Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5289 5284 ???

The flow rate in the town is very slow, with this outside world, the magical sound mountain.

The fourth-order emperor has arrived in the middle of the mountains, and it is confronting with the shackles of the mountain.

Hundreds of four-level emperor, hundreds of four orders of array.

Moreover, these dividends are closer to the top of the mountain, and the strength will grow one point.

The battle between the two sides is extremely fierce.

The somarium that is bound in the town of the town is, but now, now he, only the sword is unparalleled in the trial tower.

The rest of the things, did not care, so that there is a lot of furnishings, they have not returned.

Trial in the tower.

The sword is unparalleled in the chain, and his figure is small, and it is huge to the magma beast.


When I stepped on the altar, he had a relief.

The ceremony of the sacrifice is the same as in the past.

Just this time, he became more calm.

The ceremony ends, looking at the flesh to enter Ding Ding, the sword is unparalleled to start a little excited.

This time, regardless of the white beard old, what treasure is taken, he bits the sacrifice is the flesh, not other.

"Do you make sure you sacrifice the flesh? Young people!"

The sword is unbolded. When you have to confirm again, the ear sounds a calm voice.

"Choose the silver lock!"


This sound?

He is very familiar with the mountains in the copper furnace!

"how come!"

The sword has no double eye hole contraction, the voice of the mountain will tell him the secret of the second floor.

The three locks in the white beard is a treasure.

The previous gold lock is only one of them.

Sepaled separately, the resulting gain is small, but the gain obtained is very huge after the three is combined.

At that time, his flesh will increase a level, and then the flesh will give it to the same flesh when they will give birth to the flesh.

The two are superimposed, and the refining of the cosmic copper furnace will occur.

"I chose the silver lock!"

The sword is unparalleled.

The words of the mountain, he is half a year, and it is a hundred years. Even if the mountain monarch is lie, there is nothing harm.

White beard old, eyebrows pick, face is a bit uns, looking forward to the altar.

However, the sword is unparalleled, he is not good, just change the normal state, snorted, and throwing the silver lock to the sword.

The first gold lock, the second silver lock, the third copper lock, the fourth time is the flesh.

The sword is unparalleled at the beginning of the lock, and his road is still very long.

It is good to be the soul, or you can't get crazy.

However, there is a little, let him accidentally, the first time it took a hundred years, but the second time is not so much.

Less than the third time!

This is associated with his flesh rising.

It's just that his Wanli's body is an increase in external substance, and it cannot be maintained too long.

If it is a basic god, it is fine.

The power of the origin, half of the body is concentrated on the body, and the remaining is quenched flesh.

This pressure, always destroyed the will of the sword.

Finally, I got three locks, and his whole people were slight!

"Samus really didn't lie to me!"

Three giant dragons in the body, swimming in his gluten, the flesh is more than ten times better than ever.

If you choose the flesh, then you can only get a flesh that has just started, and the two are superimposed, that is, it is doubled.

It is not the same now, once the two are coincident, it will be far more than a few times.

"Do you choose a flesh?"

the fourth time!

The sword has not been opened, and the white beard old will take the lead asking questions.

"Yun!" The sword is in a double heart, it is slightly unhappy.

The more you look at this old man, the more it is not like a good person.

Don't pit him!

"Hey!" The old man snorted.

"Young people, some people, don't listen more, the road is narrow, not good!"

White beard old, after a sentence, the figure disappeared.

Only left a flesh.

When the sword is unparalleled, it will re-condense a flesh.

Two flesh, exactly the same, it is simply a constant.

The strength is also equal!

At the trial tower, the sword is unparalleled or some can't believe it.

The flesh that was originally obtained was a dead, or a simple flesh.

But he didn't expect that the got of the flesh, actually can accommodate the origin and its own source, which is equivalent to his other body.

"See this respect!"

"See it!"

The two hugged each other, and the smile on the face is general.

If he is not his own, he can't distinguish anyone is the present or branch.

The mind is moving, the two instantly open the distance, then suddenly hold the box, full!



The two fists whistling, and hundreds of tricks.


After another separation, the sword is unparalleled, and nodded.

"The strength is perfect!"

The power of each punch is comparable to half a step.

With Wan Doubled, he will compare halfway.

If you add your own source, his war will be stronger.

Wanxing Tianmi, it will not be his opponent.

In fact, he chooses to choose a flesh, that is, "Beast God!"

Once the beast gods are fused, his beasts will be stronger, and he will exceed the body of the body.

Once the flesh is unbearable, it will seriously affect his body.

Future route, he has already planned.

The origination is invincible, no one is stronger than him, the existence of the polar is enough to make the crosshance.

The remaining is the body route.

There is a beast god soldier "candle dragon"

His spatial origin will have a half-metric, and the spatial origin corresponds to the future realm.

The second feature is the growth of the body.

Here, he must get it, even if you pay a huge price, you have to get it.

Three combination, Once the old man is successful, re-aggregating the source of space, the field of the beast will be upgraded to a new level.

At that time, once all of them, his body will break through 100 times.

This is the way he wants to go.


The cosmic copper furnace exudes a group of black fog and turned into a mountain.

"Yes, perfect locking dragon tendons, or two!"

The mountain jun mouth with a smile, very satisfied with the sword unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, there is no more thinking, immediately!

This time, the mountain will help him, not as a special machine.

If there is no mountain, this trial will not be satisfactory.

The mountain will smile: "You don't have to thank me, or that sentence, this is what you should get."

"There is no predecessor's pointing, and the old man is afraid that such a perfect mesenger."

Sword is unparalleled!

Although he is now mutated, he can be clear about him.

This is the result, no matter what, if there is an opportunity in the future, he will return.

"Right, I have to remind you that after the top three base trials, the next six times you may always try the tower, ready!"

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