Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 531. Discussion

The sword is unparalleled to the accounts where Fang Han is located.

"When I was annoying, I said that the tenth hundred people team leader swords have no doubles." The sword didn't have a pair of guards outside the account.

"Shot." This guard should be, and then it will be notified.

After just a moment, the guard came out of the bill, and the sword was unparalleled: "The unprepared adult said that he has something to handle now, you have to wait."

The sword is not a bite, but it is not anxious. It is waiting outside this yard, soon it is a time, but the cold is still not to see him.

"One time."

The sword is unparalleled, but the eyes are gradually become sharp, "Fang Han, I am enough to your face, you don't know how to cherish, if so, I can't blame me."

I took a deep breath, the next moment, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a step forward.

"Fang Han leaders!"

Cold cold four words, under the infusion of the pound, from the sword unparalleled, but as a thunder, the whole camp is empty.

For a time, many sergeants in the first leader were amazed, and one was shocked.

They are all confused, who is, shouting cold, and still so loud?

Inside the account, the middle-aged man who is slightly fat is, who is drinking wine, leisurely, it is not what he said.

"Hey, the sword is unparalleled, you have a sinful golding, you still want to have a good day in this Dongying, dream." Fang Han smiled, he was going to see him again, it can be discontinued ...

"Fang Han leaders!"

Cold-cooled drinking moment, the sound is like a thunder, and even with a hearing attack.


The wine pot in Fang Han's hand is actually bursting, and the splash of drinks is everywhere.

Fang Ca's face is now gloomy.

"Mix!" A cold drink, Fang Han also couldn't sit, even if you walked outside the account.

Outside the account, the sword has no double back, the face is there, there is a surrounding a lot of sergeants who have gathered a lot of sergeants, they are surprised to watch him.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

A whitewood drunk from the account, then the cold figure stepped from the account, his eyes were deep, the raging angry burned, the sword was unparalphed, and the sound was cold, "sword is unparalleled" The whole collar has said that there is something to handle. If you wait here, you actually send out this big voice to force the art, who borrows your courage, let you arrogant. "

"Let's go?" The sword didn't have a double eyebrow, and smiled: "Fang Han leads, one thing you have to figure it out first."

"I came today, not to see you, but come to find you to say."

"Ask?" The first collar of the first collar around is not shocked.

One of the team captains, finding the way, he is going to ...

"The sword is unparalleled, what do you want to do?" Fang Han is cold.

"Dongying has already regulated that the hundreds of people behind the maintenance of Dongying, using a rotation system, will change a batch every in one month, and I will go to Dongying, you will go to the town to guard the mountains, one has passed two It's a month, don't say that there are other hundred people to replace it, even if you have a message! "

"Fang Han leads, this matter, don't you give me a saying?" The sword didn't have a pair of cold eyes and cold, cold and said: "Three breaths, three breathing time, you must give me a reasonable explanation Otherwise, don't blame me, this beloved is disrespectful. "

When you hear the sword is unparalleled, many of the people around the world are all.

They also finally knew that the sword was unparalleled to find the purpose of the cold.

"The sword is unparalleled, I didn't give you a deceived before. During this time, I first collapsed with the monsters, the people were insufficient, so I can't assign it, so let you continue to be guarded there, have a problem?" Tao.

"Is there a person in human hand?" The sword is unparalleled, "this excuse, you deceive the three-year-old child is okay. For me, it is a little persuasive."

"I have passed the two breathing, there is still a breathing." The sword is unparalleled to the square. "

"Hey, even if there is no reason, I am the leader of the first leader, I will let you go to the town of Tianlun Mountains, you have to go, you can nail me?" Fang Cold.

The sword is unparalleled, just lifting the head, and I have a light flash, "three breathing have arrived."

A full of breath, slamming from the sword without double body, time, sweeping.

Many sergeants around, some of them were astocardized.

They are unclear, the sword is unparalleled.

The next moment, the sword is unparalleled to use the actual action to answer these sergeants.

I saw the sword without a double body shape, leaving a residue in the original place, at the same time, the huge breath of the dragon, but I directly formed a huge storm, and I went to the cold. .

"Have it!"

"He, did he do it directly?"

"One hundred people team leader, doing leadership?"

"Good courage!"

"He's crazy!"

The surrounding sergeants are shocked.

Even if it is a square cold, there is a bit wrong, but it is anger.

"It's really good." Fang Cold snorted, but there was no statement.

It is to know that Dongying is a leader, which is all standing on the top secondary god, and the peak of the eight rickets is recognized.

Among the people of the people of the late Lingling Continent, they are eligible to him. In addition to a very few of the second-level gods that are terrible, only those gods, but the sword is unparalleled ...

This party has nothing to do with the sword.

He has received the sword and unparalleled information, knowing that the sword is unparalleled just soon, and this is the first time to come to the military camp.

In other words, there is no demon ** before the sword is unparalleled.

"Hey, a monster never really touched, I didn't have a experience of experience, I dared to shoot me, I really don't know the life."

The square is cold, and there is also a giant ax in his hand.

~~~ The voids in front of the cold are crazy, and the sword is quietly discovered.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the three kill swords in the hands are, and they are suffering from the sky.

"Dongying's leadership is generally the top second-level God will fight, I want to deal with him, I have to show some means." The sword is unparalleled with eyes, staring at the cold.

His heart has already set an idea.

If you don't show up, you will be able to defeat the other party directly, and put the opponent's thoroughness.

When the cold is not enough, the sword is finally shot.

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