Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 532 is absolutely crushed!


The sword is unparalleled, the vast blood color river is filled, accompanied by the thousandth of the world directly oppressed the past.

Subsequently, the sword was unparalleled, the power of the strong flesh was also infused in the long sword, quietly sword, slamming from the sword.

A sword is brushing, there is no sound, some is just the extreme shining, and there is also the artistic conception of extinction.

Sword Ying brooded from the void, leaving a long Jianhe River, which is not a long time.

, is full!

"It's so glaring!"

There are many sergeants who can't help but close their eyes at this moment.

There is no way, this sword of the sword is unparalleled, too bright, too dazzling, stab your eyes.

"This sword ..." The original is cold, and when I saw the sword, the sword was swept, my eyes were also sharp.

A touch of crisis, actually gave birth.

I don't dare to work when I just fly.

I saw his hands holding the giant ax, tall and lifted, in the moment, the giant ax in his hands yielded a flame of the sky, this flame burned air, with the square, a roaring, this giant ax It is like open the sky, directly roaring.

The giant ax smashed the void, the power of the sky, shocked the sun and the sky.

The sword is quiet, but it is very sword, but also straight.


The power of the two horrible is like stars, and the front collision is collided. It sounds a dramatic collision, and the voids of the confrontation are the sound of the squeezing, as if they have already rushed.

"This little child!"

At that point, I still haven't put the sword unparalleled in the heart, but it is a shocking color.

"The power of this sword, actually this strong horizontal?" Fang Han died in front of the void, the two power still collided in the crazy, but he was obvious that he had gradually gone, he The ax-shadow power of the focal strokes has begun to weaken.

The sword is not a double sword, and it is still a very strong horizontal.

Obviously, this collision, the sword has no doubles account for huge advantages.

"How is it possible? He didn't get in touch with the monster. How many people did not experience it, how would strength?" Fang Hanxin is roaring, and it is incredible.

The strong, generally growing in the experience.

In the information he got, the sword is unparalleled, just coming out from the tribe, just become a god.

Just became God, there must be no experience before that, and the strength is definitely, but the result ...

He does not know, the sword is not a double, not the people of the Library.

He did not have to get into contact with the monster, and he did not experience in this demon continent. He was in the mainland of China, but he came out from the hurricane blood!

On the strength, when he received the god, the sword was unparalleled, the sword was not used to use the sword soul. With his own flesh, the seven road printed, the heart of the sword, the third style, the fourth level, the fourth Off, it must be the top secondary god will be able to go.

In other words, the sword at that time was unparalleled. In the case of no soul of the soul, the combat power is no longer poor than this side.

Once, the sword is unparalleled. It has experienced the 10th day of the landlord, and it has condensed the eighth person's printed, and the strength has been greatly improved.

Two months in the Tianlun Mountain, he had a huge progress in the sword, not only mastered the thousands of power to improve the field, but the most important thing is that he also mastered the fourth style of the sword. Sirring again.

The current sword is unparalleled, and the strength is absolutely stronger than one level when they participate in God.

If it is full of efforts to use the sword soul, the sword is unparalleled, and even can fight with the general gods.

And this party is cold, the top secondary god will fight, and there is no threat to the sword.

"Hey!" The sword was unparalleled, and the sword of the swords that had been forced by the cold festival, the bright light is even more than a matter.

"Can't help it." Fang Han sent a excitement.

" Jian Yings directly crashed the void, and a very horizontal power is in the cold and swept, and the cold hands are not hidden.

! The giant ax in Fang Han's hand has been flying directly from this moment.

The sword is unparalleled, and the big hand has expanded in front of the cold.

"Give me!"

A burst of drinking, the sword didn't hold the palm of the cold, and the horrible flesh power broke out.

, the square shape of the square is in the ground, even if the sword is not parallel, then the sword is unbroken, and the cold body will force the body.

When the time, the ground has a huge feet with a round pothole hole, the gravel rolls, and the pothole.


Fang Hankou also immediately spurted a big blood, and the face was pale.

The sword has no double head, and the shape of the square is like, it seems like a chicken.


The sword is unparalleled, and the Fang Han in the hand is squatted, and the account next to it, the account is immediately five-fold.

Everything salasted.

Said slow, but it is actually unparalleled from the sword, and then goes to Fang Han to be smashed by the sword. This is all done in the electro-optical flame.

Those sergers around the surroundings are still in a stunned, and the winning is already out.

When I saw it on the ground, my face was also pale, and it was struggling to stand up and she was a long time. These sergeants were stunned.

A horror!

A sluggish!

A piece of incredible!

Task, when the sword is unparalleled, these sergeants have almost believed that the sword is unparalleled, and a hundred team captain actually just hosted the leadership.

The current result is unexpected to all people.

at this time……

"Here, what is doing?" A majesty voice suddenly came.

Many sergeants present, including swords and unparallears, I saw a thin black old man is going to step, this black old man is extremely strong, and it is also filled with a strange road. The atmosphere has exposed his identity of his god.


The sergeants present in the scene include the sword unparalleled.

In Dongying, all the strong people in God's hierarchy is the position of the general.

"General, I will do it under the Lord." When I saw it, the cold is immediately sorrowful,

The old man is glanced at the cold, and the face is sinking. "What is going on?"

"General, is him, it is called the sword, a unparalleled person. He is the captain of the hundred people. It is mine, but he just killed me, he wants to rebel!" Fang Han direct swords unparalleled, Officer.

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