Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 535 Endless Memory

"Emergency news! Emergency news!"

"The Mono Mad Army is coming, Dongying belongs, the fire travels to Tianhuo Plain support!"

"Everyone, the fire rushed to the Tianhuo Plain!"

100,000 fire messages, the captain of the sword is unparalleled with the third hundred teams received at the same time.

Two people were shocked by two people.

Dongying's townwell, the human ethnic border, often crashed with the monster, this is a common thing, in general, even if the monster is shocked, Dongying can also be paid.

But now, this 100,000 fire messages, even say that all the Dongying belongs, all walks to support, you can imagine how the impact of Dongying encounters.


Single four words, the meaning is also universal.

"Originally, I still want to rest in this day, there is a month, but now it seems that I have no chance." The team leader of the Thirty people said, and then he looked at the many serves behind him. , High voice: "Brothers, earning the chance of demon Dan, come!"

The surrounding sergeants also saw the urgency, and after hearing the captain, he immediately exposed the color of excitement.

In particular, the sergeants of the sword were unparalleled. They had stayed in the Tianlun Mountains for two months. It has already been free to panic. Now I know that I have an explosive battle with the monsters, and when I have the opportunity to earn a demon, these sergeants. It has become excited.

"The tenth hundred teams are here." The sword is unparalleled, the spread, "Go, kill the beast!"

"Thirty-hundredth team, I will go with me." The captain of the thirty team also opened.

Immediately, the two originally prepared to handover the three people team of Tianlun Mountain Areas, but it is at the same time.

Tianhuo plains, boundless.

This flaw is a fierce continental human ethnic group in the eastern border, and the Tianhuo plain is the widely dominated area of ​​the monsters.

On weekdays, those monsters also launched an impact towards the human ethnic group, with the humanity **, and this battlefield almost all in the Tianhuo Plain.

At this moment, I saw the dense Ma Ma, the sky-covered monsters broke out, rushing in the Tianhuo Plain, crazy to fight Dongying's zone zone.

When the sword is unparalleled with him, the series of the hundred people came to the Tianhuo Plain, and when seeing this scene, it was not shocked.

"Too much, this monster, there are too many quantities." The sword didn't help but exclaimed.

There are countless monsters all over the eight side, but fortunately, Dongying has a huge array in this natural plain. This is a strong powerful, and it has wear the entire flavoring plain. He is heavy in this heavy array, the whole Dongying countless sergeants have been assembled there, one is tested.

The tenth team of swords and unparalleled teams with the thirteenth team, immediately appeared in the camp in the seventh collar.

The leader of the seventh collar is cold. At this moment, he stood before the seventh collar, but his face was still pale, and the breath was very slight.

"Damn, I met the monsters in the monsters at this time." Fang Han is cold.

He is unparalleled with swords today. He is unparalleled by swords. It is only barely and calmed down until now, but the war has not resumed the peak.

At this time, the monsters of the monsters came, and they were absolutely worst for him.

"What is going on? How did you have so many monsters to hit?"

"Such a number of monsters are hit together, this is not very common in the history of the entire human group!"

"I heard that it was two major monster princes, this order, the monster group crazy, killing my ethnic group."

Many sergeants in Dongying have disclosed them.

That dense maidaus, the unmete the monster, the madness shocked the giant big big array, and I wanted to tear this major array after a fear, and then killed the human martial arts in the big array. However, this major array The power is obviously not the same, although it is a quite shock from countless monsters, but it is still very strong.

Of course, this is just in the core of the largest large array area, but the scope of this big arcade is extremely wide. Those monsters are also impacted, some of the powerful places, the madness of the monsters, but gradually Some small gaps have appeared.

These gaps, although the Big Array can recover themselves, but it takes time to recover.


"The Seventeenth Region of the Big, there is a gap!"

"The command, the fourth collar immediately dispatched, go to the seven-year area to guard, will enter all the monsters in the big battle, all kill!"




"Region No. 8 of the Big, there are large gaps, and there have been more than hundreds of monsters to kill the big array."

"The first lead, the third collar will immediately dispatched, holding the movie, will enter the Monstery of the Big Array, all kill!"




"The order is going on ..."

A order command quickly conveyed.

On the core battlefield of the Tianhuo Plain, many of Dongying have already gathered there, even if there is a rare palace in the next day, there are already two, in addition, there are many generals. exist.

At this moment, these high-rise powers are solemn.

If these monsters are just a front impact, that is also good to say, on the front battlefield, there are two temples plus their existence of these generals, plus the existence of the big array, they can confuse these monsters.

But the key is those that are shocked.

After all, the Tianhuo plains are too huge. This array needs to run through the entire flaw plain, and there is too much place to defend against the defense, and those the monsters are shocks in the big corners of the big array. Although this big battle can Strong to the extreme, but there is no way to take all the horses all resistant.

Some small gaps have emerged, which is inevitable.

Although it is just a small gap, it is a big thing, so that these gaps must be taken in the human territory from these gaps.

"Newspaper, No. 9 region, have an export."

"The order, the seventh collar starts immediately, holding the vibration of the nazi area."

The order of the order will be reached, and many sergeants who have already hosted the seventh collar they have, and immediately expose excitement.

"Come with me!"

Fang Chan is a leader, even if he is seriously injured, it is still in the forefront of the first side, and it will go to the ninth area.

Region No. 9, there is a relatively distant distance from the front battlefield, although the sergeants of the seventh collar hurriedly, but when they arrived, they have passed for a while, and during this time, from this time The monster in the gap have already exceeded the thousand heads.

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