Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 534, the monster attack


Fang Han Dynasty Jinlings saw it, the voice is indifferent, "from today, you will be with the sword unparalleled, I won't be again, you want to find his trouble, you will go to do it, I am too lazy. "

Golden face is slightly changed, but it is still nod, "I understand."

"Go down." Fang Han waved,

Jinling took a gloomy and walked out.

In addition to the account, Jinling's face is turned to come, "This is cold, I gave me a face?"

Jinling is full of cold, but soon, he calm down, "What happened, this is the cold before, I promise me to deal with the sword, but I suddenly changed it now?"

With doubts, Jinling immediately asked the seventh collar, the result was surprised.

"The sword is unparalleled, and the cold is in hand? Moreover, will it be defeated by Fang Han?"

"That cold injury is the sword."

Jinling finally understood.

After understanding, this Jin Lingxin is more concentrated to the whisper of the sword.

"This sword is unparalleled, and God will take the god will be assessing. After a long time, he is enough to defeat Dongying's leadership, this progress is the fourth floor, right, he must use Feng Yizhen Give him a jade, go to the Ten Days of the Fourth Fourth Floor, otherwise the strength is impossible to progress so fast. "

"Bastard, the jade silk should be given to me!"

"The sword is unparalleled, really damn!"

Jin Ling is at the bottom of it.

"Fang Han can't rely on, it seems that you want to deal with this sword is unparalleled, you can only want to think about something else."


The sun is inflammatory, baked.

Just in the forefront of Dongying, there is a vast plain in the Mo Dadang domain that is occupied by the monster.

Rumble ~~~ Countless monsters, with amazing speeds, come together, short moments, and thousands of monsters are gathered here.

These monsters are strange, but they are two.

The first kind of monster, clearly has a human body, but there is a huge leopard head.

The second kind of monsters, all over the whole body, screaming, squatting on the ground, like spiders with eight arms.

These two kinds of monsters come from two magical monsters.

In the middle of this mousse, there is a short young man standing there. This young man seems to be human, but it is a scarlet, it is obviously by the monster.

"Small, today, we have two major monster king married, from today, our two ethnic groups are a family, and the Okuni said, today is the carnival day of our two ethnic groups, everyone can kill "The short man roaring it.

I heard the words of killing, gathered in this large number of monsters, when I sent a sorrowful.

As a monster, it is eager to kill in my bones.

"Haha, small, what are you waiting for? Together with me, go to the human territory." This short man is drinking.

"Hey !!" " !!" "!!"

One of the scenes swayed in this world, followed by thousands of monsters, moved directly.

The dense monsters, these monsters exude the breath of violent violent, form a huge monster torrent, go to the direction of the human territory.

One time, the sky is shaken.

However, how long, this huge monster is flooding, has emerged in a territory of Dongying's guards.

Dongying has a foot-standing man's town behind, but the leader of this collar horse will see that when there is an unprecedented sweepstakes, the collar is exposed to the colors of unprecedented horror.

"Fast, open the big battle!"

"Communication, message, monster hit, the monster!"

The leader immediately made a corresponding measure.

"Haha, small, give me!"

In the monster, the short-laughing, the short-laugh, the dense numbers of the monsters are directly shocked by the major array.

The terrible monsters are torrent, the number of horrible, making the many sergeants of this territor in the territory of this territory.

"Scorpio, so much?"

"No, no! It's not the monster, the monster army, the monster army is coming!"

"Communication, Communication, more than 100,000" Memory March! "

"Speed ​​support, speed support, big arrays can't help!"

As the information sent to the other, the information is transferred to the Dongying high-level, the entire Dongying vibrates.


Silent mountain range, sword is unparalleled just from Dongying.

"Ming brothers, how is it?" Qinghu and many sergeants immediately made up.

"Reassure, there will be some hundred people to replace us immediately." The sword laughed.



Among the many sergeants who have the tenths of the 100th people are full.

This day, they don't want to stay at a moment.

"Green, this is some of the demon trails that I killed yesterday, you took it to your brothers." The sword has no double will take a Qiankun.

"Musou brothers, are you?" The green fire watched the sword.

"These brothers are because of my relationship, they will stay in white for two months here, I naturally won't treat them." The sword is unparalleled.

"Well, good." The green fire nodded, and even if the sergeants began to assign the demon.

Those sergeants heard a demon division, naturally surprised, and at the same time, the captain of the sword was completely convinced.

Before they know is because of the relationship between the sword, they will be sent to the town, it is inevitable that there will be some grievances, but now this grievance has disappeared.

After the demon assignment, it was not long after the demon assignment, and the team responsible for replacement came.

"Ming brothers, this day, I will give us a team." The third team of the team was in the camp, it was a touch of the sword, and there was no pair of swords. Polite.

"It's been working." The sword was unparalleled.

"Haha, we will only wait for a month, but you have to be lucky than you, but you have a big brother, you will be able to play the cold." The team leader of the Thirty people said "I want to say that there is no double brother, your strength is much stronger than that of the cold, and the leadership of this seventh collar should be made by you."

The sword is unparalleled, and he naturally heard the context in this team.

Just then, ~~

A homotic fluctuation came, the sword is unparalleled with the captain of the thirteenth team.


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