Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 537 Rescue

The fourteenth region, on the big array, there have been a huge gap that is enough to accommodate the two monsters, and the continuous monster, through this vibration, the number is at least thousands of heads.

The sixth leading sergeants who guarded this gap were tenacious to block the impact of these monsters, but the loss was extremely heavy, and thousands of people were taken. At this moment, only one-third, still stronger.

When many sergeants of the seventh collar appeared in the fourteenth region, they also scared a hop when they looked at the sky-covered monster.

"So many monsters." Fang Han is dignified, and the radius will face the sword. "The sword is unparalleled, relying on you."

"Give it to me." The sword is unparalleled, and the figure is span.

~~~ The vast blood color river is covered with an amazing speed, and it will cover the entire battlefield in an instant.

The strong field is compressed. In those monsters, the powerful monsters fell by the oppression, and the powerful monsters were compressed under this field, and they were also tremended.

"Kill!" Fang Han looked low, and many sergeants throughout the seventh collar immediately killed the past.

"Haha, brothers, our reinforcements come, kill, kill this group of monsters!" The Sixth collar shouted, immediately with the seventh collar, the sergeant started to fight against these monsters.

The sword is unparalleled in the field, and its own is also the first time.

Yan ~~ The eye-catching sword is light, and it is easy to brush from a monster.

This sword is bright, the speed is amazing, even if it is the seven-level monster, it can't stop the sword of the sword, and only the eight-order monster can pick up the sword without double one or two swords, which can be present. Although the group of monster is very large, how many heads have been truly reached?


The sword is unparalleled in the monster group, and the slaughter is slaughtered. If you have all, a lot of monsters are spread all over, just like a Tara battlefield.

At this point, the sword is unparalleled, but it is not hidden, but as much as possible, as much as possible to kill these monsters.

After all, behind them, it is human territory. If these monsters really rushed into human territories, the consequences are unimaginable.


The sword has no eyes in the eyes, this sword is unparalleled sword light brushing directly from the throat of the eight-level monster, and the body of this eight-stage monster is immediately falling into the ground.


"Which captain is a good strength."

"Scorpio, the three swords will kill the eight-order"! "

Many human serves around the surrounding people pay attention to the scene of the sword unpacking, and immediately shocked one by one.

It is possible to slaughter in the monster group, which is absolutely much stronger than those who will lead to those top secondary gods.

Like the sixth collar, the leader with the seventh collar, the two are the top secondary gods, but even if they can easily kill a monster, but they don't have a sword. This is straightforward.

"Haha, this is the captain of my tenth hundred teams, swords are unparalleled!"

"It is our captain."

"I saw it, this is our captain, and the area of ​​the domain is also exhibited by our captain."

Those sergers who have no doubles in the sword are very satisfactory.

The surrounding sergeants are amazing the strength of the sword, and they also surprised one by one. There is such a great power in their camp, and also to show these strong domain tools, these monsters, what?

The morale of these human sergeants suddenly rose!

On the battlefield, when I saw the sword unparalleled, when these human sergeants were information, only one of the faces were allowed.

This person is Jinling.

Jinling is also the seventh collar. This time, this time is the first battle with the sword. But this way, although he kills a lot of monsters, he got a lot of monster demon Dan, but there is no double ratio with swords. It's too far to get up, too far.

"This guy." Jinling is cold and staring at the sword. It is full of complarge.

At the same time, while the battlefield of the fourteenth region, on the front battlefield of this flawing plain, the battle is significantly tens of times.

I saw the dense Memue beast, at least more than 100,000 monsters, under the leadership of many eight-order, even some nine-level monsters, madness towards the human camp, and those generals in the human camp are all shot, in the whole force Resist.

The monster army's rear, that mankind, a short young man standing on a high-shelf, in that, continuous order.

"Small, kill me, the more you kill."

This young man is very exciting, and the face is full of excitement.

At this time, there is a human body, but it is a leopard's monster to walk to the young man.

"Adults." This leopard behemoth, "The 14th region of the human camp, was hit by our impact, and the thousands of thousands of people have rushed into the big array. You can let more people rush into the big array, and the agency of the human camp arrived, and the offensive of our family will be blocked. "

"Oh?" The young man appeared, asked: "How big is the movie?"

"It is enough to accommodate the two people in." Leopard head monster.

"Haha." The young man laughed immediately. "Such a big gap, only half an hour, it is enough to flour into the monster."

"Magic 5." Young man opened.

"Adults." Now there is a head color, and the whole body is coming into the sauce of purple black scales.

"Take your ethnicity immediately rushed to the 14th region of the human camp, repelting those humans, let more the monster into the human territory."

"Yes." The monster that spread the purple black scales should be, then it is immediately going to go.

With the purple black scales, there are many monsters, these monsters, including the purple black scaly mammad, the light is eight-order monster, there is more than 20 years, seven orders The monsters are hundreds of heads. As for the other monsters below the seven-order, it has more than 10,000.

These monsters, the first time rushed to the fourteenth area of ​​the human camp.

The battlefields in the fourteenth region have gradually stabilized.

The sixth collar, the seventh collar, many sergeants with swords and unparalleled areas, plus the slaughter of the sword unparalleled, the slaughter, the morale is rising, and the war is more stronger, and it has gradually occupied the upper wind.

"Next, I only need to think that the large gap is blocked." The sword is unparalleled.

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