Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 530 Great Harvest

After the sixth floor of the refining, the sword is unimpeded, the unbelievable flesh power, the limitation of the spiritual force, and there is also an octopus of the origin of the origin, so that the power of this sword has already reached a shocking world. Point.

A sword is like a hundred millions of pounds of heavy mountains, and the old people who have also smashed the old people.

Tong Yan crane, the old man is red, like burning a raging fire, this moment is also a punch, want to resist the sword.

Under the collision, the entire body of the old man's old man is like a meteorite, and the ground is smashed down.


On the ground, there was a huge pit with a few meters deep.

"Is it so strong?"

The remaining nine demon rape carefully looked at the sword unparalleled.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the murder is murderous, rumble ~~~ The vast blood river is now crazy from him.

The entire blood river immediately covered the surrounding void, and the blood river also had a heavy invisible sword ripple, this sword fluctuated power is also very strong, this is because the sword is unparalleled. Multi-double world.

Thousands of years, comparable to the previous hundreds, power is still strong.

The surroundings are in the blood river wrapping, and these demon rape immediately incending to have a huge oppressive force in their body, with the sword without double handling field. They have been huge.

Completely followed, the sword is unparalleled.

" "

The two mild swords and light were lit. The two have already reached the Sixth level of the demon rape, and there is a fine sword mark in their throat, and the silk is slowly emerging.

The sword has no double shape is a magic. This time is easy to delay from the three demon people. The three demon rape is not even the resistance of the resistance, and it is directly killed.



The rest of the demon rape soaked in so early, and they didn't want to stay, and they immediately began to escape.

It can be so close to the field of swords and unparalleled areas, these demon rapes should escape, which is a luxury.

However, the blink of an eye, this ten team, including the Tong Yan crane, was killed by the sword.

You must know that this ten people are in addition to eight six-day borders, there are two seven-day-old, but they can still have the rest of the struggle in the sword.

"With my current strength, a field of production, killing the uniformity of the general god, is really relaxed." The sword was unparalleled.

The seven gods of the demon continent will, because the body is strong, put it in the mainland of Shenzhou, and it is close to the eight-year-old power.

The time in which swords are unparalleled to the demon spirit mainland is not long, just months, but in this month, his progress is very large.

Now he, killing these unusual seven gods or monsters, it is indeed very easy, even if it is the second-level god of the eight humming, it is not difficult to kill, it should be difficult.

After the sword is unparalleled, these people have not been killed, and the sergeants of the green fire have come over, and the monsters in the Hundreds team have followed.

"Musou brothers, are you nothing?" The green fire came to the sword.

"Nothing." The sword didn't shake his head, and immediately told: "Go see if these people are squatting."

"Yes." The demon soul should have, and then immediately inspected.

Even if they have died, they have died, but they can be a demon soul or clearly determined whether they are monsters.

After a short moment, there was a result.

"Captain, this ten people, all of them are incense." The demon soul replied.

"Oh?" The sword was unparalleled, and it did not feel unexpectedly for this.

Many sergeants in the hundred people, know that these people are in detail, but they immediately blow up the pot.

"So many monsters are fine, foot is ten, and the weakest are all the squad of the Sixth, and there are even two gods to rape fine, this ... How many demon Dan?" The famous army cheered.

The demon is fine, than those ordinary monsters, more money!

Those ordinary monsters, kill, but only the demon of the monster can be gone, but the demon is different.

Every demon rape, it requires the price of the monsters to spend a small cost. After all, they have to find a way to make this demon detained into humans, and they have to pay for them to the human territory. Among them, the degree of rare is not that the ordinary monsters can be compared.

Therefore, killing the demon rape, better than killing those ordinary monsters, the benefits of getting better.

Under the same level, killing a monster of a sixth order (sixth), and he got a six-order demon.

You can kill a six-order monsters, with this monsters, you can go to Dongying, in exchange for a seven-level demon.

Now the sword is unparalleled with eight six-order demon rape, plus two seven-seven-class monsters, then he goes to Dongying, you can exchange eight seven-level demon, and two eight-step demon This is definitely a great harvest.

"This day, the area is so desolate, the area is very vast, in general, we are hard to touch the demon, don't say that the demon trails of the foot of ten people will be trained. , Unparalleled brothers, have to say that you are really good. "The green fire can't help.

"Haha ~~" The sword is unparalleled, and the spin is waved: "Packed up these demon articles, tomorrow, I will go to Dongying with these bodies. I will find the cold to say that these demon The traitor is replaced into a demon, take it back to everyone. "

"Good." Qing fire nod.

In the early morning of the second day, the sword was unparalleled with these monsters.


Dongying, the seventh collar, the sword is unparalleled first, holding the nephew of the monsters to exchange the demon.

When I saw the sword, I took out this kind of monstrium-tailed body, many of the surrounding sergeants showed the color of shock.

The monsters are in detail, and it is difficult to catch one on weekdays. The sword has no double acts once in one time, and the ten fascinates are fine, this luck ... can be enviable.

With these monsters, after exchanged enough demon, the sword has no double-faced charter.

He, to replace himself, to give this part of the hundred people, to the cold, discuss it!


PS: There will be something to wait, so today I updated in advance, four chapters are updated.

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