Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 533, the rabbit is anxious to bite

"Reverse?" The sword was unparalleled and cold, "" This hat is buckled. "

"Rebellion?" The old man will also vote from the sword.

"I am two months ago, I just went to Dongying, I was a tenth team of captain, but I was just arrived here, I was sent to the town of Tianli Mountain, this town, is two months. "The sword is unparalleled," according to the rules of Dongying, the use of the rim of the sky, the use of the rotation system, will replace a hundred people in the argument every month. "

"The party is cold last month, saying that each hundred people in him have killed the monsters, so let us continue to be guarded, and in this month, even the people who come to the pass. No, I came to talk to this cold. "

"Ask, what is you doing this?" Fang Cold visited the sword.

"Shut up." The old man is in the eyes, and the eyes are also seen in the face. "It is no wonder that there will be no happiness, that day, there will be almost any monster in the weekdays, it is difficult to earn a chance to make a demon, but I have to prevent it. "

"Dongying is to know this, in order to stipulate the hundred people in the rear of the territories. Every month will turn it once, you will be fell, let you go to the town to go to the town for two months, and if this sword is unparalleled without personality If you come to trouble, you will still let his squad will be in the quiet mountains, continue to be guarded down? "

"This ..." Fang Han is slightly changed, and it is weak for a while.

"Hey, don't think that I don't know the abacus of your heart, you are a leader, this is a martyrdom, who will take you? Moreover, you are stronger than you." Black Search Indifference, "Okay, this matter will be made here, immediately arrange other hundred people to go to the sky, as for your injury, just when you are in violation of Dongying rules."

After finishing, this black dress will leave it directly.

"How is this?" Fang Han stood around his eyes and was full of horror.

The general, reprimanded him, but only the words did not sword unparalleled, the sword was unparalleled, but the following is made?

Obviously, this black dress is unparalleled with the sword.

This is not only his, and other sergeants around them have seen it.

Even the sword is unparalleled, it is quite surprised.

Although doubts, the sword is not much more thinking, but it is a cold look, eyesight micro.

Under the gaze of many sergeants around, the sword is unhappy, the pace is going to step, step by step to the cold.

"What are you going to do?" Fang Han died and stared at the sword.

The sword is unparallled overlooking the square cold, face indifferent, "Fang Han collar, look like today, it is a loss, what are you."

Fang cold color micro-change.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, it is attached, and it is a whisper: "Fang Han, I know that some people have authorized you, the person is special, you don't dare to sin him, this is very normal."

"However, before you want to make me, I have to figure out how many pounds I have, I see you is a leader, this will leave a few more faces, but you don't have too much!"

"The rabbit is anxious to bite people, let alone my rabbit, more strengthen than you!"

Fang Han color is blue, half is lying on the ground, listening to the sword is unparalleled, the heart is angry, but it does not dare to attack.

This world, no matter where it is, it is a strong, and the strength of the sword is unparalleled, it is better than him!

If the sword is unparalleled, he is also unable to refute.

I bite my teeth, and the cold is low. "I will arrange people immediately to accept the sunny mountain!"

"Hey, count your knowledge."

Cold snorted, the sword was unparalleled, and he didn't pay attention to this cold, and the mountains went to the sky.

The sword is unparalleled, just in the void of the edge of this camp, the thin black old man stands there and looks at the back of the sword.

Next to this black old, there is another person's existence. It is a man who has a long-haired shawl, Pang Jimei, is the wind of God.

"You let me come, but I stay here, what is the relationship between this little guy?" Asked the old man.

He just appeared, and he was unparalleled towards the sword. It is actually a dramatic.

"I have a difference with this sword, but I have seen it. However, he is not small, just from the tribe, there is a top second-level God to fight, and the body is extremely strong, the most important thing is his sword, non- As with the same general. "Feng Yan God is stunned," "I have just mastered the sword, the reason why it can be learned so quickly, that is, because of the touch of this sword without double sword."

"What?" The old man is surprised.

What is the highness of the wind? The entire Mei Ling Continental Human ethnic group can make a few in the sword road.

Can the swordsmanship of the sword, can you let the gods touched?

Compared to the beginning of the participation of God, his strength is obviously improved, and it is greatly improved. With this potential, I naturally go to him, let alone this thing is that the cold is wrong. "Feng Yong Shen Jun said.

Black old man brows, not much discussion.

"Okay, don't say they, we still have to see the Lord of the Temple of the Qing Moon. This time, the two major monsters are married, this is not a good thing for our human ethnic groups." Feng Yizhen Jun Zheng Guan said.

"Well." The old man also nodded, and immediately went to see the Temple of the Temple of the Town of this Dongying.


In the seventh leader, the cold in front of the cold, returned to a camp.

One-time bill, Fang Han immediately ordered, "Let the Thirty Thousands of Teams, go to the tenth of the tenths of the sword, the tenth of the tenth of the torrents, and let the ninth people team leader Jinling, quickly see me "

"Yes." A sergeant is even if it goes.

Didn't you have long, Jinling appeared in front of a sergeant's leader.

"Fang Han leader, I heard that the sword today is unparalleled to find you."

I have been implementing the task before Jinling. I didn't know what I just happened. I only heard that the sword was unparalleled to find a cold, thinking that Fang Han definitely slammed the sword without double, and was quite happy.

"The sword is unparalleled, let you sin, I have a good fruit to eat in the future." Jin Ling is also very proud.

But when he really walked into the account, when he saw the cold, Jinling browned immediately wrinkled.

"Fang Han leads, you are ..." Jinling saw the pale greement of Fang Han.

Obviously, the cold is seriously injured, and the injury is still not light.

"Hey, not because of you."

Fang Han's voice is cold, and the attitude towards this game is completely like a person.

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