The thousands of the monsters entered the big array, and these monsters were emitted to violent violent temperament. These atmospheres were strong.

Strong, has reached the level of seventh order or even the eight-order monsters, and weak, but even the monsters of the Holy State have.

In that gap, there is still a continuous monster of the soul, but fortunately, the mouth is not big, these monsters will come in from the gap, they have to spend some hands and feet, otherwise, just that time, flour The monsters are never just this.

"Let this group of monsters, all kill all!" Fang Caped cold, cold and cold.


The whole seventh collar, ten hundred teams, there are thousands of sergeants, these sergeants, even the weakest is the six-day level, and the captain of the tenth team, is a genuine first-class god will be held. All added, and the combat power is extremely amazing.


The group has poured into the monsters in the big cave, and the sergeants who were noticeed at the seventh collar, and the violent breath fiercely slammed from them, and the whole sky was in a dark cloud.

"Killing this group of humans." There is also a roaring sound in the monster, and the words used by it is human language.


A road roaring, these monsters came crazy.


"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"This can be a demon."

The sergeants of the seventh collar are all hot, the time, the two big lineups are collided, and the fierce and crazy fierce battle will explode.


A fairy sword is in the empty empty, the sword is very fast, and it is essentially captured the trajectory of the sword.

Sword Ying, but it was easy to wear a seven-level monster body. Subsequently followed the six-order monsters behind him, the sixth-order monsters were obviously not reacted, and they were worn by the swords and shadows. Body.

Just a sword, it is easy to kill a seven-level monsters plus a six-order monster, and the owner of this sword is naturally a sword.

"These monsters can be a demon dress." The sword has no double eyes.

For these monsters, he will not have a whit, and it is a killing.

" " " "

I saw a sword of swords and light, and the sword was unparalleled to shuttle in the battlefield. The sword light whistling will easily kill a demon.

Although these monsters have strong strength, but they are unparalleled for the current swords. Even if they are seven-level monsters, they are enough to kill, but also the eight-order monsters can barely resist one or two of his attacks. Under this situation, the sword has no murderer, it is simply slaughter.

Just a moment, the monsters killed in the sword, there was more than twenty.

"The sword is unparalleled." The voice suddenly came from next to it.

"Well? Fang Han?" The sword was unparalleled and found that people who appeared to beside themselves were the leader of the seventh collar.

"Is there something?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have some contradictions before you, but this is only private grudge, now this mammon impact is great, I hope that you can put down the previous things, listen to my instructions, deal with this battle." Han Zheng has taken.

"Oh?" The sword didn't have a double eyeliner. He looked at the cold. He can see the sincere sincerity in this cold eye. When you nod, "You are a leader, as long as your order is just, I have no publication, I Naturally it will be listening. "

"That's good."

Fang Chan is nodded, I will say again: "I know that you have a sector means quite wonderful, and the power is also extremely strong. Now I have a seventh collar with this group of monsters, although it is absolutely superior, then not Forming a rolling potential, and your field is in the entire battlefield, the impact should be small, show it. "

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled and there is no refusal.

Even if this party is cold, he has also planned to show his own field.

The only moves with the sword, the rumble ~~~ The vast blood river is crazy about the first time.

The blood river is also accompanied by an invisible sword fluctuating, and it will be covered throughout the battlefield.

"Field, oppression!"

As the sword has no double, drink, this is a big blood river, which is directly oppressed to those monsters.

Every monster, at this moment, it has been greatly comparative pressure.

Those grades of monsters are still good, and they can be able to resist, but they are only subject to some restrictions.

However, those strength, just a sacred world, or only the monsters of the ordinary clouds, under this huge oppression, the bombing is straight down, just squatting on the ground, It is impossible to lift it.

"this is……"

The sergeants of the seventh collar saw this scene, they were shocked, and they went to the sword without double.

"What to do, hurry to kill!" The sword is unparalleled.

These sergeants have reacted, and they are exclamating crazy to kill the group of monsters.

"Haha, brothers, kill me!"

"Killing them, put these monsters, all kill all!"

"Stay first, don't let other monsters come in again!"

"Killing the beast, win the demon!"

The shout of the seventh conference sergeant sounded on the battlefield.

Originally, when they kill this group of monsters, they had already occupied absolute winds. Now they have a sword unparalleled field auxiliary, then it is completely crushed, this group of monsters have become fish on the board, these sergeants Think of how to get more demon.

And the group of monsters, although they are still struggling, they can't find a slight effect.

For short film, these feathers that have poured into the big array have been killed, and they have been completely blocked as for the big gap.

Although this gap has not been repaired, this is too small, and a monster wants to spend some hands and feet, while the sergeants of the seventh collar, just send a hundred people in this, it is enough to Overall.

"The eighth hundred teams, holding this movie, others follow me, to support the surrounding battlefields."

In addition to the eighth person, the other nine hundred teams, under the leadership of Fang Han, and dare to go to the battlefield next to them.

"Ask for assistance, the 14th area, there are large-scale gaps, there are already thousands of monster, we can't hold it!"

A rescue information suddenly passed, and the sound was anxious.

"Region 14th, is the place where the sixth collar is responsible for the guard, it is not far away from us." After Fang Han received the rescue information, his eyes immediately smashed.

"Go, immediately go to the 14th area."


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