had lost their consciousness, and the consciousness became incapacitated.

So after he stepped into the lotus altar, his legs were like stone columns, and they truly did not move as mountains.

The lotus altar is the only land in this purgatory, only a few miles long.

It is like the master of Qing Tian, ​​standing on the magma.

Architecture is a red-red chain, and the lower side is the horrible magma and those beasts.


Looking back again, look at the magma behemoth below, the sword is unparalleled, still breathing!

This is the test of the flesh, this is a test of a will.

Walking on the chain, the hot feelings on the chain have been quenched with the flesh, and the lower part is the beast, one is not careful, or can't hold it, it will fall.

Fall down!

After the sword is unparalleled, the cold sweat is cold. He really can't imagine what scenes are falling!

This is three hundred years, three hundred years of suffering.

It is not possible to show the field of beasts, increased the body, otherwise it will not be affected.

Especially the destruction of the will, let him be very stiff now, or if it is very tough, no matter what step, he will be firm.

After coming to the altar, he didn't have the feeling of relief.

Until several hours, he opened his eyes and looked at the center of the altar.

According to the information transmitted on the token, he needs to sacrifice the current flesh in the altar.

Although I don't understand why it will be so free, he still has no choice, and can only go to the altar.

The core of the altar, placed a big Ding, very huge!

The sword is unparalleled, and the ceremony begins to sacrifice.


He kneeshed, and he got his head and came to a five-body top film.


Even worship!

"The greatness, please accept this flesh!"

The sword is unparalleled, but his flesh is still worshiping next to Dingding.

Standing up is a vain.


Ding Ding made a while, his flesh, actually stood up and jumped into Ding Ding.


A light column, out of Ding Ding.

The sword is unparalleled with a shadow of the shadow.

Then everything returns to calm!

The sword is unparalleled and frown.

Next, Ding Ding once once again broke out a light column, flew out three bronze locks.

There is also a white beard old, he looks like a cheap, his eyes are bent.

"Dedicate, you just sacrificed the lock!" White Beard old man spread his hand, three bronze locks sent gold, silver, and yellow colors.

There correspond to three levels of gold and silver copper.

"I ....... I sacrifice it seems." The sword is unparalleled, but it can be suddenly abundant.

He originally wanted to say that the flesh of the sacrifice, but he thought of it. Since he gave him three treasures, then he did not choose, only from these three.

"Seniors, I sacrificed this gold lock!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the attitude is extremely respectful.

White-haired old people are sinking, sigh, "Oh, this is the case!"

"This gold lock is given you!"

The golden small lock, the floating sword is unparalleled, and there is still a rigorous dragon pattern.

The power from above is extremely strong.

When the golden lock came into contact with his vain, his body was emitted in an instant, and he turned out to reshape a new flesh.

On the basis of the same, it is the same, but the fusion of the gold lock, his body is better than ever.

"Lock dragon body!"

The sword is unparalleled, it has become a golden, and there is a giant dragon in the body.

Just when he was shocked, the white-haired old man sighed, some regretted: "Unfortunately, unfortunately, a pair of flesh is not claimed, and I can only hate fishing."

When the white hair old man just finished, a fishing rod appeared in the hands, and there was a flesh in the fish hook, and there was no double with the sword.

The fishing rod extends to weave, and throws below the magma.

After a while, I came to a magma beast, just the magma giant behemocated by the fish, and it became very small, and the breath was weak.

White beard old man is very happy.

Collect the fish rod, both hands grasp the beast, and the smile is re-entering the Ding Ding.

There is only a sword where the sword is unparalleled, standing in the wind!

"It seems to miss anything!"


Yes, it is the flesh.

Unattended flesh, isn't it the flesh of his sacrifice?

This white beard old man, knowing is his flesh, but also in front of him, it is broken into the bones.

Sword is unparalleled in the original place!

Although the gold lock is obtained, the increase in the strength of the flesh is limited, and it does not meet the second layer of receipt.

Just at this time, the token is submitted.

"Try failed!"


The sword is unparalleled, but the bottom of the white hair is 10,000.

Now that trial failed, what should I do!

He can still die yet!


He is uncontrolled to move to the most place.

This is also where the dream begins.

Everything returned to the initial way, just in the first time, the only change in the second floor trial tower, the only change is that the flesh is strong than ever.

Some of them are because they walk out of three hundred and sixty chains, especially the tenacity on the legs, very obvious.

There is also a part from that piece of gold lock.

This, I haven't been busy, the sword is unhealthy comfort, I can look up to the forward, countless lock chains, the sword is unparalleled, the heart is there.

I spent the treasure, and I have to go to the dark.

Fortunately, there is the first experience, plus your own will, and has not let him collapse with the powerful mood.

It is only a more than 100 years of time.

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